Questions for legal experts pseudo and otherwise.


Gold Member
Oct 9, 2015
BFE Texas.
So reviewing the Muller investigation and all the stuff around it, say that the crime was some type of white collar crime that a city or state DA was investigating. And say all the weird crap and other questions around the Muller thing we’re there for the state case. Would that DA have been run out of the office, or would it all have been okay?
??? I'm not sure what you are asking. If the wrongdoing involves federal level conspiracy or conflicts of interest, that's a different level than if fraud or wrongdoing is found on a state level.

Which wrongdoing by which parties, which coverup/conspiracy to bias investigation,
and which people/agencies behind investigation are you trying to complain about?
??? I'm not sure what you are asking. If the wrongdoing involves federal level conspiracy or conflicts of interest, that's a different level than if fraud or wrongdoing is found on a state level.

Which wrongdoing by which parties, which coverup/conspiracy to bias investigation,
and which people/agencies behind investigation are you trying to complain about?

Na, take a crime, any crime on a state level. Then say the LE investing it did so in the same manner Muller did the Trump thing. Would the case survive in court? Is that better?
??? I'm not sure what you are asking. If the wrongdoing involves federal level conspiracy or conflicts of interest, that's a different level than if fraud or wrongdoing is found on a state level.

Which wrongdoing by which parties, which coverup/conspiracy to bias investigation,
and which people/agencies behind investigation are you trying to complain about?

Na, take a crime, any crime on a state level. Then say the LE investing it did so in the same manner Muller did the Trump thing. Would the case survive in court? Is that better?

Neither SHOULD survive in court, but if they do this shows
the corruption and political gameplaying on both state and federal levels.

Crixus I advocate to start demanding taxpayer reimbursement for the cost
of such abuses of public resources and authority. Regardless if these occur
on state or federal levels, if we the people start demanding respect for due process,
and prevention of wrongs to begin with, we can refuse to be "billed" and charged
for the debts and damages caused by both the ORIGINAL criminal abuse and wrongdoing
as well as the additional costs of corruption and abuse of the prosecution process.

We should be reimbursed for BOTH, and charge these costs to the wrongdoers
causing each wrong. I believe that would deter and prevent this misconduct in the future,
cut down on crime and corruption, by holding wrongdoers (not innocent taxpayers)
responsible for the bill for debts and damages occurred by violations and abuses.
??? I'm not sure what you are asking. If the wrongdoing involves federal level conspiracy or conflicts of interest, that's a different level than if fraud or wrongdoing is found on a state level.

Which wrongdoing by which parties, which coverup/conspiracy to bias investigation,
and which people/agencies behind investigation are you trying to complain about?

Na, take a crime, any crime on a state level. Then say the LE investing it did so in the same manner Muller did the Trump thing. Would the case survive in court? Is that better?

Neither SHOULD survive in court, but if they do this shows
the corruption and political gameplaying on both state and federal levels.

Crixus I advocate to start demanding taxpayer reimbursement for the cost
of such abuses of public resources and authority. Regardless if these occur
on state or federal levels, if we the people start demanding respect for due process,
and prevention of wrongs to begin with, we can refuse to be "billed" and charged
for the debts and damages caused by both the ORIGINAL criminal abuse and wrongdoing
as well as the additional costs of corruption and abuse of the prosecution process.

We should be reimbursed for BOTH, and charge these costs to the wrongdoers
causing each wrong. I believe that would deter and prevent this misconduct in the future,
cut down on crime and corruption, by holding wrongdoers (not innocent taxpayers)
responsible for the bill for debts and damages occurred by violations and abuses.

My thoughts are that of a city DA’s office carried out an investigation in this manner the case would be tossed in a heartbeat if a grand jury even took it and that DA’s office would be purged from the top down. Glad someone’s thinks the same.
??? I'm not sure what you are asking. If the wrongdoing involves federal level conspiracy or conflicts of interest, that's a different level than if fraud or wrongdoing is found on a state level.

Which wrongdoing by which parties, which coverup/conspiracy to bias investigation,
and which people/agencies behind investigation are you trying to complain about?

Na, take a crime, any crime on a state level. Then say the LE investing it did so in the same manner Muller did the Trump thing. Would the case survive in court? Is that better?

Neither SHOULD survive in court, but if they do this shows
the corruption and political gameplaying on both state and federal levels.

Crixus I advocate to start demanding taxpayer reimbursement for the cost
of such abuses of public resources and authority. Regardless if these occur
on state or federal levels, if we the people start demanding respect for due process,
and prevention of wrongs to begin with, we can refuse to be "billed" and charged
for the debts and damages caused by both the ORIGINAL criminal abuse and wrongdoing
as well as the additional costs of corruption and abuse of the prosecution process.

We should be reimbursed for BOTH, and charge these costs to the wrongdoers
causing each wrong. I believe that would deter and prevent this misconduct in the future,
cut down on crime and corruption, by holding wrongdoers (not innocent taxpayers)
responsible for the bill for debts and damages occurred by violations and abuses.

My thoughts are that of a city DA’s office carried out an investigation in this manner the case would be tossed in a heartbeat if a grand jury even took it and that DA’s office would be purged from the top down. Glad someone’s thinks the same.

I've seen things tossed out that should have been pursued.
And things politicized that didn't need to be.
So it still depends on what the taxpayers are willing to pay for!
The sooner we unite, the sooner we can say NO to any more
shenanigans at our expense. We need to work smarter by working together
instead of against each other at our own expense!
??? I'm not sure what you are asking. If the wrongdoing involves federal level conspiracy or conflicts of interest, that's a different level than if fraud or wrongdoing is found on a state level.

Which wrongdoing by which parties, which coverup/conspiracy to bias investigation,
and which people/agencies behind investigation are you trying to complain about?

Na, take a crime, any crime on a state level. Then say the LE investing it did so in the same manner Muller did the Trump thing. Would the case survive in court? Is that better?
Did Trump committee a crime? If he did not then this is apples to oranges bullshit!
See? Mueller was not investigating a crime. He was searching for a crime! Big fucking difference!
??? I'm not sure what you are asking. If the wrongdoing involves federal level conspiracy or conflicts of interest, that's a different level than if fraud or wrongdoing is found on a state level.

Which wrongdoing by which parties, which coverup/conspiracy to bias investigation,
and which people/agencies behind investigation are you trying to complain about?

Na, take a crime, any crime on a state level. Then say the LE investing it did so in the same manner Muller did the Trump thing. Would the case survive in court? Is that better?

Neither SHOULD survive in court, but if they do this shows
the corruption and political gameplaying on both state and federal levels.

Crixus I advocate to start demanding taxpayer reimbursement for the cost
of such abuses of public resources and authority. Regardless if these occur
on state or federal levels, if we the people start demanding respect for due process,
and prevention of wrongs to begin with, we can refuse to be "billed" and charged
for the debts and damages caused by both the ORIGINAL criminal abuse and wrongdoing
as well as the additional costs of corruption and abuse of the prosecution process.

We should be reimbursed for BOTH, and charge these costs to the wrongdoers
causing each wrong. I believe that would deter and prevent this misconduct in the future,
cut down on crime and corruption, by holding wrongdoers (not innocent taxpayers)
responsible for the bill for debts and damages occurred by violations and abuses.

My thoughts are that of a city DA’s office carried out an investigation in this manner the case would be tossed in a heartbeat if a grand jury even took it and that DA’s office would be purged from the top down. Glad someone’s thinks the same.

I've seen things tossed out that should have been pursued.
And things politicized that didn't need to be.
So it still depends on what the taxpayers are willing to pay for!
The sooner we unite, the sooner we can say NO to any more
shenanigans at our expense. We need to work smarter by working together
instead of against each other at our own expense!

Sadly, our political don’t work that way. Democrats are the goose stepping goons who will gut pregnant women and throw the babies they ripped from their bellies into a cat of acid, and Republican are evil industrialist who will make pregnant woman drink poison water and work as slaves in the oil refineries. I do hope that changes .
The cost of the investigation would bankrupt most cities and counties and some states. It simply isn't feasible to spend so much money trying to find a crime to prosecute when there is plenty of crime to spend scarce resources on.

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