Questions.....RE: The Greenhouse Effect

Sorry guy...bastardized versions of the SB equations are bullshit and only bullshitters use them...they apply unicorn perspiration and fairy dust which has no effect and can not be measured...all you have is faith...same as all other religious zealots.

Want to break out your big book of dogma?...or maybe show me some relics from the founders of your religion?...maybe a hair from Schrodenger's cat stored reverently in a box made from wood from mann's most influential tree in history?

Of course Schrodenger's cat was just a model and has no actual hair, but the fact that it isn't real really means nothing to you does it? A model hair is as valid as an actual hair....right?

You wuwei...are a top shelf, first class putz...the very idea of trying to argue non reality against reality with a straight face would only occur to someone like you...and you believe your faith is an actual argument...and worse yet, you believe it is valid because others believe along with you.

They keep using the NET energy flow concept while the 2nd law only says only ONE WAY transfer, no mention of net at all..

the 2nd law only says only ONE WAY transfer,

Where does the 2nd Law mention radiation?

It doesn't, but Radiation is nothing more than moving from a source to elsewhere, with energy in it. The Sun radiates spreading energy into the solar system as example.

Thermodynamics discusses how energy moves from one state to another, such as "heat" moves in the atmosphere from the hotter surface to the cooler air on the way out to space by radiation.

It doesn't, but Radiation is nothing more than moving from a source to elsewhere, with energy in it.

Right. The 2nd Law doesn't say radiation can only go one way. So why do you think it only goes one way?

Yes it does, gave you the obvious example, the sun the SOURCE of radiation energy for the solar system, it does in one direction, away from itself in all direction carrying energy with it.

You are getting into semantics here.
Sorry guy...bastardized versions of the SB equations are bullshit and only bullshitters use them...they apply unicorn perspiration and fairy dust which has no effect and can not be measured...all you have is faith...same as all other religious zealots.

Want to break out your big book of dogma?...or maybe show me some relics from the founders of your religion?...maybe a hair from Schrodenger's cat stored reverently in a box made from wood from mann's most influential tree in history?

Of course Schrodenger's cat was just a model and has no actual hair, but the fact that it isn't real really means nothing to you does it? A model hair is as valid as an actual hair....right?

You wuwei...are a top shelf, first class putz...the very idea of trying to argue non reality against reality with a straight face would only occur to someone like you...and you believe your faith is an actual argument...and worse yet, you believe it is valid because others believe along with you.

They keep using the NET energy flow concept while the 2nd law only says only ONE WAY transfer, no mention of net at all..

the 2nd law only says only ONE WAY transfer,

Where does the 2nd Law mention radiation?

It doesn't, but Radiation is nothing more than moving from a source to elsewhere, with energy in it. The Sun radiates spreading energy into the solar system as example.

Thermodynamics discusses how energy moves from one state to another, such as "heat" moves in the atmosphere from the hotter surface to the cooler air on the way out to space by radiation.

It doesn't, but Radiation is nothing more than moving from a source to elsewhere, with energy in it.

Right. The 2nd Law doesn't say radiation can only go one way. So why do you think it only goes one way?

Yes it does, gave you the obvious example, the sun the SOURCE of radiation energy for the solar system, it does in one direction, away from itself in all direction carrying energy with it.

You are getting into semantics here.

Yes it does, gave you the obvious example, the sun the SOURCE of radiation energy for the solar system, it does in one direction,

Are you claiming no radiation is allowed to travel toward the Sun? What stops it?

You are getting into semantics here.

I'm getting into physics here.
Sorry guy...bastardized versions of the SB equations are bullshit and only bullshitters use them...they apply unicorn perspiration and fairy dust which has no effect and can not be measured...all you have is faith...same as all other religious zealots.

Want to break out your big book of dogma?...or maybe show me some relics from the founders of your religion?...maybe a hair from Schrodenger's cat stored reverently in a box made from wood from mann's most influential tree in history?

Of course Schrodenger's cat was just a model and has no actual hair, but the fact that it isn't real really means nothing to you does it? A model hair is as valid as an actual hair....right?

You wuwei...are a top shelf, first class putz...the very idea of trying to argue non reality against reality with a straight face would only occur to someone like you...and you believe your faith is an actual argument...and worse yet, you believe it is valid because others believe along with you.

They keep using the NET energy flow concept while the 2nd law only says only ONE WAY transfer, no mention of net at all..

the 2nd law only says only ONE WAY transfer,

Where does the 2nd Law mention radiation?

The second law speaks to energy...all energy...Are you saying that radiation is not energy?

And if that is what you are saying, then lets put that bit of idiocy to bed right now...radiation is, in fact, energy...and the second law speaks to all energy and says that spontaneously, it only moves from a more ordered state to a less ordered state...and that is the only direction it moves. If you want two way energy flow, that is, energy from a less ordered state to move back to a more ordered state, then you must apply work.

NRC: Radiation Basics

"Radiation is energy given off by matter in the form of rays or high-speed particles

Radiation - ANS

"Radiation is energy that travels as particles or waves and can be naturally occurring or man-made. It is all around us in various forms ranging from radio waves to x-rays to cosmic radiation."

Radiation Basics | US EPA

"Radiation is energy. It can come from unstable atoms that undergo radioactive decay, or it can be produced by machines. Radiation travels from its source in the form of energy waves or energized particles. There are different forms of radiation and they have different properties and effects."

Electromagnetic Spectrum - Introduction

"Radiation is energy that travels and spreads out as it goes – the visible light that comes from a lamp in your house and the radio waves that come from a radio station are two types of electromagnetic radiation. The other types of EM radiation that make up the electromagnetic spectrum are microwaves, infrared light, ultraviolet light, X-rays and gamma-rays."

Understanding Radiation - National Nuclear Regulator

"Radiation is energy in motion in the form of waves or streams of particles. There are many kinds of radiation all around us. Sound and visible light are familiar forms of radiation. Other types include ultraviolet radiation, which produces a suntan, infrared radiation, which is a form of heat energy, and radio and television signals."
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The second law speaks to energy...all energy...Are you saying that radiation is not energy?

And if that is what you are saying, then lets put that bit of idiocy to bed right now...radiation is, in fact, energy...and the second law speaks to all energy and says that spontaneously, it only moves from a more ordered state to a less ordered state...and that is the only direction it moves. If you want two way energy flow, that is, energy from a less ordered state to move back to a more ordered state, then you must apply work.

NRC: Radiation Basics

"Radiation is energy given off by matter in the form of rays or high-speed particles

Radiation - ANS

"Radiation is energy that travels as particles or waves and can be naturally occurring or man-made. It is all around us in various forms ranging from radio waves to x-rays to cosmic radiation."

Radiation Basics | US EPA

"Radiation is energy. It can come from unstable atoms that undergo radioactive decay, or it can be produced by machines. Radiation travels from its source in the form of energy waves or energized particles. There are different forms of radiation and they have different properties and effects."

Electromagnetic Spectrum - Introduction

"Radiation is energy that travels and spreads out as it goes – the visible light that comes from a lamp in your house and the radio waves that come from a radio station are two types of electromagnetic radiation. The other types of EM radiation that make up the electromagnetic spectrum are microwaves, infrared light, ultraviolet light, X-rays and gamma-rays."

Understanding Radiation - National Nuclear Regulator

"Radiation is energy in motion in the form of waves or streams of particles. There are many kinds of radiation all around us. Sound and visible light are familiar forms of radiation. Other types include ultraviolet radiation, which produces a suntan, infrared radiation, which is a form of heat energy, and radio and television signals."
What is the point of your post. Tod said the the 2nd law does not mention radiation. That is true. Everyone that is familiar with the 2nd law knows it refers to all energy, not just radiation.
Your post gives redundant definitions of radiation that every high school kid should know. You are not making any point that refutes anything here. It is just a snarky strawman.
Sorry guy...bastardized versions of the SB equations are bullshit and only bullshitters use them...they apply unicorn perspiration and fairy dust which has no effect and can not be measured...all you have is faith...same as all other religious zealots.

Want to break out your big book of dogma?...or maybe show me some relics from the founders of your religion?...maybe a hair from Schrodenger's cat stored reverently in a box made from wood from mann's most influential tree in history?

Of course Schrodenger's cat was just a model and has no actual hair, but the fact that it isn't real really means nothing to you does it? A model hair is as valid as an actual hair....right?

You wuwei...are a top shelf, first class putz...the very idea of trying to argue non reality against reality with a straight face would only occur to someone like you...and you believe your faith is an actual argument...and worse yet, you believe it is valid because others believe along with you.

They keep using the NET energy flow concept while the 2nd law only says only ONE WAY transfer, no mention of net at all..

the 2nd law only says only ONE WAY transfer,

Where does the 2nd Law mention radiation?

The second law speaks to energy...all energy...Are you saying that radiation is not energy?

And if that is what you are saying, then lets put that bit of idiocy to bed right now...radiation is, in fact, energy...and the second law speaks to all energy and says that spontaneously, it only moves from a more ordered state to a less ordered state...and that is the only direction it moves. If you want two way energy flow, that is, energy from a less ordered state to move back to a more ordered state, then you must apply work.

NRC: Radiation Basics

"Radiation is energy given off by matter in the form of rays or high-speed particles

Radiation - ANS

"Radiation is energy that travels as particles or waves and can be naturally occurring or man-made. It is all around us in various forms ranging from radio waves to x-rays to cosmic radiation."

Radiation Basics | US EPA

"Radiation is energy. It can come from unstable atoms that undergo radioactive decay, or it can be produced by machines. Radiation travels from its source in the form of energy waves or energized particles. There are different forms of radiation and they have different properties and effects."

Electromagnetic Spectrum - Introduction

"Radiation is energy that travels and spreads out as it goes – the visible light that comes from a lamp in your house and the radio waves that come from a radio station are two types of electromagnetic radiation. The other types of EM radiation that make up the electromagnetic spectrum are microwaves, infrared light, ultraviolet light, X-rays and gamma-rays."

Understanding Radiation - National Nuclear Regulator

"Radiation is energy in motion in the form of waves or streams of particles. There are many kinds of radiation all around us. Sound and visible light are familiar forms of radiation. Other types include ultraviolet radiation, which produces a suntan, infrared radiation, which is a form of heat energy, and radio and television signals."

If you want two way energy flow, that is, energy from a less ordered state to move back to a more ordered state, then you must apply work.

Where is the work on the Sun's surface?
Sorry guy...bastardized versions of the SB equations are bullshit and only bullshitters use them...they apply unicorn perspiration and fairy dust which has no effect and can not be measured...all you have is faith...same as all other religious zealots.

Want to break out your big book of dogma?...or maybe show me some relics from the founders of your religion?...maybe a hair from Schrodenger's cat stored reverently in a box made from wood from mann's most influential tree in history?

Of course Schrodenger's cat was just a model and has no actual hair, but the fact that it isn't real really means nothing to you does it? A model hair is as valid as an actual hair....right?

You wuwei...are a top shelf, first class putz...the very idea of trying to argue non reality against reality with a straight face would only occur to someone like you...and you believe your faith is an actual argument...and worse yet, you believe it is valid because others believe along with you.

They keep using the NET energy flow concept while the 2nd law only says only ONE WAY transfer, no mention of net at all..

the 2nd law only says only ONE WAY transfer,

Where does the 2nd Law mention radiation?

The second law speaks to energy...all energy...Are you saying that radiation is not energy?

And if that is what you are saying, then lets put that bit of idiocy to bed right now...radiation is, in fact, energy...and the second law speaks to all energy and says that spontaneously, it only moves from a more ordered state to a less ordered state...and that is the only direction it moves. If you want two way energy flow, that is, energy from a less ordered state to move back to a more ordered state, then you must apply work.

NRC: Radiation Basics

"Radiation is energy given off by matter in the form of rays or high-speed particles

Radiation - ANS

"Radiation is energy that travels as particles or waves and can be naturally occurring or man-made. It is all around us in various forms ranging from radio waves to x-rays to cosmic radiation."

Radiation Basics | US EPA

"Radiation is energy. It can come from unstable atoms that undergo radioactive decay, or it can be produced by machines. Radiation travels from its source in the form of energy waves or energized particles. There are different forms of radiation and they have different properties and effects."

Electromagnetic Spectrum - Introduction

"Radiation is energy that travels and spreads out as it goes – the visible light that comes from a lamp in your house and the radio waves that come from a radio station are two types of electromagnetic radiation. The other types of EM radiation that make up the electromagnetic spectrum are microwaves, infrared light, ultraviolet light, X-rays and gamma-rays."

Understanding Radiation - National Nuclear Regulator

"Radiation is energy in motion in the form of waves or streams of particles. There are many kinds of radiation all around us. Sound and visible light are familiar forms of radiation. Other types include ultraviolet radiation, which produces a suntan, infrared radiation, which is a form of heat energy, and radio and television signals."

If you want two way energy flow, that is, energy from a less ordered state to move back to a more ordered state, then you must apply work.

Where is the work on the Sun's surface?

You can't be serious?

The Suns Radiation are moving away from itself ONE WAY, there is no going back to a more ordered state. It is running down over time as the composition of the Sun changes over time, eventually swelling into a Red Giant and then down to a white dwarf.

From Universe Today
How Does The Sun Produce Energy?


The simple answer is that the Sun, like all stars, is able to create energy because it is essentially a massive fusion reaction. Scientists believe that this began when a huge cloud of gas and particles (i.e. a nebula) collapsed under the force of its own gravity – which is known as Nebula Theory. This not only created the big ball of light at the center of our Solar System, it also triggered a process whereby hydrogen, collected in the center, began fusing to create solar energy.

Sorry guy...bastardized versions of the SB equations are bullshit and only bullshitters use them...they apply unicorn perspiration and fairy dust which has no effect and can not be measured...all you have is faith...same as all other religious zealots.

Want to break out your big book of dogma?...or maybe show me some relics from the founders of your religion?...maybe a hair from Schrodenger's cat stored reverently in a box made from wood from mann's most influential tree in history?

Of course Schrodenger's cat was just a model and has no actual hair, but the fact that it isn't real really means nothing to you does it? A model hair is as valid as an actual hair....right?

You wuwei...are a top shelf, first class putz...the very idea of trying to argue non reality against reality with a straight face would only occur to someone like you...and you believe your faith is an actual argument...and worse yet, you believe it is valid because others believe along with you.

They keep using the NET energy flow concept while the 2nd law only says only ONE WAY transfer, no mention of net at all..

the 2nd law only says only ONE WAY transfer,

Where does the 2nd Law mention radiation?

The second law speaks to energy...all energy...Are you saying that radiation is not energy?

And if that is what you are saying, then lets put that bit of idiocy to bed right now...radiation is, in fact, energy...and the second law speaks to all energy and says that spontaneously, it only moves from a more ordered state to a less ordered state...and that is the only direction it moves. If you want two way energy flow, that is, energy from a less ordered state to move back to a more ordered state, then you must apply work.

NRC: Radiation Basics

"Radiation is energy given off by matter in the form of rays or high-speed particles

Radiation - ANS

"Radiation is energy that travels as particles or waves and can be naturally occurring or man-made. It is all around us in various forms ranging from radio waves to x-rays to cosmic radiation."

Radiation Basics | US EPA

"Radiation is energy. It can come from unstable atoms that undergo radioactive decay, or it can be produced by machines. Radiation travels from its source in the form of energy waves or energized particles. There are different forms of radiation and they have different properties and effects."

Electromagnetic Spectrum - Introduction

"Radiation is energy that travels and spreads out as it goes – the visible light that comes from a lamp in your house and the radio waves that come from a radio station are two types of electromagnetic radiation. The other types of EM radiation that make up the electromagnetic spectrum are microwaves, infrared light, ultraviolet light, X-rays and gamma-rays."

Understanding Radiation - National Nuclear Regulator

"Radiation is energy in motion in the form of waves or streams of particles. There are many kinds of radiation all around us. Sound and visible light are familiar forms of radiation. Other types include ultraviolet radiation, which produces a suntan, infrared radiation, which is a form of heat energy, and radio and television signals."

If you want two way energy flow, that is, energy from a less ordered state to move back to a more ordered state, then you must apply work.

Where is the work on the Sun's surface?

You can't be serious?

The Suns Radiation are moving away from itself ONE WAY, there is no going back to a more ordered state. It is running down over time as the composition of the Sun changes over time, eventually swelling into a Red Giant and then down to a white dwarf.

From Universe Today
How Does The Sun Produce Energy?


The simple answer is that the Sun, like all stars, is able to create energy because it is essentially a massive fusion reaction. Scientists believe that this began when a huge cloud of gas and particles (i.e. a nebula) collapsed under the force of its own gravity – which is known as Nebula Theory. This not only created the big ball of light at the center of our Solar System, it also triggered a process whereby hydrogen, collected in the center, began fusing to create solar energy.


You can't be serious?

I can be. Can you?

The Suns Radiation are moving away from itself ONE WAY,

Awesome! So what prevents radiation from somewhere else moving toward the Sun?
They keep using the NET energy flow concept while the 2nd law only says only ONE WAY transfer, no mention of net at all..

the 2nd law only says only ONE WAY transfer,

Where does the 2nd Law mention radiation?

The second law speaks to energy...all energy...Are you saying that radiation is not energy?

And if that is what you are saying, then lets put that bit of idiocy to bed right now...radiation is, in fact, energy...and the second law speaks to all energy and says that spontaneously, it only moves from a more ordered state to a less ordered state...and that is the only direction it moves. If you want two way energy flow, that is, energy from a less ordered state to move back to a more ordered state, then you must apply work.

NRC: Radiation Basics

"Radiation is energy given off by matter in the form of rays or high-speed particles

Radiation - ANS

"Radiation is energy that travels as particles or waves and can be naturally occurring or man-made. It is all around us in various forms ranging from radio waves to x-rays to cosmic radiation."

Radiation Basics | US EPA

"Radiation is energy. It can come from unstable atoms that undergo radioactive decay, or it can be produced by machines. Radiation travels from its source in the form of energy waves or energized particles. There are different forms of radiation and they have different properties and effects."

Electromagnetic Spectrum - Introduction

"Radiation is energy that travels and spreads out as it goes – the visible light that comes from a lamp in your house and the radio waves that come from a radio station are two types of electromagnetic radiation. The other types of EM radiation that make up the electromagnetic spectrum are microwaves, infrared light, ultraviolet light, X-rays and gamma-rays."

Understanding Radiation - National Nuclear Regulator

"Radiation is energy in motion in the form of waves or streams of particles. There are many kinds of radiation all around us. Sound and visible light are familiar forms of radiation. Other types include ultraviolet radiation, which produces a suntan, infrared radiation, which is a form of heat energy, and radio and television signals."

If you want two way energy flow, that is, energy from a less ordered state to move back to a more ordered state, then you must apply work.

Where is the work on the Sun's surface?

You can't be serious?

The Suns Radiation are moving away from itself ONE WAY, there is no going back to a more ordered state. It is running down over time as the composition of the Sun changes over time, eventually swelling into a Red Giant and then down to a white dwarf.

From Universe Today
How Does The Sun Produce Energy?


The simple answer is that the Sun, like all stars, is able to create energy because it is essentially a massive fusion reaction. Scientists believe that this began when a huge cloud of gas and particles (i.e. a nebula) collapsed under the force of its own gravity – which is known as Nebula Theory. This not only created the big ball of light at the center of our Solar System, it also triggered a process whereby hydrogen, collected in the center, began fusing to create solar energy.


You can't be serious?

I can be. Can you?

The Suns Radiation are moving away from itself ONE WAY,

Awesome! So what prevents radiation from somewhere else moving toward the Sun?

I suggest you stop making a fool of yourself.
the 2nd law only says only ONE WAY transfer,

Where does the 2nd Law mention radiation?

The second law speaks to energy...all energy...Are you saying that radiation is not energy?

And if that is what you are saying, then lets put that bit of idiocy to bed right now...radiation is, in fact, energy...and the second law speaks to all energy and says that spontaneously, it only moves from a more ordered state to a less ordered state...and that is the only direction it moves. If you want two way energy flow, that is, energy from a less ordered state to move back to a more ordered state, then you must apply work.

NRC: Radiation Basics

"Radiation is energy given off by matter in the form of rays or high-speed particles

Radiation - ANS

"Radiation is energy that travels as particles or waves and can be naturally occurring or man-made. It is all around us in various forms ranging from radio waves to x-rays to cosmic radiation."

Radiation Basics | US EPA

"Radiation is energy. It can come from unstable atoms that undergo radioactive decay, or it can be produced by machines. Radiation travels from its source in the form of energy waves or energized particles. There are different forms of radiation and they have different properties and effects."

Electromagnetic Spectrum - Introduction

"Radiation is energy that travels and spreads out as it goes – the visible light that comes from a lamp in your house and the radio waves that come from a radio station are two types of electromagnetic radiation. The other types of EM radiation that make up the electromagnetic spectrum are microwaves, infrared light, ultraviolet light, X-rays and gamma-rays."

Understanding Radiation - National Nuclear Regulator

"Radiation is energy in motion in the form of waves or streams of particles. There are many kinds of radiation all around us. Sound and visible light are familiar forms of radiation. Other types include ultraviolet radiation, which produces a suntan, infrared radiation, which is a form of heat energy, and radio and television signals."

If you want two way energy flow, that is, energy from a less ordered state to move back to a more ordered state, then you must apply work.

Where is the work on the Sun's surface?

You can't be serious?

The Suns Radiation are moving away from itself ONE WAY, there is no going back to a more ordered state. It is running down over time as the composition of the Sun changes over time, eventually swelling into a Red Giant and then down to a white dwarf.

From Universe Today
How Does The Sun Produce Energy?


The simple answer is that the Sun, like all stars, is able to create energy because it is essentially a massive fusion reaction. Scientists believe that this began when a huge cloud of gas and particles (i.e. a nebula) collapsed under the force of its own gravity – which is known as Nebula Theory. This not only created the big ball of light at the center of our Solar System, it also triggered a process whereby hydrogen, collected in the center, began fusing to create solar energy.


You can't be serious?

I can be. Can you?

The Suns Radiation are moving away from itself ONE WAY,

Awesome! So what prevents radiation from somewhere else moving toward the Sun?

I suggest you stop making a fool of yourself.

Does the Sun have a force-field around it, preventing outside radiation from hitting it?
Or is there some other mechanism to guarantee one way only flow of radiation?

Teach me.
There are two basic regimes for heat transfer, both covered by the second law.

Active heating by a power source, ie the fusion at the centre of the sun. The sun's surface moves towards an equilibrium temperature that radiates away the same amount of energy that is being created inside the core by converting mass into energy.

The second regime is passive cooling. The warm object is radiating energy in an eternal effort to reach absolute zero. Without a power source everything cools. An object cools faster if it is in a cold environment like space, where it is getting back very little radiation. It cools slower if it is in an environment where it is receiving a significant fraction of its radiation back.

The Earth's surface is always radiating in an attempt to cool. During daylight the cooling is overwhelmed by solar insolation and backradiation from the atmosphere. At night, without an external power source, both the surface and atmosphere cool, but at uneven rates.

The surface has a high emmisivity and cools quicker than the atmosphere which has a low emmisivity. On average, the atmosphere returns energy to the surface every night when the threshold temperature is reached, caused by the uneven cooling rates. The dew point is a symptom of this if there is enough moisture in the air to show the effect. Frost is an even more visible symptom.
Where is the work on the Sun's surface?

Lets chalk up yet one more thing you are wrong about....The mere fact that you even entertained the idea that the corona of the sun was hotter than the surface because of spontaneous movement of energy from the surface to the corona is clear evidence of what a first class idiot you really are. So what is your next supposed violation of the 2nd law...or will you keep harping on this one till a paper is publishes specifically to you and says "toddster...the corona is not hotter than the surface of the sun due to spontaneous energy movement?"

Discovery of Alfvén waves in the corona of the Sun

"For the very first time, powerful Alfvén waves -- magnetic plasma waves -- have been observed in the sun's corona. The plasma in the observed waves moves at speeds of 20 km/s and the waves themselves propagate at high speeds of 200 to 250 km/s. On Earth, these waves would cover the distance between Leuven, Belgium and New York City in approximately 30 seconds. The discovery of these powerful Alfvén waves is important because they may explain the high temperatures in the sun's corona and the high speeds of solar wind."

Alfvén waves in the solar corona and solar wind - IOPscience

"Alfvén waves have long been known to be a major component of the turbulence measured in situ in the interplanetary medium. Until recently, however, observations had been limited to the ecliptic plane, where the solar wind structure is complicated by the interaction of fast and slow solar wind streams, the Alfvénic turbulence being essentially limited to high-speed streams in well defined magnetic sectors. The Ulyssesspacecraft has shown how this structure disappears with increasing latitude, leading to a relatively constant high-speed
stream originating from polar coronal holes. Within this region the radial magnetic field appears to be relatively constant with latitude, and the fluctuations are everywhere dominated by large-amplitude Alfvén waves propagating away from the sun, covering a broad band of wavelengths. Here we discuss the origin and evolution of solar wind Alfvén waves; the possible role played by such fluctuations in the heating of the corona and acceleration of the high-speed wind is explored in the light of both analytical models and numerical simulations.?"

Alfvén wave dissipation in the solar chromosphere

"Magnetohydrodynamic Alfvén waves1 have been a focus of laboratory plasma physics2 and astrophysics3 for over half a century. Their unique nature makes them ideal energy transporters, and while the solar atmosphere provides preferential conditions for their existence4, direct detection has proved difficult as a result of their evolving and dynamic observational signatures. The viability of Alfvén waves as a heating mechanism relies upon the efficient dissipation and thermalization of the wave energy, with direct evidence remaining elusive until now. Here we provide the first observational evidence of Alfvén waves heating chromospheric plasma in a sunspot umbra through the formation of shock fronts. The magnetic field configuration of the shock environment, alongside the tangential velocity signatures, distinguish them from conventional umbral flashes5. Observed local temperature enhancements of 5% are consistent with the dissipation of mode-converted Alfvén waves driven by upwardly propagating magneto-acoustic oscillations, providing an unprecedented insight into the behaviour of Alfvén waves in the solar atmosphere and beyond."
The second law speaks to energy...all energy...Are you saying that radiation is not energy?

And if that is what you are saying, then lets put that bit of idiocy to bed right now...radiation is, in fact, energy...and the second law speaks to all energy and says that spontaneously, it only moves from a more ordered state to a less ordered state...and that is the only direction it moves. If you want two way energy flow, that is, energy from a less ordered state to move back to a more ordered state, then you must apply work.

NRC: Radiation Basics

"Radiation is energy given off by matter in the form of rays or high-speed particles

Radiation - ANS

"Radiation is energy that travels as particles or waves and can be naturally occurring or man-made. It is all around us in various forms ranging from radio waves to x-rays to cosmic radiation."

Radiation Basics | US EPA

"Radiation is energy. It can come from unstable atoms that undergo radioactive decay, or it can be produced by machines. Radiation travels from its source in the form of energy waves or energized particles. There are different forms of radiation and they have different properties and effects."

Electromagnetic Spectrum - Introduction

"Radiation is energy that travels and spreads out as it goes – the visible light that comes from a lamp in your house and the radio waves that come from a radio station are two types of electromagnetic radiation. The other types of EM radiation that make up the electromagnetic spectrum are microwaves, infrared light, ultraviolet light, X-rays and gamma-rays."

Understanding Radiation - National Nuclear Regulator

"Radiation is energy in motion in the form of waves or streams of particles. There are many kinds of radiation all around us. Sound and visible light are familiar forms of radiation. Other types include ultraviolet radiation, which produces a suntan, infrared radiation, which is a form of heat energy, and radio and television signals."

If you want two way energy flow, that is, energy from a less ordered state to move back to a more ordered state, then you must apply work.

Where is the work on the Sun's surface?

You can't be serious?

The Suns Radiation are moving away from itself ONE WAY, there is no going back to a more ordered state. It is running down over time as the composition of the Sun changes over time, eventually swelling into a Red Giant and then down to a white dwarf.

From Universe Today
How Does The Sun Produce Energy?


The simple answer is that the Sun, like all stars, is able to create energy because it is essentially a massive fusion reaction. Scientists believe that this began when a huge cloud of gas and particles (i.e. a nebula) collapsed under the force of its own gravity – which is known as Nebula Theory. This not only created the big ball of light at the center of our Solar System, it also triggered a process whereby hydrogen, collected in the center, began fusing to create solar energy.


You can't be serious?

I can be. Can you?

The Suns Radiation are moving away from itself ONE WAY,

Awesome! So what prevents radiation from somewhere else moving toward the Sun?

I suggest you stop making a fool of yourself.

Does the Sun have a force-field around it, preventing outside radiation from hitting it?
Or is there some other mechanism to guarantee one way only flow of radiation?

Teach me.

Refer to the 2nd way energy movement....not possible for energy to move spontaneously from cool to warm...the sun can receive energy from sources warmer than itself, but it is not possible, without the application of work, to move energy from a cooler object to the sun.
The surface has a high emmisivity and cools quicker than the atmosphere which has a low emmisivity. On average, the atmosphere returns energy to the surface every night when the threshold temperature is reached, caused by the uneven cooling rates. The dew point is a symptom of this if there is enough moisture in the air to show the effect. Frost is an even more visible symptom.

You are homing in on the truth...if you could just drop your belief in magic...the surface has a high emissivity and therefore cools more quickly...adding so called greenhouse gasses to the atmosphere increases the emissivity of the atmosphere which does what to the atmosphere's ability to cool itself? Think just said it about the apply that same thought to the atmosphere...increasing the emissivity does what to its ability to cool itself? Come can say it...
Where is the work on the Sun's surface?

Lets chalk up yet one more thing you are wrong about....The mere fact that you even entertained the idea that the corona of the sun was hotter than the surface because of spontaneous movement of energy from the surface to the corona is clear evidence of what a first class idiot you really are. So what is your next supposed violation of the 2nd law...or will you keep harping on this one till a paper is publishes specifically to you and says "toddster...the corona is not hotter than the surface of the sun due to spontaneous energy movement?"

Discovery of Alfvén waves in the corona of the Sun

"For the very first time, powerful Alfvén waves -- magnetic plasma waves -- have been observed in the sun's corona. The plasma in the observed waves moves at speeds of 20 km/s and the waves themselves propagate at high speeds of 200 to 250 km/s. On Earth, these waves would cover the distance between Leuven, Belgium and New York City in approximately 30 seconds. The discovery of these powerful Alfvén waves is important because they may explain the high temperatures in the sun's corona and the high speeds of solar wind."

Alfvén waves in the solar corona and solar wind - IOPscience

"Alfvén waves have long been known to be a major component of the turbulence measured in situ in the interplanetary medium. Until recently, however, observations had been limited to the ecliptic plane, where the solar wind structure is complicated by the interaction of fast and slow solar wind streams, the Alfvénic turbulence being essentially limited to high-speed streams in well defined magnetic sectors. The Ulyssesspacecraft has shown how this structure disappears with increasing latitude, leading to a relatively constant high-speed
stream originating from polar coronal holes. Within this region the radial magnetic field appears to be relatively constant with latitude, and the fluctuations are everywhere dominated by large-amplitude Alfvén waves propagating away from the sun, covering a broad band of wavelengths. Here we discuss the origin and evolution of solar wind Alfvén waves; the possible role played by such fluctuations in the heating of the corona and acceleration of the high-speed wind is explored in the light of both analytical models and numerical simulations.?"

Alfvén wave dissipation in the solar chromosphere

"Magnetohydrodynamic Alfvén waves1 have been a focus of laboratory plasma physics2 and astrophysics3 for over half a century. Their unique nature makes them ideal energy transporters, and while the solar atmosphere provides preferential conditions for their existence4, direct detection has proved difficult as a result of their evolving and dynamic observational signatures. The viability of Alfvén waves as a heating mechanism relies upon the efficient dissipation and thermalization of the wave energy, with direct evidence remaining elusive until now. Here we provide the first observational evidence of Alfvén waves heating chromospheric plasma in a sunspot umbra through the formation of shock fronts. The magnetic field configuration of the shock environment, alongside the tangential velocity signatures, distinguish them from conventional umbral flashes5. Observed local temperature enhancements of 5% are consistent with the dissipation of mode-converted Alfvén waves driven by upwardly propagating magneto-acoustic oscillations, providing an unprecedented insight into the behaviour of Alfvén waves in the solar atmosphere and beyond."

Lets chalk up yet one more thing you are wrong about....The mere fact that you even entertained the idea that the corona of the sun was hotter than the surface because of spontaneous movement of energy from the surface to the corona

For at least the 10th time, I don't care how the corona became hotter than the surface.
Couldn't care less. I don't give the tiniest fuck.

I'm only interested in your silly claim that radiation only flows from hotter to cooler.

So what is your next supposed violation of the 2nd law..

Nope. You're the one claiming that would violate the 2nd Law.
I don't think it violates anything, because all matter above 0K emits, no matter what the temperature of surrounding matter. No matter what the temperature of matter light years away.

So, when you stop building those straw men, tell me what the work is on the Sun's surface that allows
the cooler surface to emit toward the hotter corona.

Or maybe post a couple of links that agree with your silly claim that radiation only flows from hot to cooler?
Because it's strange you're the only one making that claim.

Of course you'll probably just run away. Like you've done for years.
If you want two way energy flow, that is, energy from a less ordered state to move back to a more ordered state, then you must apply work.

Where is the work on the Sun's surface?

You can't be serious?

The Suns Radiation are moving away from itself ONE WAY, there is no going back to a more ordered state. It is running down over time as the composition of the Sun changes over time, eventually swelling into a Red Giant and then down to a white dwarf.

From Universe Today
How Does The Sun Produce Energy?


The simple answer is that the Sun, like all stars, is able to create energy because it is essentially a massive fusion reaction. Scientists believe that this began when a huge cloud of gas and particles (i.e. a nebula) collapsed under the force of its own gravity – which is known as Nebula Theory. This not only created the big ball of light at the center of our Solar System, it also triggered a process whereby hydrogen, collected in the center, began fusing to create solar energy.


You can't be serious?

I can be. Can you?

The Suns Radiation are moving away from itself ONE WAY,

Awesome! So what prevents radiation from somewhere else moving toward the Sun?

I suggest you stop making a fool of yourself.

Does the Sun have a force-field around it, preventing outside radiation from hitting it?
Or is there some other mechanism to guarantee one way only flow of radiation?

Teach me.

Refer to the 2nd way energy movement....not possible for energy to move spontaneously from cool to warm...the sun can receive energy from sources warmer than itself, but it is not possible, without the application of work, to move energy from a cooler object to the sun.

it is not possible, without the application of work, to move energy from a cooler object to the sun.

Can IR from my skin hit the Sun?
Refer to the 2nd way energy movement....not possible for energy to move spontaneously from cool to warm...the sun can receive energy from sources warmer than itself, but it is not possible, without the application of work, to move energy from a cooler object to the sun.
Of course thermal radiation is unrestricted from going anywhere to anything at any temperature.
The surface has a high emmisivity and cools quicker than the atmosphere which has a low emmisivity. On average, the atmosphere returns energy to the surface every night when the threshold temperature is reached, caused by the uneven cooling rates. The dew point is a symptom of this if there is enough moisture in the air to show the effect. Frost is an even more visible symptom.

You are homing in on the truth...if you could just drop your belief in magic...the surface has a high emissivity and therefore cools more quickly...adding so called greenhouse gasses to the atmosphere increases the emissivity of the atmosphere which does what to the atmosphere's ability to cool itself? Think just said it about the apply that same thought to the atmosphere...increasing the emissivity does what to its ability to cool itself? Come can say it...

Hahahaha, perhaps you should try to home in on the truth.

Adding more CO2 does not make a big difference once there is some CO2 in the atmosphere. The effect is almost totally saturated.

All of the CO2 reactive 15 micron radiation produced by the surface is totally absorbed in the first 10 metres of atmosphere. Adding more CO2 simply shortens that distance.

At the top of the atmosphere, CO2 produces 15 micron radiation that can escape to space once the density of CO2 is low enough that it does not simply get reabsorbed. Adding more CO2 does not result in more escaping radiation, in fact it lowers it. The height at which the density of CO2 is low enough to produce escaping radiation is associated with a temperature. Higher is cooler. Lower temperature results in less radiation. Therefore adding CO2 raises the emission height and reduces the amount produced which can escape to space.

Temperature is a function of both energy input and energy output. You raise the temperature by either increasing the input OR decreasing the output.

If you want two way energy flow, that is, energy from a less ordered state to move back to a more ordered state, then you must apply work.

Where is the work on the Sun's surface?

You can't be serious?

The Suns Radiation are moving away from itself ONE WAY, there is no going back to a more ordered state. It is running down over time as the composition of the Sun changes over time, eventually swelling into a Red Giant and then down to a white dwarf.

From Universe Today
How Does The Sun Produce Energy?


The simple answer is that the Sun, like all stars, is able to create energy because it is essentially a massive fusion reaction. Scientists believe that this began when a huge cloud of gas and particles (i.e. a nebula) collapsed under the force of its own gravity – which is known as Nebula Theory. This not only created the big ball of light at the center of our Solar System, it also triggered a process whereby hydrogen, collected in the center, began fusing to create solar energy.


You can't be serious?

I can be. Can you?

The Suns Radiation are moving away from itself ONE WAY,

Awesome! So what prevents radiation from somewhere else moving toward the Sun?

I suggest you stop making a fool of yourself.

Does the Sun have a force-field around it, preventing outside radiation from hitting it?
Or is there some other mechanism to guarantee one way only flow of radiation?

Teach me.

Refer to the 2nd way energy movement....not possible for energy to move spontaneously from cool to warm...the sun can receive energy from sources warmer than itself, but it is not possible, without the application of work, to move energy from a cooler object to the sun.

Work has a specific definition.

Radiation, once created by a particle of matter, travels in a straight line until it interacts with another particle of matter. There is no cancelling out.

Radiation is created by a bit of matter according to the internal conditions of that particle, not the conditions of the receiving particle.
The surface has a high emmisivity and cools quicker than the atmosphere which has a low emmisivity. On average, the atmosphere returns energy to the surface every night when the threshold temperature is reached, caused by the uneven cooling rates. The dew point is a symptom of this if there is enough moisture in the air to show the effect. Frost is an even more visible symptom.

You are homing in on the truth...if you could just drop your belief in magic...the surface has a high emissivity and therefore cools more quickly...adding so called greenhouse gasses to the atmosphere increases the emissivity of the atmosphere which does what to the atmosphere's ability to cool itself? Think just said it about the apply that same thought to the atmosphere...increasing the emissivity does what to its ability to cool itself? Come can say it...

Hahahaha, perhaps you should try to home in on the truth.

Adding more CO2 does not make a big difference once there is some CO2 in the atmosphere. The effect is almost totally saturated.

All of the CO2 reactive 15 micron radiation produced by the surface is totally absorbed in the first 10 metres of atmosphere. Adding more CO2 simply shortens that distance.

At the top of the atmosphere, CO2 produces 15 micron radiation that can escape to space once the density of CO2 is low enough that it does not simply get reabsorbed. Adding more CO2 does not result in more escaping radiation, in fact it lowers it. The height at which the density of CO2 is low enough to produce escaping radiation is associated with a temperature. Higher is cooler. Lower temperature results in less radiation. Therefore adding CO2 raises the emission height and reduces the amount produced which can escape to space.

Temperature is a function of both energy input and energy output. You raise the temperature by either increasing the input OR decreasing the output.


TOA is around -80C?

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