
So if God exists and is the creator of the universe, what did he/she/it do before creating the universe?

I mean, God is eternal, and must have been really bored all by himself in the dark, with nothing to do, but twiddle his thumbs. For eternity. This cosmic omnipotent being, all by himself in the dark.... with no source of entertainment... That's pretty boring!

So to stop his boredom and loneliness, he finally decided to create our universe. And all the intricacies involved in physics. He just said "POP!" and we all appeared and things are the way they are!

But he must be playing with another universe he created right now, because he obviously doesn't care about this one. Maybe we're the "practice" universe. He's got something a lot more interesting going on in another universe. We're like... the initial "fail"....

And he's having fun somewhere else! That makes a lot of sense to explain God.

Dang.... Still have a problem about what he was doing before creating the first universe... I mean, where did he come from, and how did he get his powers?

Michael was created first--could have been millions of years before earth was created, no one knows--The angel beings were all present before the earths creation as well.

They were pairs/twins
Gotcha... That makes sense, until you ask who their parents were! Or their creator, since these folks can just create things without sex.

Maybe that's why they have problems with sex!?1?

They multiply by snapping their fingers or waiving their cosmic hand.

We... have to work hard at that shit...
So if God exists and is the creator of the universe, what did he/she/it do before creating the universe?

I mean, God is eternal, and must have been really bored all by himself in the dark, with nothing to do, but twiddle his thumbs. For eternity. This cosmic omnipotent being, all by himself in the dark.... with no source of entertainment... That's pretty boring!

So to stop his boredom and loneliness, he finally decided to create our universe. And all the intricacies involved in physics. He just said "POP!" and we all appeared and things are the way they are!

But he must be playing with another universe he created right now, because he obviously doesn't care about this one. Maybe we're the "practice" universe. He's got something a lot more interesting going on in another universe. We're like... the initial "fail"....

And he's having fun somewhere else! That makes a lot of sense to explain God.

Dang.... Still have a problem about what he was doing before creating the first universe... I mean, where did he come from, and how did he get his powers?

The problem that is most instantly encountered in these types of questions is that you're trying to imagine God as a human being of some type. Can you not see that you are doing it? You're making assumptions about God that make you appear to think God is human and has humanistic needs, wants and desires. His logic must conform to what a human's logic is... why is that?

You speak of the "time before the universe" as if time existed before there was a universe in which time could exist. Are you unaware of physics? I know it's a tough subject that scares many people away in high school and they simply go through life listening to people like Neil DeGrasse Tyson and Carl Sagan tell them things.... but honestly, you can't have time until you have a universe for time to exist in. This is a tough concept to grasp... it wasn't that time existed and we just weren't around to define it. It literally didn't exist. Nothing existed.

One of the best evidences of "spiritual nature" is the fact that physical nature cannot create itself. This is why theoretical physicists came up with at theory regarding "Singularities" ...they had to somehow explain what started everything... what happened prior to the Big Bang. However, many physicists never could accept Singularity because it seems to defy so many laws of physics it just isn't plausible. Now they seem to have moved away from Big Bangs and Singularities to what is becoming known as the Multiverse. It's a relatively good theory to cling to because it can never be proved or disproved.... sort of like... God.

Try this... Try thinking in terms of a magnanimous force beyond our physical cosmos... we shall label this force "spiritual" because that is the closest grunting sound us primates can make to reckon the concept in our primitive minds... this is like a metaphysical energy... something we cannot see or measure. It is something way beyond our ability to understand... as if we are ants trying to figure out nuclear fission. Since we cannot even comprehend what it is, we don't have any way of confirming it or observing it. But... like we find with dark matter and dark energy, the signs are there that it has to exist.... and by "exist" I don't mean in a physical existence. Again, very tricky to wrap your mind around.

Okay, IF such a force exists (metaphysically) we obviously cannot see it, measure it, test it or observe it in any rational way.... so finding some kind of "proof" for it is impossible. But supposing it DOES exist... it would easily explain how our universe just so happens to be organized the way it is. Why the gravitational constant and cosmological constant is precisely fine tuned to enable physics as we know it... to enable something resembling reality in a physical universe, where planets and suns are possible and where life can exist. Certainly, we can be skeptical and refuse to believe but then we're left with so many questions we cannot answer. At some point, we must "rationalize" what is most probable or what can possibly explain these unexplained phenomenon.

For me personally, it's not that difficult. I tap into a spiritual power greater than myself all the time. It took me years of practice and patience to be able to do it, but I realize many personal benefits from it and trying to convince me it's all in my head or not real is equivalent to me trying to convince you that your mother isn't real.
After reading the first paragraph, i highlighted some stuff you said that was totally crazy.

But then I got to the 2nd paragraph... and I was like... i can't copy two things at once...

And then i read the rest. And you are a very smart person. Lead down the wrong path.

So... that brings me here. And I'm not gonna copy/paste. I'll just say things the way they are!

Dude, that's your God. I'm not here to dispel your truths. You seem to be very into your beliefs, and you state them well. And I don't want to be the one to burst your bubble. I am a very spiritual person as well.

I just realize why.
So your Earth shattering question is who made god? That's it? There is no beginning in a timeless state. Time started when the universe came into being. Whether one chooses a spiritual or secular cause you can't get away from it, either god was always present or the universe was always present (or its' potential).
So if God exists and is the creator of the universe, what did he/she/it do before creating the universe?

I mean, God is eternal, and must have been really bored all by himself in the dark, with nothing to do, but twiddle his thumbs. For eternity. This cosmic omnipotent being, all by himself in the dark.... with no source of entertainment... That's pretty boring!

So to stop his boredom and loneliness, he finally decided to create our universe. And all the intricacies involved in physics. He just said "POP!" and we all appeared and things are the way they are!

But he must be playing with another universe he created right now, because he obviously doesn't care about this one. Maybe we're the "practice" universe. He's got something a lot more interesting going on in another universe. We're like... the initial "fail"....

And he's having fun somewhere else! That makes a lot of sense to explain God.

Dang.... Still have a problem about what he was doing before creating the first universe... I mean, where did he come from, and how did he get his powers?

God is spirit. What does a spirit need with things? I think a great many of us might be happy with less things. My cousins (who have done some traveling and missionary work) spoke of people who have nothing, and are yet happier than many in first world countries.

Here's another thought. Matter may change, but science tells us that at least here on earth it doesn't increase or decrease. If the spirit of God has always been in existence, perhaps matter has also always been in existence. If this is the case we have an eternal God who has always been physical creating as there has always been matter to create with.

I've always been awed by the idea that it is in God in whom we move and live and have our being. God is that close to us. (A case of whoever it was who "discovered" water, it wasn't a fish.) I think God still finds the spiritual much more interesting, more real, than a rock, a planet, or even an entire solar system. In this solar system, we are the interesting portion, and as such we have more of God's attention than perhaps even the most gorgeous of waterfalls.
Got any proof that "God is spirit"?
So your Earth shattering question is who made god? That's it? There is no beginning in a timeless state. Time started when the universe came into being. Whether one chooses a spiritual or secular cause you can't get away from it, either god was always present or the universe was always present (or its' potential).
Scientists are starting to lean towards our universe not being the first or only universe. So time has existed before our universe.
So your Earth shattering question is who made god? That's it? There is no beginning in a timeless state. Time started when the universe came into being. Whether one chooses a spiritual or secular cause you can't get away from it, either god was always present or the universe was always present (or its' potential).
Scientists are starting to lean towards our universe not being the first or only universe. So time has existed before our universe.
Let us know when you stop pulling shit out of your ass.
So your Earth shattering question is who made god? That's it? There is no beginning in a timeless state. Time started when the universe came into being. Whether one chooses a spiritual or secular cause you can't get away from it, either god was always present or the universe was always present (or its' potential).
Scientists are starting to lean towards our universe not being the first or only universe. So time has existed before our universe.
Let us know when you stop pulling shit out of your ass.
So you have no real answer to what I said except to go bezerk. Got it.
Got any proof that "God is spirit"?

Remember, proofs involve the objective, physical realm. In saying, "God is Spirit," we acknowledge we are no longer dealing with the physical and objective proofs available there,and must rely on the subjective. Note, even in the physical world, subjective truths are as valid as objective ones.

Throughout the ages, mankind who is made up of body, soul, and spirit, have had experiences of God--some of them life-changing. It is up to each individual to pursue such an experience, or alternately, investigate these experiences and reach his/her own conclusion on each one.
Got any proof that "God is spirit"?

Remember, proofs involve the objective, physical realm. In saying, "God is Spirit," we acknowledge we are no longer dealing with the physical and objective proofs available there,and must rely on the subjective. Note, even in the physical world, subjective truths are as valid as objective ones.

Throughout the ages, mankind who is made up of body, soul, and spirit, have had experiences of God--some of them life-changing. It is up to each individual to pursue such an experience, or alternately, investigate these experiences and reach his/her own conclusion on each one.
So you have nothing. Got it. Next time, just say so.
So your Earth shattering question is who made god? That's it? There is no beginning in a timeless state. Time started when the universe came into being. Whether one chooses a spiritual or secular cause you can't get away from it, either god was always present or the universe was always present (or its' potential).
Scientists are starting to lean towards our universe not being the first or only universe. So time has existed before our universe.
Let us know when you stop pulling shit out of your ass.
So you have no real answer to what I said except to go bezerk. Got it.
I made fun of you since you had nothing but speculation and think it's fact. We don't get to see that level of stupid every day. Even here. Get that, dumbfuck.
Consider this:

A Higgs Boson walks into a church. The priest says, "We don't allow Higgs-Bosons in here." The Higgs Boson says "But without me how can you have mass?"
Consider this:

A Higgs Boson walks into a church. The priest says, "We don't allow Higgs-Bosons in here." The Higgs Boson says "But without me how can you have mass?"

(I will point out we let everyone in to Mass--even Higgs-Bosons!)
investigate these experiences and reach his/her own conclusion on each one.

Sort of like how you investigated why Jesus claimed to be Lucifer and why he most certainly fulfilled all the prophecy of that first fallen son of perdition.
1) you did not refute it, 'cause you can't without trashing your Bible and Jesus himself and his own words.
So instead you took the low road and used ad homminem excuses & smokescreen by merely claiming(without evidence or reasoning) that I didn't understand the NT.
2)the reply was equivalent to sticking your head in the sand, hoping this will all go away (see my Rosh Hashanah lesson post).
3)anyone following my posts or knowing me, know that Christians themselves admit I know their NT better then their pastors.
And that is an embarassment for them that a Jew would know their text and religion better then seminary school or Christian scholars. In fact if I can run off NT verses by heart just as good or better then
Jack Van Impe, but actually know the relevance or meaning whereby Jack Van Impe often is using the verse in the wrong manner or mistaken in spewing it in the first place. In fact many of my sermons were borrowed and used sometimes word for word other times inspiring sermons used by top pastors on TV. Therefore the Excuse and Ad Homminem response used by Meriweather was not researched refutation, and was not investigated. It was clearly a lie used to attack the poster instead of addressing the substance of the post "why Jesus was Lucifer". Which was a response to Meriweather's lie about the word Lucifer which was mistaken and assumed qs shown by my rebuttle that was ignored for this smokescreen tactic.
Merriweather is proving my other
points. The ones about pride, protection of the idol, lying to others then oneself,
and especially the evil that goes into being corrected or revealed something, but knowingly and willingly continuing the lie and helping to spread that lie.
Sort of like how you investigated why Jesus claimed to be Lucifer and why he most certainly fulfilled all the prophecy of that first fallen son of perdition.
1) you did not refute it, 'cause you can't without trashing your Bible and Jesus himself and his own words.
So instead you took the low road and used ad homminem excuses & smokescreen by merely claiming(without evidence or reasoning) that I didn't understand the NT.
2)the reply was equivalent to sticking your head in the sand, hoping this will all go away (see my Rosh Hashanah lesson post).
3)anyone following my posts or knowing me, know that Christians themselves admit I know their NT better then their pastors.
And that is an embarassment for them that a Jew would know their text and religion better then seminary school or Christian scholars. In fact if I can run off NT verses by heart just as good or better then
Jack Van Impe, but actually know the relevance or meaning whereby Jack Van Impe often is using the verse in the wrong manner or mistaken in spewing it in the first place. In fact many of my sermons were borrowed and used sometimes word for word other times inspiring sermons used by top pastors on TV. Therefore the Excuse and Ad Homminem response used by Meriweather was not researched refutation, and was not investigated. It was clearly a lie used to attack the poster instead of addressing the substance of the post "why Jesus was Lucifer". Which was a response to Meriweather's lie about the word Lucifer which was mistaken and assumed qs shown by my rebuttle that was ignored for this smokescreen tactic.
Merriweather is proving my other
points. The ones about pride, protection of the idol, lying to others then oneself,
and especially the evil that goes into being corrected or revealed something, but knowingly and willingly continuing the lie and helping to spread that lie.

HaShev, you first imagine you know Christianity, and now you are moving on to imagining you know me. Why not speak to your own beliefs and explain them, and leave it to others to present their beliefs?
Simply stated: because your beliefs infringe on my rights and my understandings.
Give me back my over 6 million brethren, give me back my Temple, give me back my God,
give me back my equal rights, give me back my Sunday TV programing, give me back the minds and intellect of my fellow human beings and then we can talk.
Everyone take note: still no refutation of Jesus being Lucifer=knowing and willing worship of the warned fallen one.
But we are supposed to accept that and keep our mouths shut-Enough Said!
So your Earth shattering question is who made god? That's it? There is no beginning in a timeless state. Time started when the universe came into being. Whether one chooses a spiritual or secular cause you can't get away from it, either god was always present or the universe was always present (or its' potential).
Scientists are starting to lean towards our universe not being the first or only universe. So time has existed before our universe.
Let us know when you stop pulling shit out of your ass.
So you have no real answer to what I said except to go bezerk. Got it.
I made fun of you since you had nothing but speculation and think it's fact. We don't get to see that level of stupid every day. Even here. Get that, dumbfuck.
Again, nothing but schoolyard taunts with no substance. But I'm guessing you think you really got me with the last one. :D

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