Quick, send them some stolen e-mails

Old Rocks

Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2008
Portland, Ore.
The Aussies have been suffering enough. Quick, steal some more e-mails and send them to Australia. I am sure that will alleviate the situation.

November 2009 southeastern Australia heat wave - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The November 2009 southeastern Australia heat wave is a heat wave currently occurring in the southeastern Australian states of South Australia, Victoria and southern New South Wales. Daily maximum temperatures during the heat wave have been roughly 10 °C (18 °F) above average in many locations. Capital cities Adelaide and Melbourne, have recorded temperatures over 35 °C (95 °F), and some regional towns recording temperatures above 40 °C (104 °F).[2] Above average temperatures in the region began in late October and are still persisting as of 16 November 2009.

Many locations through the region have broken temperature records for November. This November heat wave is the second heat wave experienced in the region within a 10 month period, the earlier being the 2009 southeastern Australia heat wave in January and February 2009, to which 374 deaths have been attributed. Whilst this first heat wave was far more intense, the more recent November heat wave has been more extensive and long lasting.
This "heat wave" you're bleating about is called SUMMER in the Southern Hemisphere.

You know--when the Earth shifts on itx axis and the southern part of the planet is closer to the sun than the northern part (where we live in the Northern Hemisphere it is winter). :funnyface:

It is SUPPOSED TO BE HOT in Australia in the SUMMER, dumbass. :rolleyes:
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Two years, three record heat waves in southeastern Australia « BraveNewClimate

Summer 2009 — 2010 hasn’t even begun in Australia, and yet we are already sweltering under another record heat wave — the third in two years. Temperature records for the month of November have been broken across the region, caused by a blocking high pressure system over the Tasman Sea. This follows an abnormally hot winter, including Australia’s hottest August on record.

In my home city of Adelaide, we’re still experiencing the first official November heat wave since records began (a ‘heat wave’ being defined here as five or more consecutive days above 35°C). Last Saturday 7th Nov, the mercury climbed to 34.4°C, and on Sunday the heat wave officially commenced. From Sun 8/11 to Sat 14/11, the maximum temperatures have been 36.7°C, 37.0°C, 38.6°C, 39.2°C, 39.0°C, 38.7°C and 39.5°C. The forecast for Sun 15/11 is 40 °C, after which the temperatures will drop back to the high 20s for a few days, and then another burst of days in the low-40s. If Sunday’s scorcher is realised (confirmed: 39.4°C), the heat wave will have lasted for 8 days [confirmed] (almost 9, with Sat 7/11 also almost reaching the threshold 35°C). Not a great time to hold a Christmas pageant — poor Santa!

Bu-bu-bu-but it's cooling!!!!!!!
This "heat wave" you're bleating about is called SUMMER in the Southern Hemisphere.

You know--when the Earth shifts on itx axis and the southern part of the planet is closer to the sun than the northern part (where we live in the Northern Hemisphere it is winter). :funnyface:

It is SUPPOSED TO BE HOT in Australia in the SUMMER, dumbass. :rolleyes:

Dumb ass, it is spring in Australia! Summer begins at the winter solstice. Ever finish grade school?
This "heat wave" you're bleating about is called SUMMER in the Southern Hemisphere.

You know--when the Earth shifts on itx axis and the southern part of the planet is closer to the sun than the northern part (where we live in the Northern Hemisphere it is winter). :funnyface:

It is SUPPOSED TO BE HOT in Australia in the SUMMER, dumbass. :rolleyes:

Dumb ass, it is spring in Australia! Summer begins at the winter solstice. Ever finish grade school?

Tell that to the Schoolies celebrating the END OF SCHOOL in Australia, fuckface. :funnyface:
Tell that to the Schoolies celebrating the END OF SCHOOL in Australia, fuckface. :funnyface:


Australian weather and the seasons - Australia's Culture Portal

Summer: December to February

This means that the Australian Christmas takes place at the height of summer. It also means that the mid-year break for students happens in winter. The end of year break for students is commonly known as the 'summer holidays', or the 'Christmas holidays'.
This "heat wave" you're bleating about is called SUMMER in the Southern Hemisphere.

You know--when the Earth shifts on itx axis and the southern part of the planet is closer to the sun than the northern part (where we live in the Northern Hemisphere it is winter). :funnyface:

It is SUPPOSED TO BE HOT in Australia in the SUMMER, dumbass. :rolleyes:

Dumb ass, it is spring in Australia! Summer begins at the winter solstice. Ever finish grade school?

Tell that to the Schoolies celebrating the END OF SCHOOL in Australia, fuckface. :funnyface:

OK, Jeny, go ahead, play the stupid bitch. Suits you well.
Tell that to the Schoolies celebrating the END OF SCHOOL in Australia, fuckface. :funnyface:


Australian weather and the seasons - Australia's Culture Portal

Summer: December to February

This means that the Australian Christmas takes place at the height of summer. It also means that the mid-year break for students happens in winter. The end of year break for students is commonly known as the 'summer holidays', or the 'Christmas holidays'.

Aussie kids have been having *their version* of the American Spring Break since 21 November 2009.

Gold Coast Schoolies Week 2009 :: News, Photo galleries video :: Gold Coast Events & Entertainment | goldcoast.com.au | Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia

The Queenslanders are just wrapping up their "Spring Break". Majority of which are 17 and too young to drink under Oz law. It's been mayhem and madness there for a week.

Starting this weekend the Victorian and NSW kids move in to Surfer's Paradise in Southeastern Queensland...they're 18 and legal to drink. Much more massive partying will be taking place--only they can get into the night clubs. The Queenslanders couldn't.

Check out the pics.....tell THEM its NOT SUMMER....

Schoolies 2009 - Day 6, Nov 26 - Photo Gallery | Gold Coast Bulletin - Australia | goldcoast.com.au
Well, with record breaking heat, of course they take advantage of it. Wouldn't you?

Those are college kids? And they all have their clothes on? How things have degraded since the '60s.
Well, with record breaking heat, of course they take advantage of it. Wouldn't you?

This is EVERY YEAR. The last two weeks of November and first two weeks of December.

Those are college kids? And they all have their clothes on? How things have degraded since the '60s.

High school.

And *those* are the pictures that can be published....they don't show the others.
Yes, in some parts of Australia, (an area larger than our own lower 48) there has been a summer heat wave. In other parts of Australia, the temps are currently below the norms.

And in areas like Sydney, which are experiencing warmer than average temps, those temps are projected to drop well below normal this week. So utilizing the same selective example, Old Rocks will report back to this thread on Thursday and declare a terrible cold spell during Australia's summer - right Old Rocks? :)

And was it not the warmers who were crying about how "weather" is not "climate" and that the consecutive years of colder than "normal" temps were not evidence that there was not global warming? It would appear your selective use of weather data is as selective as your use of truth regarding this issue.

Your tone grows increasingly strident - you are desperate. The global warming house of cards is falling down about you...
Yes, in some parts of Australia, (an area larger than our own lower 48) there has been a summer heat wave. In other parts of Australia, the temps are currently below the norms.

And in areas like Sydney, which are experiencing warmer than average temps, those temps are projected to drop well below normal this week. So utilizing the same selective example, Old Rocks will report back to this thread on Thursday and declare a terrible cold spell during Australia's summer - right Old Rocks? :)

And was it not the warmers who were crying about how "weather" is not "climate" and that the consecutive years of colder than "normal" temps were not evidence that there was not global warming? It would appear your selective use of weather data is as selective as your use of truth regarding this issue.

Your tone grows increasingly strident - you are desperate. The global warming house of cards is falling down about you...

Why yes, yes it was. Crikey.
What's funny is that Old Rocks is selective in his reporting from Oz. LOL :rofl:

I read ALL the online papers from Oz--every day. It's kind of a hobby, though I've never been there.

And let me tell you this "Climategate" has caused a SHIT STORM amongst the Liberal Party in Australia.

Frontbenchers stepping down left, left and left.....votes of NO CONFIDENCE.

But Old Rocks doesn't have the intellectual honesty to present THAT news from Oz, does he?

Voters could go to polls early after Emissions Trading Scheme foiled in the Senate | Herald Sun

VOTERS could go to the polls early next year after the Federal Government's plan to cut greenhouse gases was foiled in the Senate.

The threat of an early election came as Malcolm Turnbull's leadership appeared doomed with Joe Hockey preparing to run as a "consensus" leader.

As senior Liberal MPs moved to tear down Mr Turnbull's battered leadership, the Senate frustrated efforts by the Government to pass its carbon reduction scheme.

Coalition senators joined ranks with the Greens to ensure the Government left Canberra empty-handed last night. The parliamentary stand-off provoked a fierce response from Deputy Prime Minister, Julia Gillard, who said she was "deeply, deeply disappointed" by the Senate's blocking tactic.

Well behind in the polls - and bitterly divided over climate change - the Coalition faces a possible double dissolution election early next year unless it backs down.

We are determined to deliver the carbon pollution reduction scheme," Ms Gillard said.

Senior Liberal figures want the complex Bill sent to a Senate committee, which would not report until February. The Herald Sun believes the Government has sought legal advice on its ability to call an early election in the event the legislation is not voted on next week.

With the Liberal Party going into meltdown, Mr Hockey was considering whether to accept the party's push for him to be leader.

The affable Sydney MP is being courted by senior Right-wing figures, who believe he is the best chance of healing a bitterly divided Liberal Party.

But Mr Hockey has three children under five - and is carefully weighing taking over.

A leadership vote is expected next week after 10 Liberals - including Tony Abbott and Tony Smith - issued a written request for a spill of positions at 9am on Monday.

Mr Turnbull said he would call a party-room meeting for next Tuesday. He spent much of Friday speaking to key supporters in his Sydney office.

But his day got even worse when he incurred the wrath of a woman after he jumped a taxi queue. The woman made her anger clear when he went straight to the front of the taxi queue, where she had patiently waited for a cab.

Earlier, the Opposition Leader insisted he would not fall on his sword.

"I will not step down. I'll stay leader until the party room removes me as leader," he said.

"I will not take a backward step, there's too much at stake.

"It's just not the credibility of the party."

Privately, most senior Liberal figures concede that Mr Turnbull's days are numbered.

Most Liberal MPs contacted by the Herald Sun believe Mr Hockey, who has been in Parliament for 15 years, will emerge as a compromise candidate by Monday.

But the Rudd Government last night showed it would go for the jugular if - as expected - Mr Hockey takes over what many believe is a poisoned chalice.

The rest is at that link above. READ IT, Old Rocks. Show a little intellectual honesty for a change.


/slam dunk end of thread..... :rofl:
Dumbass, yourself.

The Aussies are suffering the third major heat wave in three years. And they are just as gullable as yourself.
Pathetic and desperate. Face it Old Rocks, the gig is up. The scam is over. You were had, scammed. fooled, suckered. You were played......:lol:

Yup - now Old Rocks is attempting to cherry pick from Australia - which recently broke records for cold temps this past winter.

And to say "the Aussies" are suffering the third major heat wave in three years...C'mon Old Rocks - how pathetic are you gonna get on this?

Australia is a very big country - larger than our own lower 48. Your attempt here would be like saying the southeast United States is suffering its "third major heat wave in two years", as a sign of global warming throughout the United States. An area that is among the historically hottest part of Australia has had some warmer than average temps as it heads into its summer season - and yet - those same areas are being forecast as having significantly lower than normal temps this week. So I guess that is just more proof of global cooling, right? Are you aware that many other parts of Australia have been experiencing lower than normal temps and increased rainfall in recent weeks?

You are really stumbling around drunkenly in this and other threads related to this topic. You are coming dangerously close to being a Huggy/ABikerSailer-like joke of a participant in this forum.

Take a breather, come to terms with how you were completely taken, and then move on.

And don't worry, the media will be sure to construct another scam soon that you can bandwagon onto...

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