Quick USMB Poll on Presidential Election

I think _________________________

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I voted not voting, but I am. I will just do a write in for the PResidental election.
I thought about voting for trump just because of supreme court, but I live in TN so it doesn't matter anyways. Just one less vote to show support for his bullshit.

How about just dismissing the dishonest media's portrayal of the two candidates and consider:

1. Which candidate has the better chance and motive to break the cruel hold that political correctness has on the national conversation?

2. Which candidate has the better chance to break the iron grip of the status quo that the permanent political class (both Democrat and Republican) maintains to increase their personal power, prestige, influence, and wealth with no concern for how it negatively affects the country overall?

3. Which candidate has the better chance and stated motive to promote fair trade along with free trade and stop the outflow of American jobs to other countries?

4. Which candidate is least likely to concede more American autonomy to other nations?

5. Which candidate has the better attitude and instincts about how to stimulate a mostly stalled economy?

6. Which candidate has stated that constitutionalists instead of social activists will be appointed to the Supreme Court?

7. Which candidate advocates for a strong military that nobody in the world will dare challenge?

8. Which country respects and honors American exceptionalism, understands the benefit of national respect, recognizes the need for strong borders and policy that can control who is allowed into the country, understands the threat of terrorist groups like ISIS and is willing to call them what they are??

9. Which President is not bound to die hard ideology, is not a political party operative, and is most likely to work with all of Congress to get things done?

10. Which candidate has actually taken on and accomplished big projects and solved problems leaving situations better off than they were before?

If you remove the campaign from fanatical ideology, partisanship, and the designed chaos that we read in the newspapers and see on television or read on message boards and really focus on what is important, there is only one logical vote for those who love their country and want a positive benefit for the American people.
Just want to check the pulse here in mid-August

A month ago I was more uncertain- watching Trump in the last month has reassured me that he will not win.

Of course there is still the chance of a November surprise- Trump's buddy Putin could release stuff in November- real or fake- that could scare people enough to vote for Trump.
I voted not voting, but I am. I will just do a write in for the PResidental election.
I thought about voting for trump just because of supreme court, but I live in TN so it doesn't matter anyways. Just one less vote to show support for his bullshit.

A Tennessean helping Hillary Clinton become President? Pretty bizarre. Most Tennesseans i know, seriously value the Constitution and their right to bear arms. Trump's the much better option.

Clinton's only gonna continue Obama's assault on our Constitution. Especially in regards to the right to bear arms. I gotta admit, i'm a bit sad and disappointed observing a Tennessean selling out this way. Shame Shame. :(

Hillary is likely to double the number of guns seized from your homes compared to the number President Obama has seized.

The gun industry would like you to stock up on more guns just in case.
My answer is that Clinton will win even though I am voting for Johnson. No way can I see Trump winning...
Just want to check the pulse here in mid-August

Given the clear disparity between Trump's polling numbers and the attendance at his events, I'll say he may have a slim chance to win.

Some people go to Trump events just to hear him talk because its entertainment to them. Come November, they many of them will vote for Hillary. Many people are voting for one candidate while they follow the other.

Honestly, if you look at the polling at this point, Trump does not have a chance. Anyone by mid-September that is behind in the average of the polls is going to lose the election. That is the way its been since Nixon.

Trump cannot crack Hillary's Blue wall which automatically gives her 242 electoral votes from just 18 states. These Blue Wall States have voted Democratic in every election since after the 1988 election. Hillary picks up Florida as her 19th state and that puts her over the top with 271 electoral votes. Trump could win the remaining 31 states and lose.
I am voting but not for any of those. I have no clue who is going to win. And who we vote for and who we think will win aren't necessarily the same
Honestly, if you look at the polling at this point, Trump does not have a chance.

Lol. Netanyahu didn't have a chance in the Israeli election according to the polls, Brexit didn't have a chance in the polls either. The 2010 and 2014 mid-terms also ran contrary to the polling.

Polling is notoriously inaccurate.
Polling is notoriously inaccurate.

I tend to agree. So the way I look at the election is in general terms. Generally speaking, Trump is lagging horribly with women, tanking hard with Hispanics and has evaporated completely with blacks. Unless a tiny bevy of white dudes that are left in his camp (after they recall Trump lets deranged men use women's restrooms in Trump Tower) can elect Trump facing a tidal-wave majority, Trump doesn't have an icecube's chance in hell of pulling off a November victory.

In the most general sense then, we should ask ourselves not only how badly Trump will lose, but how many other GOP careers he will bury with his own by the time his mouth has trampled the republican label for good?
A Tennessean helping Hillary Clinton become President? Pretty bizarre. Most Tennesseans i know, seriously value the Constitution and their right to bear arms. Trump's the much better option.
Correct. Conservatives can at least help depress her popular vote. Not voting for Trump is de facto approval of crooked Hillary Clinton.
I voted not voting, but I am. I will just do a write in for the PResidental election.
I thought about voting for trump just because of supreme court, but I live in TN so it doesn't matter anyways. Just one less vote to show support for his bullshit.

A Tennessean helping Hillary Clinton become President? Pretty bizarre. Most Tennesseans i know, seriously value the Constitution and their right to bear arms. Trump's the much better option.

Clinton's only gonna continue Obama's assault on our Constitution. Especially in regards to the right to bear arms. I gotta admit, i'm a bit sad and disappointed observing a Tennessean selling out this way. Shame Shame. :(
I meant that there is no way anyone other than a republican is winning TN. Sorry if I wasn't clear
Trump facing a tidal-wave majority, Trump doesn't have an icecube's chance in hell of pulling off a November victory.
Hillary is such a shoo-in to win the election, there is no reason for all her supporters to show up to vote. I'd stay home to watch the numbers add up.
Eventually, Trump supporters will figure out he cannot win. Then the question is whether or not to switch to Johnson to avoid President Hillary. Once that train starts moving, nothing will stop it, and Johnson wins.
If Johnson can win enough blue states where Bernie was popular , we could have an election where no one gets 270 EC votes. That would put the Presidential selection to the House.
I voted not voting, but I am. I will just do a write in for the PResidental election.
I thought about voting for trump just because of supreme court, but I live in TN so it doesn't matter anyways. Just one less vote to show support for his bullshit.

A Tennessean helping Hillary Clinton become President? Pretty bizarre. Most Tennesseans i know, seriously value the Constitution and their right to bear arms. Trump's the much better option.

Clinton's only gonna continue Obama's assault on our Constitution. Especially in regards to the right to bear arms. I gotta admit, i'm a bit sad and disappointed observing a Tennessean selling out this way. Shame Shame. :(

Hillary is likely to double the number of guns seized from your homes compared to the number President Obama has seized.

The gun industry would like you to stock up on more guns just in case.

I'm not sure about home 'gun seizures', but now that you mention it, i guess it could happen. Either way, she's an Anti-Constitution Globalist. She's already stated that she is coming after Gun Owners. They got her on a secret recording ranting about it. That's why i'm a bit shocked a Tennessean would help Clinton win. Most Tennesseans i know, truly value their 2nd Amendment right.
I voted not voting, but I am. I will just do a write in for the PResidental election.
I thought about voting for trump just because of supreme court, but I live in TN so it doesn't matter anyways. Just one less vote to show support for his bullshit.

A Tennessean helping Hillary Clinton become President? Pretty bizarre. Most Tennesseans i know, seriously value the Constitution and their right to bear arms. Trump's the much better option.

Clinton's only gonna continue Obama's assault on our Constitution. Especially in regards to the right to bear arms. I gotta admit, i'm a bit sad and disappointed observing a Tennessean selling out this way. Shame Shame. :(

Hillary is likely to double the number of guns seized from your homes compared to the number President Obama has seized.

The gun industry would like you to stock up on more guns just in case.

I'm not sure about home 'gun seizures', but now that you mention it, i guess it could happen. Either way, she's an Anti-Constitution Globalist. She's already stated that she is coming after Gun Owners. They got her on a secret recording ranting about it. That's why i'm a bit shocked a Tennessean would help Clinton win. Most Tennesseans i know, truly value their 2nd Amendment right.
because my vote matters? LOL
I voted not voting, but I am. I will just do a write in for the PResidental election.
I thought about voting for trump just because of supreme court, but I live in TN so it doesn't matter anyways. Just one less vote to show support for his bullshit.

A Tennessean helping Hillary Clinton become President? Pretty bizarre. Most Tennesseans i know, seriously value the Constitution and their right to bear arms. Trump's the much better option.

Clinton's only gonna continue Obama's assault on our Constitution. Especially in regards to the right to bear arms. I gotta admit, i'm a bit sad and disappointed observing a Tennessean selling out this way. Shame Shame. :(

Hillary is likely to double the number of guns seized from your homes compared to the number President Obama has seized.

The gun industry would like you to stock up on more guns just in case.

I'm not sure about home 'gun seizures', but now that you mention it, i guess it could happen. Either way, she's an Anti-Constitution Globalist. She's already stated that she is coming after Gun Owners. They got her on a secret recording ranting about it. That's why i'm a bit shocked a Tennessean would help Clinton win. Most Tennesseans i know, truly value their 2nd Amendment right.
because my vote matters? LOL

I actually hear ya on that. But don't help Clinton win. She's an Anti-Constitution Globalist. And we've just endured eight long years of that. We don't need more of it.

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