Quiet Quitting

Thats NOT what I read, from the woman who started this "movement".
It's doing JUST BARELY ENOUGH work to be considered actual work. NOT doing what you were HIRED to do, and definitely not doing ALL the work you are being PAID to do.

And these people expect RAISES from clicking a keyboard button two or three times a day? LMAO!!

These are Clock Riders and scammers!! WHO do they think gets the work THEY don't do, dumped ON????
In today's world it's easy to tell if someone isn't doing their job.
The YouTubers that are on the side of the employees who work are also on the side of the employers who fire do nothings.
Can you find that documentation? I would love to see it for myself. Thanks.

This is the first info I came across.........

If working a job isn't for you, then DON'T GET ONE. All these people do is make things WORSE for people that NEED a job to live and pay bills, and WE are the ones getting ABUSED because of these narcissistic assholes!!

I've worked with WAY too many of these lazy (don't care what SHE calls it, they are LAZY) shitbags that are just there for a paycheck and don't give a damn about anything or anyone else. IF these people ACTUALLY CARED about the job, they wouldn't be pulling this shit, they'd be out there doing whatever it is to fill their narcissistic agendas........NOT wasting everybodys time pretending to work at a job.

If you get a "job" expecting to sit on your ass all day long and have people serve you.........then move to Mexico!! Thats NOT how it works here in the USA!
I spent most of my time on the road driving all over the state. I didn't mind but I had very little time to get anything else done. I wound up spending all of my time that I was off "clicking a keyboard" to get reports written or entering information. I was not alone in this. We were just not getting paid for it. Think these people knew that? Yes they did.
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I spent most of my time on the road driving all over the state. . didn't mind but I had very little time to get anything else done. I wound up spending all of my time that I was off "clicking a keyboard" to get reports written. or entering information. I was not alone in this. We were just not getting paid for it. Think these people knew that? Yes they did.

If you're not getting paid, then it is illegal for you to work for any company in the USA and not get paid for that work. The company is breaking the law.

Unless it's stipulated in your contract, for contract positions, or in salaried positions......then you ARE getting paid for it.

All of the bosses I've ever had that were salaried worked their job when they had to or needed to. This includes having to write reports or go to meetings when they are supposed to be off. It's all incorporated into their fixed wages. If they are asked to do something outside of their contract specifications though, then they could say no, if it wasn't paid for.
If you're not getting paid, then it is illegal for you to work for any company in the USA and not get paid for that work. The company is breaking the law.

Unless it's stipulated in your contract, for contract positions, or in salaried positions......then you ARE getting paid for it.

All of the bosses I've ever had that were salaried worked their job when they had to or needed to. This includes having to write reports or go to meetings when they are supposed to be off. It's all incorporated into their fixed wages. If they are asked to do something outside of their contract specifications though, then they could say no, if it wasn't paid for.

Not getting paid. That's the issue. Time off is my time. That's the issue. At the start of the pandemic, I became a first responder. I am baffled that you would even make an attempt to know what the hell other people were doing in their jobs.
I work for a union so I am working a normal day.
The college graduates working for tech companies are working 100 hours a week to make their 80K-100K...they get no benefits,

My son-in-law works for Netflix and makes almost $300K a year. He has some very, very sweet benefits; medical, dental, vision, 14 days of paid vacation, paid holidays... he's killin' it...
This is the first info I came across.........

If working a job isn't for you, then DON'T GET ONE. All these people do is make things WORSE for people that NEED a job to live and pay bills, and WE are the ones getting ABUSED because of these narcissistic assholes!!

I've worked with WAY too many of these lazy (don't care what SHE calls it, they are LAZY) shitbags that are just there for a paycheck and don't give a damn about anything or anyone else. IF these people ACTUALLY CARED about the job, they wouldn't be pulling this shit, they'd be out there doing whatever it is to fill their narcissistic agendas........NOT wasting everybodys time pretending to work at a job.

If you get a "job" expecting to sit on your ass all day long and have people serve you.........then move to Mexico!! Thats NOT how it works here in the USA!

Ok. So, she didn't actually start it. There was a BS interview with someone that left the corporate world and started her own company and had graduated in 2020.
Ok. So, she didn't actually start it. There was a BS interview with someone that left the corporate world and started her own company and had graduated in 2020.
I'm still looking for the girl that stared it. Apparenlty her Youtube isn't there anymore.
And getting conflicting info from "googling".
Seems there may be some companies trying to squash this. Which is stupid, because it's been going on for forever.
I'm still looking for the girl that stared it. Apparenlty her Youtube isn't there anymore.
And getting conflicting info from "googling".
Seems there may be some companies trying to squash this. Which is stupid, because it's been going on for forever.

My point being........

This is nothing new. Just like millennials have been doing, they give a new title to something thats been going on for many decades, if not centuries, and claim it as their own. This is what they are good at. Their narcissism is SO rampant and engrained into their DNA, they think everything they do and everything they say is the FIRST, and should have a movement behind it, with a special title.

Nothing more than lazy fuktards who think a job is nothing more than a reason to sit around looking pretty and getting paid for it. When they find out they ACTUALLY have to do WORK, they get all pissy and mopey, and start whining and complaining.

If the few that are doing this because they want corruption changed in companies and how they treat and pay employees, then they need to take it to the states governors desks.......because it's the states that allow companies to do any fucking thing they want........including harassing, abusing, and misusing employees.
My point being........

This is nothing new. Just like millennials have been doing, they give a new title to something thats been going on for many decades, if not centuries, and claim it as their own. This is what they are good at. Their narcissism is SO rampant and engrained into their DNA, they think everything they do and everything they say is the FIRST, and should have a movement behind it, with a special title.

Nothing more than lazy fuktards who think a job is nothing more than a reason to sit around looking pretty and getting paid for it. When they find out they ACTUALLY have to do WORK, they get all pissy and mopey, and start whining and complaining.

If the few that are doing this because they want corruption changed in companies and how they treat and pay employees, then they need to take it to the states governors desks.......because it's the states that allow companies to do any fucking thing they want........including harassing, abusing, and misusing employees.
Thanks for your contribution.
My point being........

This is nothing new. Just like millennials have been doing, they give a new title to something thats been going on for many decades, if not centuries, and claim it as their own. This is what they are good at. Their narcissism is SO rampant and engrained into their DNA, they think everything they do and everything they say is the FIRST, and should have a movement behind it, with a special title.

Nothing more than lazy fuktards who think a job is nothing more than a reason to sit around looking pretty and getting paid for it. When they find out they ACTUALLY have to do WORK, they get all pissy and mopey, and start whining and complaining.

If the few that are doing this because they want corruption changed in companies and how they treat and pay employees, then they need to take it to the states governors desks.......because it's the states that allow companies to do any fucking thing they want........including harassing, abusing, and misusing employees.
I worked for many banks and brokerage firms and nobody wanted to work.
Thanks for your contribution.

Whether you believe me or not, I've worked in corporate environments since 1999. I seen, in person, how companies work.....especially when it comes to employees. I've seen mental abuse, physical abuse, and even working an employee literally to death......and nothing happens to the company.

I understand why a lot of people would want to do their minimum requirements and go home. I really do.

BUT...there are WAY too many employees out there that take their cues from the corporate level, and do nothing all day long just to get a paycheck. These are the asswipes that make other employees suffer and get tormented by the company. These are the people I've got the problem with. Unfortunately, as it was stated in the video, you can't tell which employee is doing their basic minimum for this reason, and which one is clock riding just for the sake of being able to do that.

And I know for a FACT that this "movement" is BS in itself, because I've had to deal with applications, diplomas, and degrees from all levels before, and I know from my experiences in corporate offices that job ads are purposely made vague and non-specific. Most job ad's will even state "this does not define all duties encompassed by this role", or something along those lines.

So, when I see these people whining about this stuff, I have to ask.........WHAT was your job descrition, as stated BY the company when you applied? Because I KNOW that line is going to be in there somewhere, some how.
Whether you believe me or not, I've worked in corporate environments since 1999. I seen, in person, how companies work.....especially when it comes to employees. I've seen mental abuse, physical abuse, and even working an employee literally to death......and nothing happens to the company.

I understand why a lot of people would want to do their minimum requirements and go home. I really do.

BUT...there are WAY too many employees out there that take their cues from the corporate level, and do nothing all day long just to get a paycheck. These are the asswipes that make other employees suffer and get tormented by the company. These are the people I've got the problem with. Unfortunately, as it was stated in the video, you can't tell which employee is doing their basic minimum for this reason, and which one is clock riding just for the sake of being able to do that.

And I know for a FACT that this "movement" is BS in itself, because I've had to deal with applications, diplomas, and degrees from all levels before, and I know from my experiences in corporate offices that job ads are purposely made vague and non-specific. Most job ad's will even state "this does not define all duties encompassed by this role", or something along those lines.

So, when I see these people whining about this stuff, I have to ask.........WHAT was your job descrition, as stated BY the company when you applied? Because I KNOW that line is going to be in there somewhere, some how.

I work for a union so I am working a normal day.
The college graduates working for tech companies are working 100 hours a week to make their 80K-100K...they get no benefits,
Same here. Unions are great for making expectations perfectly clear, and any "abuses", such as forced overtime, are clearly delineated, as in how many hours you can be forced, how many weekends you can be forced, O.T. hours are calculated, and those with the fewest hours worked are given first priority in either accepting or refusing O.T., etc., etc.
Problem being that there are a lot of lazy and shiftless people who claw their way into middle management, and look upon underlings with any sort of initiative as potential threats to their status.

I am 100% convinced in my case it was because I was working the most overtime as I was the only one there who could do every job that needed to be done so giving me a smaller raise than the shittiest workers was about being cheap. I ended up with a bigger raise after my bitch fit I quit
I am 100% convinced in my case it was because I was working the most overtime as I was the only one there who could do every job that needed to be done so giving me a smaller raise than the shittiest workers was about being cheap. I ended up with a bigger raise after my bitch fit I quit
My experience involved middle managers who promoted sycophants, instead of the most capable, efficient, and willing to pitch in for those who had a lot of work to get their jobs completed..

I quit instead of sullying my dignity in order to move up.

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