Quinnipiac poll: Trump approval hits another new low

Same polls that said Hillary would easily win.
The left are incapable of learning.
3 Million more people wanted Hillary.
They live in two states that gave their electoral votes to Hillary.
Yep, that's where the people are. Prairie dogs don't vote.
Who ran on the popular vote, Hillary? But yes, we are all well familiar that liberals think their shit doesn't stink and anything outside of the big city is a wasteland occupied by inbreeds. It's why you lost.
The election was won by trump because Kellyanne Conway is one of the best analysis experts of polls and was able to see the weaknesses for Clinton in several rust belt states. The promotion of Clinton winning the popular vote was, and has been, a method of countering trumps claims of a landslide victory and mandate.
Who ran on the popular vote, Hillary? But yes, we are all well familiar that liberals think their shit doesn't stink and anything outside of the big city is a wasteland occupied by inbreeds. It's why you lost.
The election was won by trump because Kellyanne Conway is one of the best analysis experts of polls and was able to see the weaknesses for Clinton in several rust belt states. The promotion of Clinton winning the popular vote was, and has been, a method of countering trumps claims of a landslide victory and mandate.
You can counter all you want but it doesn't alter the reality. You have a VERY simplistic view, not based in reality. Once I left the city all I saw was Trump signs. I've heard from others coast to coast say the same. The election county map proves it.

Your biased brain simply cannot cope so it spits out a simple solid answer for you to hang your hat on.
Same polls that said Hillary would easily win.
The left are incapable of learning.
3 Million more people wanted Hillary.

Which means 3 million more people a whining like a little bitch just like you every time President Trump passes an order. Butt hurt. LOL
That 38% approval rating has you reaching for the cream, yup.

Had Trump gotten the EO right the first time, if Flynn had not lied to Pence, if Kellyanne Conway Cha Cha had not tried to legitimize "alt fact", if Spicer had not done the clown dance from the first performance on -- Trump might be at 42%.

It's going to be a long 8 years for you butt hurt liberals.
Eight years? Dream on.
Same polls that said Hillary would easily win.
The left are incapable of learning.
3 Million more people wanted Hillary.
They live in two states that gave their electoral votes to Hillary.
Yep, that's where the people are. Prairie dogs don't vote.
Who ran on the popular vote, Hillary? But yes, we are all well familiar that liberals think their shit doesn't stink and anything outside of the big city is a wasteland occupied by inbreeds. It's why you lost.
Speaking of inbreeds, look who just popped up. LOL Tell us when those coal mining jobs come back. LOL
Thanks for backing up my point. But you are too stupid to have seen it? The administration is only a month old. Did you know that?
Same polls that said Hillary would easily win.
The left are incapable of learning.
3 Million more people wanted Hillary.

Which means 3 million more people a whining like a little bitch just like you every time President Trump passes an order. Butt hurt. LOL
That 38% approval rating has you reaching for the cream, yup.

Had Trump gotten the EO right the first time, if Flynn had not lied to Pence, if Kellyanne Conway Cha Cha had not tried to legitimize "alt fact", if Spicer had not done the clown dance from the first performance on -- Trump might be at 42%.

It's going to be a long 8 years for you butt hurt liberals.
Eight years? Dream on.

Your only hope is the economy and job market tanks or some awful act of terrorism occurs. Liberals only chance is to root against America. How pathetic.
Same polls that said Hillary would easily win.
The left are incapable of learning.
Trump and the GOP congress ignore the polls at their PERIL!!!!
Too funny.
Now dingleberry, Clinton won the popular vote by just a little less than 3 million votes. Had 200,000 of those votes been in different districts, we would be speaking of President Hillary Clinton today. It is an electoral fluke that the orange clown is President.
The election fluke you speak of is called the electoral college. Most of us learn that in grade school.
Sad really, he had such potential

~President Trump's approval rating has slipped to 38 percent, a new national poll finds.~

The Quinnipiac University survey released on Wednesday says that only 38 percent of Americans approve of Trump's job performance, while 55 percent disapprove of the commander in chief. According to Quinnipiac, the 17-point difference in Trump's approval rating is the worst he's fared in a poll since taking office in January.

QU Poll Release Detail
His numbers are going to go even lower, if that liar in cheat, don't start producing effin jobs for these mindless ingrates that supported his bullshit.
3 Million more people wanted Hillary.

Which means 3 million more people a whining like a little bitch just like you every time President Trump passes an order. Butt hurt. LOL
That 38% approval rating has you reaching for the cream, yup.

Had Trump gotten the EO right the first time, if Flynn had not lied to Pence, if Kellyanne Conway Cha Cha had not tried to legitimize "alt fact", if Spicer had not done the clown dance from the first performance on -- Trump might be at 42%.

It's going to be a long 8 years for you butt hurt liberals.
Eight years? Dream on.

Your only hope is the economy and job market tanks or some awful act of terrorism occurs. Liberals only chance is to root against America. How pathetic.
Liberals rooting against America? And you can say this with Trump, who supports Putin, called our elections rigged, has degraded every person, including sitting judges who don't kiss his ass, who has shitted all over our constitution, who calls the free press fake news, who intends to pollute our air, gut education, has hired everything on Wall Street, but the signs and this is rooting for America??? Bitch, please!!
Which means 3 million more people a whining like a little bitch just like you every time President Trump passes an order. Butt hurt. LOL
That 38% approval rating has you reaching for the cream, yup.

Had Trump gotten the EO right the first time, if Flynn had not lied to Pence, if Kellyanne Conway Cha Cha had not tried to legitimize "alt fact", if Spicer had not done the clown dance from the first performance on -- Trump might be at 42%.

It's going to be a long 8 years for you butt hurt liberals.
Eight years? Dream on.

Your only hope is the economy and job market tanks or some awful act of terrorism occurs. Liberals only chance is to root against America. How pathetic.
Liberals rooting against America? And you can say this with Trump, who supports Putin, called our elections rigged, has degraded every person, including sitting judges who don't kiss his ass, who has shitted all over our constitution, who calls the free press fake news, who intends to pollute our air, gut education, has hired everything on Wall Street, but the signs and this is rooting for America??? Bitch, please!!

Sucks to be you. LOL :biggrin:
Same polls that said Hillary would easily win.
The left are incapable of learning.
Trump and the GOP congress ignore the polls at their PERIL!!!!
Too funny.
Now dingleberry, Clinton won the popular vote by just a little less than 3 million votes. Had 200,000 of those votes been in different districts, we would be speaking of President Hillary Clinton today. It is an electoral fluke that the orange clown is President.
The election fluke you speak of is called the electoral college. Most of us learn that in grade school.
Why is Trump compelled to make up tales of millions of illegal votes?
Same polls that said Hillary would easily win.
The left are incapable of learning.
Trump and the GOP congress ignore the polls at their PERIL!!!!
Too funny.
Now dingleberry, Clinton won the popular vote by just a little less than 3 million votes. Had 200,000 of those votes been in different districts, we would be speaking of President Hillary Clinton today. It is an electoral fluke that the orange clown is President.
The election fluke you speak of is called the electoral college. Most of us learn that in grade school.
Why is Trump compelled to make up tales of millions of illegal votes?
How do you know it's made up? I seem to recall recount efforts taking place by Stein, she was right, there was some fraud but it boosted Trump's lead. But now you know all the votes were legit?
Trump and the GOP congress ignore the polls at their PERIL!!!!
Too funny.
Now dingleberry, Clinton won the popular vote by just a little less than 3 million votes. Had 200,000 of those votes been in different districts, we would be speaking of President Hillary Clinton today. It is an electoral fluke that the orange clown is President.
The election fluke you speak of is called the electoral college. Most of us learn that in grade school.
Why is Trump compelled to make up tales of millions of illegal votes?
How do you know it's made up? I seem to recall recount efforts taking place by Stein, she was right, there was some fraud but it boosted Trump's lead. But now you know all the votes were legit?
Which means 3 million more people a whining like a little bitch just like you every time President Trump passes an order. Butt hurt. LOL
That 38% approval rating has you reaching for the cream, yup.

Had Trump gotten the EO right the first time, if Flynn had not lied to Pence, if Kellyanne Conway Cha Cha had not tried to legitimize "alt fact", if Spicer had not done the clown dance from the first performance on -- Trump might be at 42%.

It's going to be a long 8 years for you butt hurt liberals.
Eight years? Dream on.

Your only hope is the economy and job market tanks or some awful act of terrorism occurs. Liberals only chance is to root against America. How pathetic.
Liberals rooting against America? And you can say this with Trump, who supports Putin, called our elections rigged, has degraded every person, including sitting judges who don't kiss his ass, who has shitted all over our constitution, who calls the free press fake news, who intends to pollute our air, gut education, has hired everything on Wall Street, but the signs and this is rooting for America??? Bitch, please!!

lets not forget.......all the polls had him getting clobbered in the election. Its all about who is asking the questions and to whom............ and more importantly, what the questions are!!:coffee:

You could get a 90% approval for eating dog doo if you put the questions to a person just right!!:deal:

Obama had a 65% approval upon leaving office!! OK......:bye1::bye1:
All the polls said she would win the vote.

She did. Easily.
Yes. The Clinton administration is doing what? Lol.
She won the popular vote, easily, which is what the polls predicted.

You don't understand that? :lol:

Drop the moonbeam state and Donald Trump won the popular vote too. That's NOT winning anything "easily".

Where the major populations exist, Hillary won.

Yes, emphasizing why we NEED the Electoral College. Just look for the high crime, murder, and poverty concentrations and there you find Progressives. Why Progressives think this is something of which to be proud, I have no idea.
Same polls that said Hillary would easily win.
The left are incapable of learning.
Trump and the GOP congress ignore the polls at their PERIL!!!!
Too funny.
Now dingleberry, Clinton won the popular vote by just a little less than 3 million votes. Had 200,000 of those votes been in different districts, we would be speaking of President Hillary Clinton today. It is an electoral fluke that the orange clown is President.

Sorry, but this is NO FLUKE.

The election was won by trump because Kellyanne Conway is one of the best analysis experts of polls and was able to see the weaknesses for Clinton in several rust belt states. The promotion of Clinton winning the popular vote was, and has been, a method of countering trumps claims of a landslide victory and mandate.

Curious isn't it? That Progressives are not celebrating Kellyanne Conway breaking a huge glass ceiling by being the first woman ever to manage and direct a WINNING PRESIDENTIAL CAMPAIGN.

Don't Progressives constantly beat the drums about how tolerant and accepting they are of all races and genders? How they promote women's rights, how utterly spectacularly proud they were that Hillary Clinton was going to BREAK THAT GLASS CEILING and be the first US President!

Why not celebrate Kellyanne Conway's victory?
Same polls that said Hillary would easily win.
The left are incapable of learning.
Trump and the GOP congress ignore the polls at their PERIL!!!!
Too funny.
Now dingleberry, Clinton won the popular vote by just a little less than 3 million votes. Had 200,000 of those votes been in different districts, we would be speaking of President Hillary Clinton today. It is an electoral fluke that the orange clown is President.

Sorry, but this is NO FLUKE.


All the polls said she would win the vote.

She did. Easily.
Yes. The Clinton administration is doing what? Lol.
She won the popular vote, easily, which is what the polls predicted.

You don't understand that? :lol:

Drop the moonbeam state and Donald Trump won the popular vote too. That's NOT winning anything "easily".

All the polls said she would win the vote.

She did. Easily.
Yes. The Clinton administration is doing what? Lol.
She won the popular vote, easily, which is what the polls predicted.

You don't understand that? :lol:

Drop the moonbeam state and Donald Trump won the popular vote too. That's NOT winning anything "easily".


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