Quitting Smoking

freeandfun1 said:
LOL there are many drugs that have been found to do things they were not first intended to do.

I tried the patch, gum, etc. and I started back on all of em. I might start back on this one too, who knows. I figured since it has been proven to work and since now is commonly prescribed to help smokers stop, why not try it? I figure it can't be any worse than dieing from smoking....

Plus you haven't had any ill effects other than the funny smell. I could live with that, but why take the chance when something seems to be working?

I am a firm believer in "If it ain't broke, don't fix it!"
no1tovote4 said:
Plus you haven't had any ill effects other than the funny smell. I could live with that, but why take the chance when something seems to be working?

I am a firm believer in "If it ain't broke, don't fix it!"

I'll keep on it unless something starts happening.

I do get depressed from time to time (I think we all do to some extent) so maybe I needed it anyway!

Well, my brother says it was 8 days in not 3.
Extreme rapid heart rate, entire body got hot, extreme sweating, confusion
and the feeling of no control over his body including difficulty breathing.
No drinking.

He also says...nothing is FDA approved for this app..and everything has risk that is on the market
including the gum and patch if not used correctly. I don't know if that's true, just what he said.

He's a hoot sometimes..His stand is that there are so many risks involved that
if you're going to use on of em to stop, you might as well step in front of a bus.

He suggests the good old fashion way...Just stop!
Mr. P said:

Well, my brother says it was 8 days in not 3.
Extreme rapid heart rate, entire body got hot, extreme sweating, confusion
and the feeling of no control over his body including difficulty breathing.
No drinking.

He also says...nothing is FDA approved for this app..and everything has risk that is on the market
including the gum and patch if not used correctly. I don't know if that's true, just what he said.

He's a hoot sometimes..His stand is that there are so many risks involved that
if you're going to use on of em to stop, you might as well step in front of a bus.

He suggests the good old fashion way...Just stop!

He was allergic, I have that same reaction to potatoes and penecillin.

If you use the patch and smoke a cigarette at the same time it is possible to overdose and get really sick.
no1tovote4 said:
He was allergic, I have that same reaction to potatoes and penecillin.

If you use the patch and smoke a cigarette at the same time it is possible to overdose and get really sick.
He did mention that about the patch..
I guess he had a Doc tell him..It's the overdose of nicotine that will cause a heart attach...makes sense to me.
I guess that's why too, that the patch can be dangerous..Differant strengths made I guess..so if ya get the wrong one...wow..
Mr. P said:

Well, my brother says it was 8 days in not 3.
Extreme rapid heart rate, entire body got hot, extreme sweating, confusion
and the feeling of no control over his body including difficulty breathing.
No drinking.

He also says...nothing is FDA approved for this app..and everything has risk that is on the market
including the gum and patch if not used correctly. I don't know if that's true, just what he said.

He's a hoot sometimes..His stand is that there are so many risks involved that
if you're going to use on of em to stop, you might as well step in front of a bus.

He suggests the good old fashion way...Just stop!


True, Wellbutrin hasn't been approved by the FDA for smoking, but Zyban has and they are considered the same (for example, I was prescribed Wellbutrin, but was given Budepropin (or something like that) as a generic. Zyban, Wellbutrin XL, Wellbutrin SR and Wellbutrin are all different names for the same basic drug.

Anyway, I agree about the cold-turkey. I quit for six months like that within the last year, but started again when I met some stress. The doc says this helps you get over those stressful periods when you want a smoke too.

Like I said, I don't mind taking it anyway as I do have off and on depression problems so I was kinda hope'n it would help in that area too....

Of the symptoms he mentioned, I have only had problems (other than the taste and smells I mentioned) with is the sweating. But according to my doc, my sweating is because the drug, in some cases and apparently in me, increases your metabolism.

Anyway, it is working and so I am going to stick with it for now. But thanks for the info.
Have sucessfully quit (over 12 months) twice now using the patch and zyban.

Hardest part is breaking the mental habits of when and where you desire to smoke. The patch and pill will allow you to be smoke free as you reprogram yourself.

My issue is boredom and stress. I can deal with one, but not both. Beware that while the patch is effective, going back is far easier. That's why I am now on day four of the third time on the patch.

Good luck
pegwinn said:
Have sucessfully quit (over 12 months) twice now using the patch and zyban.

Hardest part is breaking the mental habits of when and where you desire to smoke. The patch and pill will allow you to be smoke free as you reprogram yourself.

My issue is boredom and stress. I can deal with one, but not both. Beware that while the patch is effective, going back is far easier. That's why I am now on day four of the third time on the patch.

Good luck

My main issue is irritation. I get irritated I need a cigarette. Of course one of the main issues with nicotine withdrawal is irritation. It is a self-perpetuating cycle.
Day 5! I made it through Daddy night. My wife went out with her friends last night. Whooooo! I almost broke down and went to the Gas Station!
Day 6! I still haven't exploded on anybody and haven't cheated even once. I am very hopeful this time.
no1tovote4 said:
Day 6! I still haven't exploded on anybody and haven't cheated even once. I am very hopeful this time.

You are going to be successful!!!!!
no1tovote4 said:
Thanks for the support everybody! :)

One of my best friends quit after smoking 3 packs a day for 18 years...........

I will keep supporting you till you are completely over your habit............. :salute:
I understand it is a hard habit to quit. I never smoked but my Mom did and she tried to quit many many times but never succeeded.

Good luck to you!!!!!!!
no1tovote4 said:
Has anybody recently quit smoking? If so, what worked?

I have just begun my most recent attempt to quit and need to have some ideas as obviously what I have been doing isn't working. Hence the need to quit again!


i quit in october of 01

i would look at my 4 year olde son every morning and say... if i keep smoking i will not get to hug him and see him grow up...you see my father died when i was 18...i have not had a smoke since that day in october
manu1959 said:
i quit in october of 01

i would look at my 4 year olde son every morning and say... if i keep smoking i will not get to hug him and see him grow up...you see my father died when i was 18...i have not had a smoke since that day in october
This may be the one thing I'll read and decide to change about myself...
Thank you
no1tovote4 said:
My main issue is irritation. I get irritated I need a cigarette. Of course one of the main issues with nicotine withdrawal is irritation. It is a self-perpetuating cycle.
I was on the gum for 4 years, now switched to the Commit lozenges. Not much desire to smoke anymore, but I'm hooked on the lozenges...especially when irritated or stressed (at work).

Benefits: you trade nasty smoke-smelling clothes and breath for minty fresh breath. No risk of lung cancer. Unknown risk of mouth/throat cancer, but probably nil or almost certainly less then tobacco. Same with bladder cancer and stomach cancer....unknown but probably zero and (hopefully) less than tobacco. You don't have to "take a break" from what you are doing...just pop one in and keep on keeping on. Still get a bit of oral fixation. Kids aren't corrupted.

Drawbacks: More expensive than smokes. Less fun. Don't really get to take a break from what you are doing. Not QUITE as good of a rush, but close. Not as easy to buy as smokes. Not easy or fun to do when drinking.

Good luck!

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