R.I.P. Jimmy Buffett. Thanks for years of music.

You might want to listen to his stuff, he was good. Not just as a performer, but a songwriter as well. It's rare to be both, Dylan was a great songwriter, but a horrible performer, I can't listen to that nasal voice of his, it takes all the enjoyment out of his songs and lyrics.
20 or 30 years from now Buffett will only be remembered for one song
20 or 30 years from now Buffett will only be remembered for one song

I think he will be remembered for more than one. "A Pirate Looks at 40" is one that has lasted.

The Parrotheads will keep the songs alive.
20 or 30 years from now Buffett will only be remembered for one song
20 or 30 years from now Buffett will only be remembered for one song

By people like you, sure. But for people (and their children, and their grandchildren) who looked beyond that mediocre hit and learned what else was there in the catalogue, he will be remembered for many more...
By people like you, sure. But for people (and their children, and their grandchildren) who looked beyond that mediocre hit and learned what else was there in the catalogue, he will be remembered for many more...
Actually, when his fans who appreciated his in-person concerts die its all over for buffett except for his one big hit
Actually, when his fans who appreciated his in-person concerts die its all over for buffett except for his one big hit

It will take longer than that. His fan base tended to be generational. Parents took the kids, those kids took their kids, and so on. I also imagine they will continue to pass on their love for his music without the live shows. And it wasn't just the live shows, I got my kids hooked long before I took them to a live show.

Then you have the restaurants, the resorts, the cruise ship (which I hear could be much better than it is), the campgrounds, the casinos, and even the retirement villages... that one, mediocre song built quite a little empire...

Of course only time will tell, and I doubt either one of us will be around to see which of us is right.
Have they? Have rare forms of cancer exploded since the shots were administered? Got a link showing that to be a fact and not just paranoia?

Other stories regarding higher cancer rates have been suppressed by our masters, just as stories of the high efficacy of Ivermectin were suppressed, but you would rather look the other way on that topic.

Other stories regarding higher cancer rates have been suppressed by our masters, just as stories of the high efficacy of Ivermectin were suppressed, but you would rather look the other way on that topic.

I'd rather look at actual evidence instead of just wild claims.
You can't because your eyes are wide shut. Your mind won't let you examine facts that contradict your worldview.

My eyes are wild open. My worldview is open.

But when asked for evidence of a claim, saying "...stories regarding higher cancer rates have been suppressed by our masters" is just conspiracy theory nonsense.

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