Race Relations - the media perception is it is worse, is reality different?


Apr 22, 2007
I get caught up in it many times, because I see the highly ignorant BLM protesters, I see racist attacks on mentally ill white kids, I hear about the knock out came, you hear white racist on this board rally about blacks, you see La Raza calling for a purge of whites, etc. I get caught up in it at times because everything is caught on video and video brings out powerful emotions. The media exploits it and makes it seem more prevalent then it is. They prey on the emotions and bastardize them to their advantage for ratings.

But is it reality? I don't see it on my personal experience. Examples

1. About 2 weeks ago I took my son to a Blackhawks game. We got out around 10:00ish. He loves claim strips and shrimp for a place called the Shrimp House (on Diversy for you Chicagoans - awesome place try it). We went in place we were the only white people surrounded by Blacks. Some people sparked up friendly conversations about the game (since we both wore Hawk's jerseys). We were there for roughly 30 mins and felt safe the entire time.

2. My son's best friend on his hockey team is a gigantic black kid (seriously he is 11 and over 6 foot, 6'1 maybe 6'2). When I drop my kid over for a play date I usually stick around for a little and have a beer or two with the father. My daughter has a similar black friend (although she is adopted to lesbian white parents). But I will admit most of my kids friends are white.

3. My best friend at work is Mexican (born in Mexico and came here legally). I regularly hit happy hours with him and we are taking out kids paintballing in a few weeks. I prefer him over many of my white colleagues.

4. Go to any part of the North side of Chicago, loop or Rivernorth (however there are parts of the south side are definitely dangerous to everyone including Blacks) and you see people of all races, black, white, brown and yellow, going about their business, interacting with one another and mostly in harmony.

Point is the media stirs many emotions and for some reason wants to make America to appear to be in the verge of a race war. But when you sit back and look at your personal experiences and take the media emotion out of it, you probably see a different picture? I know I do. I guarantee the racist on the board, black or white, live in a mostly homogenous environment and only get their views on other races from TV and the media!

And yes I view myself as a right leaning strong anti-illegal immigration Trump supporter.

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Believe it or not ; I'm very polite to non whites. When I have to deal with integrated society ; I can. I just try to minimize my interaction. Some of my non white customers and contacts agree. Many non whites wish to separate as well. No race war , just self segregation. I see no reason other than business to "reach out". And , TBH , be careful , many times when dealing with the non white ; the best deal you can make , is the one you don't.

A nearby town in "Yahweh's Triangle" posts red , yellow , or green lights indicating willingness to conduct business with the non white. As an islamic was stranded with a "dead" battery ; he was niave enough to "barter" a service invoice. Not a good idea in Whitelandia.
I get caught up in it many times, because I see the highly ignorant BLM protesters, I see racist attacks on mentally ill white kids, I hear about the knock out came, you hear white racist on this board rally about blacks, you see La Raza calling for a purge of whites, etc. I get caught up in it at times because everything is caught on video and video brings out powerful emotions. The media exploits it and makes it seem more prevalent then it is. They prey on the emotions and bastardize them to their advantage for ratings.

But is it reality? I don't see it on my personal experience. Examples

1. About 2 weeks ago I took my son to a Blackhawks game. We got out around 10:00ish. He loves claim strips and shrimp for a place called the Shrimp House (on Diversy for you Chicagoans - awesome place try it). We went in place we were the only white people surrounded by Blacks. Some people sparked up friendly conversations about the game (since we both wore Hawk's jerseys). We were there for roughly 30 mins and felt safe the entire time.

2. My son's best friend on his hockey team is a gigantic black kid (seriously he is 11 and over 6 foot, 6'1 maybe 6'2). When I drop my kid over for a play date I usually stick around for a little and have a beer or two with the father. My daughter has a similar black friend (although she is adopted to lesbian white parents). But I will admit most of my kids friends are white.

3. My best friend at work is Mexican (born in Mexico and came here legally). I regularly hit happy hours with him and we are taking out kids paintballing in a few weeks. I prefer him over many of my white colleagues.

4. Go to any part of the North side of Chicago, loop or Rivernorth (however there are parts of the south side are definitely dangerous to everyone including Blacks) and you see people of all races, black, white, brown and yellow, going about their business, interacting with one another and mostly in harmony.

Point is the media stirs many emotions and for some reason wants to make America to appear to be in the verge of a race war. But when you sit back and look at your personal experiences and take the media emotion out of it, you probably see a different picture? I know I do. I guarantee the racist on the board, black or white, live in a mostly homogenous environment and only get their views on other races from TV and the media!

And yes I view myself as a right leaning strong anti-illegal immigration Trump supporter.

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There is a disconnect. And it is in their heads where they are willing to see you as a person, while supporting racists assholes like Hillary who are out to get you.
I get caught up in it many times, because I see the highly ignorant BLM protesters, I see racist attacks on mentally ill white kids, I hear about the knock out came, you hear white racist on this board rally about blacks, you see La Raza calling for a purge of whites, etc. I get caught up in it at times because everything is caught on video and video brings out powerful emotions. The media exploits it and makes it seem more prevalent then it is. They prey on the emotions and bastardize them to their advantage for ratings.

But is it reality? I don't see it on my personal experience. Examples

1. About 2 weeks ago I took my son to a Blackhawks game. We got out around 10:00ish. He loves claim strips and shrimp for a place called the Shrimp House (on Diversy for you Chicagoans - awesome place try it). We went in place we were the only white people surrounded by Blacks. Some people sparked up friendly conversations about the game (since we both wore Hawk's jerseys). We were there for roughly 30 mins and felt safe the entire time.

2. My son's best friend on his hockey team is a gigantic black kid (seriously he is 11 and over 6 foot, 6'1 maybe 6'2). When I drop my kid over for a play date I usually stick around for a little and have a beer or two with the father. My daughter has a similar black friend (although she is adopted to lesbian white parents). But I will admit most of my kids friends are white.

3. My best friend at work is Mexican (born in Mexico and came here legally). I regularly hit happy hours with him and we are taking out kids paintballing in a few weeks. I prefer him over many of my white colleagues.

4. Go to any part of the North side of Chicago, loop or Rivernorth (however there are parts of the south side are definitely dangerous to everyone including Blacks) and you see people of all races, black, white, brown and yellow, going about their business, interacting with one another and mostly in harmony.

Point is the media stirs many emotions and for some reason wants to make America to appear to be in the verge of a race war. But when you sit back and look at your personal experiences and take the media emotion out of it, you probably see a different picture? I know I do. I guarantee the racist on the board, black or white, live in a mostly homogenous environment and only get their views on other races from TV and the media!

And yes I view myself as a right leaning strong anti-illegal immigration Trump supporter.

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There is a disconnect. And it is in their heads where they are willing to see you as a person, while supporting racists assholes like Hillary who are out to get you.

I think journalists are so poorly paid that they naturally fall left and hence sow the seeds of a racist America to keep the left relevant!

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The tensions are definitely higher. Just today my daughter came home and told me this white boy flipped out in history class. He was really pissed at my daughter who is very knowledgeable in the racist history of the US. Her teacher encourages her to show her knowledge. Anyway she was talking about how whites had made it hard for Black people to get loans to buy homes and this little cave ape flipped out. He started screaming about how everyone was picking on white people, how he hated liberals, people of color, and started walking towards my daughter in a threatening manner. My daughter is afraid of nothing so she backed him down by standing up and yelling at him. He almost called her the n word and one of the Black boys in her class clocked him. I owe that kid a dinner.
The tensions are definitely higher. Just today my daughter came home and told me this white boy flipped out in history class. He was really pissed at my daughter who is very knowledgeable in the racist history of the US. Her teacher encourages her to show her knowledge. Anyway she was talking about how whites had made it hard for Black people to get loans to buy homes and this little cave ape flipped out. He started screaming about how everyone was picking on white people, how he hated liberals, people of color, and started walking towards my daughter in a threatening manner. My daughter is afraid of nothing so she backed him down by standing up and yelling at him. He almost called her the n word and one of the Black boys in her class clocked him. I owe that kid a dinner.


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The tensions are definitely higher. Just today my daughter came home and told me this white boy flipped out in history class. He was really pissed at my daughter who is very knowledgeable in the racist history of the US. Her teacher encourages her to show her knowledge. Anyway she was talking about how whites had made it hard for Black people to get loans to buy homes and this little cave ape flipped out. He started screaming about how everyone was picking on white people, how he hated liberals, people of color, and started walking towards my daughter in a threatening manner. My daughter is afraid of nothing so she backed him down by standing up and yelling at him. He almost called her the n word and one of the Black boys in her class clocked him. I owe that kid a dinner.

The tensions are definitely higher. Just today my daughter came home and told me this white boy flipped out in history class. He was really pissed at my daughter who is very knowledgeable in the racist history of the US. Her teacher encourages her to show her knowledge. Anyway she was talking about how whites had made it hard for Black people to get loans to buy homes and this little cave ape flipped out. He started screaming about how everyone was picking on white people, how he hated liberals, people of color, and started walking towards my daughter in a threatening manner. My daughter is afraid of nothing so she backed him down by standing up and yelling at him. He almost called her the n word and one of the Black boys in her class clocked him. I owe that kid a dinner.

I wasnt thinking of you but.....


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