Racer-X vs. Mad-Hatter: Capitalism/Christianity [TrumpUSA Diction?]


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
TrumpUSA is so darn confusing.

Here's a TrumpUSA capitalism 'vignette' involving two iconic 'patriotism debaters' (Racer-X and Mad-Hatter) and was inspired by The Wolf of Wall Street.

Cheers (signing off),


Racer-X, the world's ultimate American race-car driver and capitalism-patriot was involved in a heated exchange/debate with the nefariously diabolical terrorist known as the Mad-Hatter. Racer-X believed in democracy and teamwork, Christianity, and sportsmanlike thrills, while Mad-Hatter espoused mischief, malice, violence, terrorism, anarchy, power, and Satanism. This was a great contest between the two iconic 'demi-gods' over the value/virtue of TrumpUSA which had become a 'beacon' of modern capitalism/commerce and therefore civilization itself.

{Racer-X & Mad-Hatter}


RACER-X: Modern capitalism is like a chess game!
MAD-HATTER: There's clean competitors but also pirates...
RACER-X: Piracy is a natural instinct and something we have to monitor.
MAD-HATTER: Why not create a little fun/mischief?
RACER-X: Terrorism does not cure the malady of hypocrisy.
MAD-HATTER: Sometimes calamity and revolution are necessary!
RACER-X: We have to seek democratic means towards reform.
MAD-HATTER: Do you realize that people are fascinated by tycoons with gorgeous wives?
RACER-X: The American Dream has been 'sullied' by images of 'lust' but not to oblivion.
MAD-HATTER: If you and I played a symbolic chess-match about TrumpUSA, would it matter?
RACER-X: Sure; why not? After all, I might bring my powerful Queen out to test your Bishops.
MAD-HATTER: I could always use my Rooks/Castle to create powerful alignment-walls.
RACER-X: In other words, I'd espouse individual liberties, while you'd use subversion.
MAD-HATTER: Subversion is simply the 'flipside' of liberty...
RACER-X: Perhaps that's accurate, but perhaps TrumpUSA offers us liberty amenities.
MAD-HATTER: Such as?
RACER-X: Media access to politicians' views on economic reforms; Wall Street Journal (etc.).
MAD-HATTER: So 'open-dialogue' about capitalism-complexity creates objectivity?
RACER-X: That's the theory anyway; at least, dialogue promotes healthy hygiene.
MAD-HATTER: What's so 'hygienic' about MTV, Playboy, and pirate-radio?
RACER-X: American consumers feel 'excited' about the plethora of networking-stimuli.
MAD-HATTER: Do you realize how seductive pornography is in this age of free-speech?
RACER-X: Yes, I understand visceral 'humanity,' but access to media demands conscience!
MAD-HATTER: So parental-controls on cable-TV boxes create socialization optimism...
RACER-X: In theory, monitoring TrumpUSA 'frailties' is like a 'rhythmic chess-match.'
MAD-HATTER: So our TrumpUSA chess-match is like a 'propaganda-song.'
RACER-X: Well, I'd call it pedagoguery and not propaganda, but it is a 'workout music.'
MAD-HATTER: In that case, let's concede that TrumpUSA capitalism can be "Christian flute."


Racer-X and Mad-Hatter concluded their fine discussion about the orientation of TrumpUSA capitalism and the contemplation of vice and imagination in modern civilization. Media had changed everything, and consumers cared about the 'aesthetics' of networking, technology, and self-promotion (e.g., Facebook-culture). Racer-X and Mad-Hatter conceded that capitalism was very complex and raised feelings of both idealism and narcissism. In other words, Racer-X and Mad-Hatter declared a philosophical 'chess-stalemate' (or draw/tie) about their heated debate-oriented discussion about the 'hygiene' of American norms. However, Racer-X maintained that the open circulation of TrumpUSA-critical political cartoons represented a social investment in intellectual freedom, while Mad-Hatter insisted that TrumpUSA 'frivolities' reflected a natural vice in capitalism --- one of revolutionary yearning (e.g., tabloids).


In the end, the question of whether or not coordinated capitalism consciousness (e.g., commerce with lifestyle) promoted virtue was a rather 'hairy question.' After all, who could deny that playing video-games was addictive or that Playboy catered to consumers' fascination with voyeurism or that Wall Street claustrophobia raised up natural anti-bureaucratic sentiments (e.g., anti-capitalism themed MTV punk-rock music-videos)? Racer-X and Mad-Hatter agreed that for TrumpUSA to be declared a 'beacon' for civilization values, Americans would have to understand/appreciate why the 'cadence' or 'music' of commercial vanities in modern civilization (e.g., Vanity Fair, BET, Nickelodeon, etc.) promoted basic social ideology(!). After all, wasn't TrumpUSA capitalism a form of human folklore?


TRUMP: What did you make of this Racer-X/Mad-Hatter contest?
CARTER: Racer-X is an ideological patriot; Mad-Hatter a terrorist!
TRUMP: Well, Racer-X managed to persuade his nemesis to play chess.
CARTER: And debate...
TRUMP: Yes, and apparently Racer-X came to a stalemate about capitalism-ethos.
CARTER: Any kind of stalemate with an anti-social philosopher reveals progress!
TRUMP: Sure; we want to take careful steps to 'anchor down' anti-social fever.
CARTER: Racer-X was happy with the temporary stalemate and continues to exercise.
TRUMP: He's a real 'exorcist,' and perhaps we'll find a way to curb Mad-Hatter's wrath!
CARTER: In the meantime, the CIA/NSA is trying to secure Homeland Security.
TRUMP: Yes, we don't want anti-TrumpUSA sentiments to create complete panic.
CARTER: Right; commerce-engaged everyday life is the hallmark of modern music!



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