The 4 Year Vengeance Term- What should we expect to see should Trump win and Republicans take both chambers?

Pandora’s Box is wide open and Trump intends to retaliate.…BIGLY!!
Good stuff ahead.

You're dreaming in technicolor, and again, the function of government is not to "get even" for your perceived slights and insults. The job of government is to manage the resources of the nation to give the PEOPLE the resources they need to achieve their potential.

What it doesn't mean is trying to prosecute Democrats without any proof of crimes or corruption, which is what Republicans have been trying to do since Clinton was in office. Trump even used faked laptops, and phony Ukrainian investigations to take down the Bidens, and where did that get him.

Trump spent 4 years trying to prosecute McCable, Clinton, Obama, Clapper, and Biden and he got exactly 2 cases against DNC lawyers, both of which were tossed in less time than it took for the jury to order lunch.
No, he never did that, he never said that Biden supporters, or half of the population, was a threat to the country.
You think k childish hyperbole, fear mongering, and fueling hatred between two halves of our country is the best thing for our country?? Wow, you got some serious issues
No, he never did that, he never said that Biden supporters, or half of the population, was a threat to the country.

He most certainly did say that Democrats are a threat to the country.

Trump tried to have Anti-Fa and BLM labelled as "terrorist organizations", even though being anti-fascism is a belief, not an organization. There is no organization, leadership, or manifesto for people opposing fascism in all of its forms.

As for BLM, no members of BLM have ever been arrested for violence. Those who were arrested for violence at the demonstrations in 2020 were overwhelmingly right wing agitators and anarchists, along with gangs of looters, orgcaanized on the dark web, taking advantage of the chaos.

Trump openly encouraged the violence and the right wing thugs, because the unrest was helping his re-election campaign, claiming that Anti-fa and BLM terrorists were destroying the property of hard working Americans and yet Trump did NOTHING to try to end the riots.

Contrast that to the coordinated efforts of the Biden Administration to end the student protests across multiple states this past spring, when mainly outside agitators and protestors started erecting encampments and disrupting campuses across the nation. Within 48 hours the demonstrations ended. Quietly, peacefully, without the use of excessive force or violence.
.......Mass Deportations….hunt down arrest and deport illegals on a streamline fast-track
End birthright citizenship anyway he can using any angle he can
Create a new citizenship status (like the Kenyan did with DACA) for anyone here with illegal lineage


WHAT do you mean by this (highlighted)???
I remember this thread. . . in which the left and the DNC are openly talking about this sort of thing;

Yet there is a certain irony going on, because this is precisely what the Trump and MAGA crowd intend to do to the extreme left, should they win. . . 🤔

Over 50% Of Liberal, White Women Under 30 Have A Mental Health Issue. Are We Worried Yet?​

Gutfeld is absolutely WRONG about one important thing in that video of his show

The left are NOT at all against force.

They forcefully indicted Trump and got a fake verdict

they try to force everyone to accept faggotry

So yeh.. Gutfeld needs to cut that kind of remark out of his schtick
Gutfeld is absolutely WRONG about one important thing in that video of his show

The left are NOT at all against force.

They forcefully indicted Trump and got a fake verdict

they try to force everyone to accept faggotry

So yeh.. Gutfeld needs to cut that kind of remark out of his schtick

Trump did everything POSSIBLE to get himself indicted, both while in office and since he left.

Trying to overthrow the government. Stealing classified documents. Claiming the election was stolen. Calling for violence against the FBI, the Department of Justice, and the prosecutors and judges in all of his court cases.

How is it that Donald Trump had Michael Cohen arrested, tried, convicted, and imprisoned in solitary confinement, for his part in the hush money conspiracy, lying to Congress about Trump's business dealings in Russia, and that was a "righteous conviction" of a "lying criminal", and yet Trump's prosecution for the exact same conspiracy, is "persecution" and an "act of vengeance" by the Biden DOJ, even though it's the State of New York which is prosecuting Trump.

The Biden DOJ declined to try Trump on these charges.
Pandora’s Box is wide open and Trump intends to retaliate.…BIGLY!!
Good stuff ahead.

LOL...His revenge fantasy is retarded.

He won't be able to get the people that'll be loyal to him, that can actually do his bidding, passed the senate confirmation process.
Trump did everything POSSIBLE to get himself indicted, both while in office and since he left.

Trying to overthrow the government. Stealing classified documents. Claiming the election was stolen. Calling for violence against the FBI, the Department of Justice, and the prosecutors and judges in all of his court cases.

How is it that Donald Trump had Michael Cohen arrested, tried, convicted, and imprisoned in solitary confinement, for his part in the hush money conspiracy, lying to Congress about Trump's business dealings in Russia, and that was a "righteous conviction" of a "lying criminal", and yet Trump's prosecution for the exact same conspiracy, is "persecution" and an "act of vengeance" by the Biden DOJ, even though it's the State of New York which is prosecuting Trump.

The Biden DOJ declined to try Trump on these charges.

none of that happened. You've been lied to

and are perfectly happy to continue to be lied to...

I don't know what news ("news") station you listen to, but they really have you living in a fantasy world..

He most certainly did say that Democrats are a threat to the country.

It's ok, Hillary called Trump supporters deplorables, irredeemable deplorables. But the left was ok with that.

So kindly fuck off, bitch. Democrats ARE a threat to our nation, the last 3.5 years proved that. Inflation is out of this world, the housing market is in the tank due to absurdly high interest rates, and people are in debt up to their eyeballs not from buying luxury items, but from buying food.
You think k childish hyperbole, fear mongering, and fueling hatred between two halves of our country is the best thing for our country?? Wow, you got some serious issues

Biden is the one who said it….im not sure what you’re getting at
He most certainly did say that Democrats are a threat to the country.
They obviously are a threat to the country.

Trump tried to have Anti-Fa and BLM labelled as "terrorist organizations", even though being anti-fascism is a belief, not an organization. There is no organization, leadership, or manifesto for people opposing fascism in all of its forms.
Antifa and BLM obviously are terrorist organizations.
He most certainly did say that Democrats are a threat to the country.

Trump tried to have Anti-Fa and BLM labelled as "terrorist organizations", even though being anti-fascism is a belief, not an organization. There is no organization, leadership, or manifesto for people opposing fascism in all of its forms.

As for BLM, no members of BLM have ever been arrested for violence. Those who were arrested for violence at the demonstrations in 2020 were overwhelmingly right wing agitators and anarchists, along with gangs of looters, orgcaanized on the dark web, taking advantage of the chaos.

Trump openly encouraged the violence and the right wing thugs, because the unrest was helping his re-election campaign, claiming that Anti-fa and BLM terrorists were destroying the property of hard working Americans and yet Trump did NOTHING to try to end the riots.

Contrast that to the coordinated efforts of the Biden Administration to end the student protests across multiple states this past spring, when mainly outside agitators and protestors started erecting encampments and disrupting campuses across the nation. Within 48 hours the demonstrations ended. Quietly, peacefully, without the use of excessive force or violence.
Now is the part where I ask you to provide a link to trump calling democrats a threat to the country.
Gutfeld is absolutely WRONG about one important thing in that video of his show

The left are NOT at all against force.

They forcefully indicted Trump and got a fake verdict

they try to force everyone to accept faggotry

So yeh.. Gutfeld needs to cut that kind of remark out of his schtick
When he talks about the mentally ill? He is off course, referring to you.

It would not surprise me at all, to find out you are one of them transgendered folks, who hasn't got a clue what day of the week it is.

"tEh p0pE IsN't A cAThOLiC?"


You crack me up pal.
Trump did everything POSSIBLE to get himself indicted, both while in office and since he left.

Trying to overthrow the government. Stealing classified documents. Claiming the election was stolen. Calling for violence against the FBI, the Department of Justice, and the prosecutors and judges in all of his court cases.

How is it that Donald Trump had Michael Cohen arrested, tried, convicted, and imprisoned in solitary confinement, for his part in the hush money conspiracy, lying to Congress about Trump's business dealings in Russia, and that was a "righteous conviction" of a "lying criminal", and yet Trump's prosecution for the exact same conspiracy, is "persecution" and an "act of vengeance" by the Biden DOJ, even though it's the State of New York which is prosecuting Trump.

The Biden DOJ declined to try Trump on these charges.
All he had to do is run for office, you stupid delusional bitch.
Can you clarify what you’re talking about?

Biden had to walk back what he said in that speech when he said “maga extremism is a threat to the nation”. He called over 70 million people a threat to the nation, he tried to walk it back, by saying “not every supporter”

Considering in the eyes of democrats, anyone who voted for Trump is “maga”, Biden just disparaged half of the voting base.
Biden had to walk back what he said in that speech when he said “maga extremism is a threat to the nation”. He called over 70 million people a threat to the nation, he tried to walk it back, by saying “not every supporter”

Considering in the eyes of democrats, anyone who voted for Trump is “maga”, Biden just disparaged half of the voting base.
Haha, oh now it’s MAGA extremism?! I thought it was all Trump Supporters? You're so dishonest. Do better
I expect to see Trump rule with an iron fist in all facets of government….He’ll rule by executive order exclusively if he has to and he’ll have Cult 45’s (that’s me) full support to do so.
I hope he rules like an absolute crazed madman on the run with nothing to lose.

Here’s my list of things I hope he lays the hammer down on.

Lock down the border…NO ONE comes across for ANY reason
Mass Deportations….hunt down arrest and deport illegals on a streamline fast-track
End birthright citizenship anyway he can using any angle he can
Create a new citizenship status (like the Kenyan did with DACA) for anyone here with illegal lineage

Strip it all down to the bare bones and hire all new personnel….polygraph for political affiliation

Stop all federal funding to any city, state or institution that EVER uses the word “SANCTUARY”

Tear down the Department Of Education and hire all new personnel
Stop ALL federal funding to ANY public education institution not following new aggressive guidelines to be established

Stop all funding for self perpetuated degeneracy. You want to cut your dick off…do it on your dime in your garage with a rusty butter knife.

No trannies
No homos
No wokeness

Time to go a bit commie to get the right shit done for the right people.

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