The 4 Year Vengeance Term- What should we expect to see should Trump win and Republicans take both chambers?

Don’t “fascists” create their own citizenship status like DACA, don’t they use government agencies to persecute political opponents, don’t they champion the suppression of free speech, don’t they collude with a complicit media / social media to win elections and push narratives, don’t they force people to take medicine they don’t want to take, don’t they force people to wear face diapers they don’t want to wear, don’t they forbid people from earning a living and pursuing happiness, don’t they force people to stay in their homes, don’t they oppose the peoples rights granted by our founders, don’t they change voting guidelines in the 11th hour outside of state legislatures and under the guise of “national emergency”?
Are you Libs sure you know what fascism is?

Are you sure you thought your post through before typing it?
Your answer is to go full authoritarian, even Communist in order to 'fix' America.

That is some interesting logic.
Your answer is to go full authoritarian, even Communist in order to 'fix' America.

That is some interesting logic.
Like all good real core Americans, my answer is to take a by any means necessary approach to DESTROY all things left…I’d even run the Auschwitz for free.
Like all good real core Americans, my answer is to take a by any means necessary approach to DESTROY all things left…I’d even run the Auschwitz for free.
You are advocating becoming a Communist country and throwing your political enemies into concentration camps in order to save America. I assume that by advocating the rebuilding of Auschwitz and running it, you are also suggesting you would murder millions of American citizens because you don't like their politics.

What is a "real core American"? Who would be in charge of making the decision about whom to send to your Auschwitz?
Yes, you are. Run along.
No, boy, that's you. As always: you post bullshit, you are NEVER able to back up your bullshit (because, of course, you lied), and you deflect when called up it, then filibuster until anyone calling your lies out gives up.

You're as predictable as a broken clock, though less useful.
The Dems will sweep all three branches, and Trump will be in lock up.
I not believe that we will be seeing that anytime soon.

I suspect we are going to see Republican victories in the Senate, the House and the Presidency.

Given that SCOTUS is already a Republican majority, Democrats may be screwed for a while...

Unless the idiot Republicans phukk-up their majority standing for the umpteenth time, like they usually do.
If that happens, the Reps will do stupid sht and the majority will be short lived and they won't get anything serious done.
I not believe that we will be seeing that anytime soon.

I suspect we are going to see Republican victories in the Senate, the House and the Presidency.

Given that SCOTUS is already a Republican majority, Democrats may be screwed for a while...

Unless the idiot Republicans phukk-up their majority standing for the umpteenth time, like they usually do.
You are at the laughing gas again. There is no GOP majority that is really workable in the House. The Senate may go red by a vote but maybe not, and the House will see at least a 12 vote Democratic majority. Joe will whip Donny quite easily,
Like all good real core Americans, my answer is to take a by any means necessary approach to DESTROY all things left…I’d even run the Auschwitz for free.
Pandora’s Box is wide open and Trump intends to retaliate.…BIGLY!!
Good stuff ahead.
I expect to see Trump rule with an iron fist in all facets of government….He’ll rule by executive order exclusively if he has to and he’ll have Cult 45’s (that’s me) full support to do so.
I hope he rules like an absolute crazed madman on the run with nothing to lose.

Here’s my list of things I hope he lays the hammer down on.

Lock down the border…NO ONE comes across for ANY reason
Mass Deportations….hunt down arrest and deport illegals on a streamline fast-track
End birthright citizenship anyway he can using any angle he can
Create a new citizenship status (like the Kenyan did with DACA) for anyone here with illegal lineage

Strip it all down to the bare bones and hire all new personnel….polygraph for political affiliation

Stop all federal funding to any city, state or institution that EVER uses the word “SANCTUARY”

Tear down the Department Of Education and hire all new personnel
Stop ALL federal funding to ANY public education institution not following new aggressive guidelines to be established

Stop all funding for self perpetuated degeneracy. You want to cut your dick off…do it on your dime in your garage with a rusty butter knife.

No trannies
No homos
No wokeness

Time to go a bit commie to get the right shit done for the right people.

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