Racist Banana Peel causes Panic at University

there's no denying that racist assholes use bananas to taunt black folks...

then there's their giggly apologists calling others 'snowflakes' for calling them out on it.

scumbags, one and all...

and there is doubt that the banana skin in the tree was linked to racism.

Making a mountain out of a molehill is not conducive to bettering racial relations

i don't disagree and neither do all of the real news sites who did not trumpet this story the way nazi trolls do.

"did not trumpet this story the way nazi trolls do."


This covers everything in the OP, but is better because Space is added and Space is GREAT and I have added Nazi so Nazi Porn Fetishists like YOU can get an extra thrill :smoke:

Nazi Monkey Holding A Racist Banana In Space:

It gets more bizarre every day...... :cuckoo:

"The University of Mississippi cut short a fraternity retreat this weekend when a participant threw a banana peel into a tree, which was perceived by some students as a racist act, the Daily Mississippian reported.

"To be clear, many members of our community were hurt, frightened, and upset by what occurred at [the retreat]… Because of the underlying reality many students of color endure on a daily basis, the conversation manifested into a larger conversation about race relations today at the University of Mississippi," Alexa Lee Arndt, interim director of Fraternity and Sorority Life, wrote in a letter Monday to the campus's Greek life community.

Student Ryan Swanson, admitted that he threw the peel in a tree near one of the cabins when he could not find a trash can.

Black students said they came upon the peel after leaving a Saturday morning session on race relations at the university.

The meeting then began to unravel—some participants left the room crying—and students departed from the campsite as they no longer felt "welcome" or "safe."

The remainder of the retreat was officially cancelled that night.

University of Mississippi Ends Fraternity Retreat Early After Participant Threw Banana Peel Into a Tree
How can something that goes from green to yellow to black be racist?
It gets more bizarre every day...... :cuckoo:

"The University of Mississippi cut short a fraternity retreat this weekend when a participant threw a banana peel into a tree, which was perceived by some students as a racist act, the Daily Mississippian reported.

"To be clear, many members of our community were hurt, frightened, and upset by what occurred at [the retreat]… Because of the underlying reality many students of color endure on a daily basis, the conversation manifested into a larger conversation about race relations today at the University of Mississippi," Alexa Lee Arndt, interim director of Fraternity and Sorority Life, wrote in a letter Monday to the campus's Greek life community.

Student Ryan Swanson, admitted that he threw the peel in a tree near one of the cabins when he could not find a trash can.

Black students said they came upon the peel after leaving a Saturday morning session on race relations at the university.

The meeting then began to unravel—some participants left the room crying—and students departed from the campsite as they no longer felt "welcome" or "safe."

The remainder of the retreat was officially cancelled that night.

University of Mississippi Ends Fraternity Retreat Early After Participant Threw Banana Peel Into a Tree
How can something that goes from green to yellow to black be racist?

I did some research; apparently in Europe (and South America?) they throw banana's at the black soccer players and make monkey sounds to taunt them? I guess that's where it started then it kind of evolved... (devolved?) into the absolute ridiculousness we have before us here.

ANTIFA actively seeking any statues of Bananas.

A recent investigation by unnamed sources have footage of a Prius hybrid pulling down a Banana statue tied with multi colored shoelaces in downtown Chattanooga.

Film at eleven.

The meeting then began to unravel—some participants left the room crying—and students departed from the campsite as they no longer felt "welcome" or "safe."
This is our future. We are fucking doomed. I hope I am dead before any of them run for office or have control over the rest of us.
It gets more bizarre every day...... :cuckoo:

"The University of Mississippi cut short a fraternity retreat this weekend when a participant threw a banana peel into a tree, which was perceived by some students as a racist act, the Daily Mississippian reported.

"To be clear, many members of our community were hurt, frightened, and upset by what occurred at [the retreat]… Because of the underlying reality many students of color endure on a daily basis, the conversation manifested into a larger conversation about race relations today at the University of Mississippi," Alexa Lee Arndt, interim director of Fraternity and Sorority Life, wrote in a letter Monday to the campus's Greek life community.

Student Ryan Swanson, admitted that he threw the peel in a tree near one of the cabins when he could not find a trash can.

Black students said they came upon the peel after leaving a Saturday morning session on race relations at the university.

The meeting then began to unravel—some participants left the room crying—and students departed from the campsite as they no longer felt "welcome" or "safe."

The remainder of the retreat was officially cancelled that night.

University of Mississippi Ends Fraternity Retreat Early After Participant Threw Banana Peel Into a Tree
They really need to add a maturity test to college admission.

I mean really, breaking down over a banana peel, seeing it as racism....
Can you imagine sending these Americans to storm a beach at Normandy? God help us.
Heck, when I was their age, I was drafted into the army, carried an M16 and blew things up.

A discarded banana peel was way down on my threat list. .... :cool:
Yeah, but could you have survived a morning in a roomful of snowflakes discussing the state of race relations? That's where the wheat gets separated from the chaff.

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