“Racist” Cartoon Posted On Company Bathroom Causes Muslim Outrage

So why exactly his him cleaning his feet in the sink a "problem"? You don't actually touch the inside of the sink when you wash your hands. As long as there isn't a mess all up in there I don't see why his cultural practice presents a "problem".​
So you would be okay if you walked in and someone was taking a leak in the sink? I mean your hands don't touch the sink.
There isn't any good reason why an employee shouldn't be allowed to wash his feet. It poses no conceivable health risk to others.

That said, it should be the right of the business owner to determine what practices are/aren't allowed on the premises, even to the exclusion of "protected" races and religions.
Athletes foot fungus.

Now you know.
I'm pretty sure we can all live with the possibility that i) a Muslim employee has athlete's foot and elects to bathe his feet in the sink, ii) the employee transfers a meaningful quantity of the fungus onto a sink surface while washing, iii) the fungus isn't subsequently washed away or killed by soap or other sterilization, iv) the fungus survives until person X touches the surface and transfers a meaningful quantity of the fungus onto his/her hands, v) the fungus remains on X's hands despite hand washing/wiping, vi) the fungus remains on X's hands until he/she at some point takes off his/her socks and shoes, vii) X transfers the remarkably resistant fungus onto his/her feet, and vii) the fungus survives long enough to grow and spread.

The 3.5 people per decade for whom the above series of events occurs will just have to suck it up and buy themselves an $8.00 tube of athlete's foot cream.:eusa_boohoo:
Wal Mart has an 88 cent generic that works just as well.

Muslims washing their feet in public places should have their feet amputated.

If that is not in the Koran, it should be.
Then all Protestant Christians are a "cult". You all broke communion with the one and original universal apostolic Church. By your pin headed arbitrary standard, you're all going to hell. Fortunately God who is the judge of all mankind won't judge you by your own criteria. He's not that petty.

Catholics are not Christian.

They are the original Christians

hahaha, no.

HAHAHA yes, all the others are johnny come lately

you don't get it- do you? MOST Catholics don't believe in Jesus alone for their salvation.
Then all Protestant Christians are a "cult". You all broke communion with the one and original universal apostolic Church. By your pin headed arbitrary standard, you're all going to hell. Fortunately God who is the judge of all mankind won't judge you by your own criteria. He's not that petty.

Catholics are not Christian.

They are the original Christians

hahaha, no.

HAHAHA yes, all the others are johnny come lately

you don't get it- do you? MOST Catholics don't believe in Jesus alone for their salvation.
You have no idea what most Catholics believe. Why do you insist on embarrassing yourself with ignorant bigotry?
Catholics are not Christian.

They are the original Christians

hahaha, no.

HAHAHA yes, all the others are johnny come lately

you don't get it- do you? MOST Catholics don't believe in Jesus alone for their salvation.
You have no idea what most Catholics believe. Why do you insist on embarrassing yourself with ignorant bigotry?

I was a catholic for 27 years. I know what they believe. I know the RCC Catechism, one on my desk. False teachings out the wazoo. This popery organization will be leading millions to hell.
They are the original Christians

hahaha, no.

HAHAHA yes, all the others are johnny come lately

you don't get it- do you? MOST Catholics don't believe in Jesus alone for their salvation.
You have no idea what most Catholics believe. Why do you insist on embarrassing yourself with ignorant bigotry?

I was a catholic for 27 years. I know what they believe. I know the RCC Catechism, one on my desk. False teachings out the wazoo. This popery organization will be leading millions to hell.

Tell me "ex Catholic", who did Christ tell that He would build His church upon and then tell me who the first Pope was. You're in over your head on this one, Sparky
Then all Protestant Christians are a "cult". You all broke communion with the one and original universal apostolic Church. By your pin headed arbitrary standard, you're all going to hell. Fortunately God who is the judge of all mankind won't judge you by your own criteria. He's not that petty.

Catholics are not Christian.

They are the original Christians

hahaha, no.

HAHAHA yes, all the others are johnny come lately

you don't get it- do you? MOST Catholics don't believe in Jesus alone for their salvation.

You're no ex Catholic, step aside you fraud
Catholics are not Christian.

They are the original Christians

hahaha, no.

HAHAHA yes, all the others are johnny come lately

you don't get it- do you? MOST Catholics don't believe in Jesus alone for their salvation.

You're no ex Catholic, step aside you fraud
lets see- lets discuss some false teachings- where should we start? purgatory? praying to the dead? the eucharist/real presence? mary as mother of God? Mary as co-mediatrix? baptism of babies? papal authority/succession? salvation by works/sacraments? the seven rcc sacraments when there are only 2? lets discuss these. one by one. your choice...
They are the original Christians

hahaha, no.

HAHAHA yes, all the others are johnny come lately

you don't get it- do you? MOST Catholics don't believe in Jesus alone for their salvation.

You're no ex Catholic, step aside you fraud
lets see- lets discuss some false teachings- where should we start? purgatory? praying to the dead? the eucharist/real presence? mary as mother of God? Mary as co-mediatrix? baptism of babies? papal authority/succession? salvation by works/sacraments? the seven rcc sacraments when there are only 2? lets discuss these. one by one. your choice...

You're an idiot, I have no desire to discuss it with you. LMAO @ Catholics do not believe in the resurrection....oh boy :)
hahaha, no.

HAHAHA yes, all the others are johnny come lately

you don't get it- do you? MOST Catholics don't believe in Jesus alone for their salvation.

You're no ex Catholic, step aside you fraud
lets see- lets discuss some false teachings- where should we start? purgatory? praying to the dead? the eucharist/real presence? mary as mother of God? Mary as co-mediatrix? baptism of babies? papal authority/succession? salvation by works/sacraments? the seven rcc sacraments when there are only 2? lets discuss these. one by one. your choice...

You're an idiot, I have no desire to discuss it with you. LMAO @ Catholics do not believe in the resurrection....oh boy :)

I didn't say this dipshit, you did. I know you won't be able to resist my new series, starting with the eucharist. I'll educate you.
HAHAHA yes, all the others are johnny come lately

you don't get it- do you? MOST Catholics don't believe in Jesus alone for their salvation.

You're no ex Catholic, step aside you fraud
lets see- lets discuss some false teachings- where should we start? purgatory? praying to the dead? the eucharist/real presence? mary as mother of God? Mary as co-mediatrix? baptism of babies? papal authority/succession? salvation by works/sacraments? the seven rcc sacraments when there are only 2? lets discuss these. one by one. your choice...

You're an idiot, I have no desire to discuss it with you. LMAO @ Catholics do not believe in the resurrection....oh boy :)

I didn't say this dipshit, you did. I know you won't be able to resist my new series, starting with the eucharist. I'll educate you.

No you won't...you're an idiot and I don't listen to idiots. Have a nice day, dumb ass
Why do Muslims immigrate to Non Muslim countries?

for the same reason that liberals migrate to conservative states: because they fucked up the place they live so they want to live in a place they haven't fucked up yet. Of course, the minute they move there they start fucking up their new abode.
There isn't any good reason why an employee shouldn't be allowed to wash his feet. It poses no conceivable health risk to others.

That said, it should be the right of the business owner to determine what practices are/aren't allowed on the premises, even to the exclusion of "protected" races and religions.
Athletes foot fungus.

Now you know.
I'm pretty sure we can all live with the possibility that i) a Muslim employee has athlete's foot and elects to bathe his feet in the sink, ii) the employee transfers a meaningful quantity of the fungus onto a sink surface while washing, iii) the fungus isn't subsequently washed away or killed by soap or other sterilization, iv) the fungus survives until person X touches the surface and transfers a meaningful quantity of the fungus onto his/her hands, v) the fungus remains on X's hands despite hand washing/wiping, vi) the fungus remains on X's hands until he/she at some point takes off his/her socks and shoes, vii) X transfers the remarkably resistant fungus onto his/her feet, and vii) the fungus survives long enough to grow and spread.

The 3.5 people per decade for whom the above series of events occurs will just have to suck it up and buy themselves an $8.00 tube of athlete's foot cream.:eusa_boohoo:

The Muzzie savages can learn how to live like civilized people rather than the rest us having to accomadate their foul habits.
What next

washing their backsides in the public sink in the name of multiculturalism.

The BS never ends!
I'm just happy the Indian arent here taking a shit directly in our rivers and streams like they do in India.

REALLY? NONE OF THESE AFFECT OTHER PEOPLE. Washing your stinky ass feet in a publlc/employee washroom affects others.

Oh please. No. It does not. Wash your stinky feet or wash your stinky hands - it makes no difference. Just like the other cases.
nobody ever had a case of athletes hand.

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