CDZ Racist Chanters Are Victims Too. Bigger Ones.


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
The guys who got expelled from the University of Oklahoma are actually much more victims of the University's racism (Affirmative Action), than they are perpetrators against it. The University's documents say it all. They hypocritically list a bunch of civil rights laws and say this is the basis of thie AA plan. That's preposterous. Those laws are what make their AA plan illegal, as well as Oklahoma's 2012 ban on affirmative action.

This whole despicable thing is runaway lawlessness. This whole university ought to be shut down. Some of the officers of itr should be jailed, and then the place reopened without AA, and without racist discrimiantion.

And their Affirmative Action appears to go well beyond just an outreach to the minority community. In the words from their own official website, on their page entitled "INSTITUTIONAL EQUITY OFFICE" they say >> "Affirmative Action requires the employer to do more than ensure employment neutrality. As the phrase implies, Affirmative Action requires employers to make additional efforts to recruit, employ, and promote qualified members of groups formerly limited or excluded."
Since no particular department is mentioned, it could be assumed that this is a blanket policy extensive to all departments within the university.

Also interesting is that affirmative action was banned in Oklahoma in 2012, by a 6-4 vote of the people of Oklahoma, so how are these guys getting away with this ?

Equal Opportunity Office

Oklahoma Affirmative Action Ban Amendment State Question 759 2012 - Ballotpedia
Actually the chanters were acting legally, exercising free speech, however distasteful it might have been. But the university's discrimination, maintainance of an affirmative action plan, is illegal by state and federal law both.
Red Herring...nothing more. OP is using AA as an excuse to justify racism...go figure. It reminds me of someone I used to know...he accomplished nothing in life...he was a failure...a big fat ZERO. A LOSER. That person projected a lot...much like the OP, talking about AA and using it to justify hate. It's pretty pathetic.
Red Herring...nothing more. OP is using AA as an excuse to justify racism...go figure. It reminds me of someone I used to know...he accomplished nothing in life...he was a failure...a big fat ZERO. A LOSER. That person projected a lot...much like the OP, talking about AA and using it to justify hate. It's pretty pathetic.
AA IS the racism. The largest amount of it against, by far, the largest number of people over the last 51 years.
Posts like this are nothing but an attempt to escape guilt (also doesn't belong in clean debate zone)
Red Herring...nothing more. OP is using AA as an excuse to justify racism...go figure. It reminds me of someone I used to know...he accomplished nothing in life...he was a failure...a big fat ZERO. A LOSER. That person projected a lot...much like the OP, talking about AA and using it to justify hate. It's pretty pathetic.
AA IS the racism. The largest amount of it against, by far, the largest number of people over the last 51 years.
Posts like this are nothing but an attempt to escape guilt (also doesn't belong in clean debate zone)
Red herring...nothing more. You are trying to justify hate by pointing at AA. Poor thought process. Reminds me of another friend...he was always victimized. He couldn't get a job...AA he would scream. His GF left him...AA - she was guilted into dating a Mexican guy. He lost his house...AA - it is blackies fault.
Red Herring...nothing more. OP is using AA as an excuse to justify racism...go figure. It reminds me of someone I used to know...he accomplished nothing in life...he was a failure...a big fat ZERO. A LOSER. That person projected a lot...much like the OP, talking about AA and using it to justify hate. It's pretty pathetic.
AA IS the racism. The largest amount of it against, by far, the largest number of people over the last 51 years.
Posts like this are nothing but an attempt to escape guilt (also doesn't belong in clean debate zone)
Red herring...nothing more. You are trying to justify hate by pointing at AA. Poor thought process. Reminds me of another friend...he was always victimized. He couldn't get a job...AA he would scream. His GF left him...AA - she was guilted into dating a Mexican guy. He lost his house...AA - it is blackies fault.
You are trying to justify hate by pretending that AA isn't racist discrimination. You also pretend that Whites are the haters, when that stopped 51 years ago, except for a few isolated cases, whereas the OU AA racism is institutional, and has damaged hundreds of millions of Whites for 51 years. You're going nowhere with your absurd "Blacks are the victims" BS. Your denial is just stupid.

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