Racist Con stabs men protecting Muslim teen girls .

Escalation of violence (pulling a weapon on an unarmed person) nullifies a self-defense claim.
No it does not! The original attacker armed or not remains the attacker. No laws says you lose your right of self defense because you are armed. Try again!
2015 ORS 161.219¹
Limitations on use of deadly physical force in defense of a person
Notwithstanding the provisions of ORS 161.209 (Use of physical force in defense of a person), a person is not justified in using deadly physical force upon another person unless the person reasonably believes that the other person is:

(1)Committing or attempting to commit a felony involving the use or threatened imminent use of physical force against a person; or

(2)Committing or attempting to commit a burglary in a dwelling; or

(3)Using or about to use unlawful deadly physical force against a person. [1971 c.743 §23]

Hmm so if the other person isn't using deadly force, and you're not preventing a crime, you are not justified in using deadly force,
You better look again. It was 3 on 1.
Could you point out where the law states that there's an exception for 3 on 1? I didn't think you could.
3 on 1 qualifys as a mob attack. Do your own fuckin leg work noob. I'm not here to school I'm just here to point out how full of shit you are.
I did my homework. "Mob attack" is not a thing under Oregon law and nothing in the self-defense laws make an exception for multiple assailants. I cited the law, you're pulling things out of your ass.
The murderer is a radical Christian terrorist Trump supporter.
He voted for Bernie Sanders liar!
Bernie Sanders wasn't running. You mean in the primaries? Who cares anyway?
This is not about politics. As someone pointed out to me when this first happened, the guy isn't a conservative for hating Muslims--he's a racist. Although they've been hangin in Trump's camp, they aren't the same. It's not fair to label all conservatives for these guys hangin in your tent, but it is likewise not fair to brand the perp as a liberal because he said he liked Sanders. Liberals do NOT rant against Muslims. It's not on the agenda.
This isn't political. It's racism and uncontrolled crazies on our streets. I'd bet you anything he's got a prescription sitting at home in the medicine cabinet, untouched.
this scum was spewing racists shit towards some Muslim girls on a Portland bus . When some bystanders defended the girls he want on a stabbing spree.

How is this not terrorsim? And can we stop with this false narratives that it's the liberals who are violent ?

Redirect Notice

Meche, 23, and Ricky John Best, 53, were killed Friday as they tried to stop Jeremy Joseph Christian from harassing Hudson’s 16-year-old daughter, Destinee Mangum, and her friend, authorities have said. The friend was wearing a hijab. Christian’s social media postings indicate an affinity for Nazis and political violence.

He was a con alright, a convict. Not everything is related to politics, no matter how hard you try.


It isn't when you have a prez who preaches xenophobia and emboldens this racist assholes .

Look up the definition of xenophobia. You don't have it quite right.

Then again, you rarely get anything right.

Are you sure your special ed teachers are using the correct IEP?

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