Racist Cupcakes?


Silver Member
Jun 8, 2009

Who could take offense to that?

Whomever it is should get punched squarely in the nose for their fucking stupidity.
Sign of the times. [ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FGLp9c_pNh8&feature=related[/ame]
A video for Duncan Hines' Amazing Glazes has angered viewers for its depiction of, uh, cupcakes in black face. Racist cupcakes? Facing criticism, Duncan Hines pulled the video from YouTube. But we managed to get a copy of the video, below. Judge for yourself:
Sugary "Hip Hop" Cupcakes Embroiled in Blackface Scandal - Racist Cupcakes? - Eater National

It's an adorable ad IMHO. What say you?
That's Hip Hop? Sounds more like 80's Brit New Wave.

Hey the Blacks are getting all upset over this but I can see where Whites can instead.

Lets see..."OMG...they make the last one seem like he can not sing unless he was black!"


No, seriously though, It is bad when a group of people scream 'racist' over every little thing that they can find. Maybe if they stop doing this then the race issue just might end. But they wont stop, they need something to complain about.
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A video for Duncan Hines' Amazing Glazes has angered viewers for its depiction of, uh, cupcakes in black face. Racist cupcakes? Facing criticism, Duncan Hines pulled the video from YouTube. But we managed to get a copy of the video, below. Judge for yourself:

Sugary "Hip Hop" Cupcakes Embroiled in Blackface Scandal - Racist Cupcakes? - Eater National

It's an adorable ad IMHO. What say you?

The problem isn't really with the cupcakes, it's with the label.

They are labeled as hip-hop cup cakes, and have little mini-black faces singing.

BTW, that isn't hip-hop, so why even label it such? I have a feeling that if the label was never put on there, no one would have made this connection.

But, creative commercial. I like it.
There's always somebody who screams "racism" and keeps the hatred going.

The cupcakes were cute. Hell, Al Jolson performed in black face and nobody had a problem with it. Different era, different mindset, but there was also a whole lot less bitterness and hatred.
o please they took the e trade commerical off the air cause of lindsey lohain (sp) ....i think it was cute...i have used the product however and was not impressed with the glaze
Life would be more fun if some people would just frelling lighten up. There are plenty of things to get really upset about - chocolate frosted cupcakes should not be one of them.
I agree. And I have several black friends who would say the same. My guess is that it was white guilt and probably not black people who complained. Anyone remember the
MLK Day fried chicken controversy?
A video for Duncan Hines' Amazing Glazes has angered viewers for its depiction of, uh, cupcakes in black face. Racist cupcakes? Facing criticism, Duncan Hines pulled the video from YouTube. But we managed to get a copy of the video, below. Judge for yourself:

Sugary "Hip Hop" Cupcakes Embroiled in Blackface Scandal - Racist Cupcakes? - Eater National

It's an adorable ad IMHO. What say you?

Those things made me literally LOL. I wouldn't eat them... they're too awesome to be flushed down the toilet. I don't see what's supposed to be 'scandalous' about them?
I thought it was cute. I guess it was because of the vanilla cup cakes. But if it was done in chocolate you could'nt see the glaze.
It must be exhausting to be this watchful. Kinda like the folks at the Family Defense League, always on the prowl for the "gay agenda". Dun these people ever just kick back and enjoy?
Life would be more fun if some people would just frelling lighten up. There are plenty of things to get really upset about - chocolate frosted cupcakes should not be one of them.

Oh, you'd "frelling lighten-up" if people were biting a Mermaid Cupcake?




<<<<Yeah, you would.>>>>:redface:

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