racist mexicans


I love Andrea & April
Mar 7, 2007
You never owned any part of america.

You stole if from the locals living here, and then allowed europeans settlers to settle, and when you became assholes. We (europeans) kicked youre ass, so quit whining like little bitches, speak english, and if youre not legal.

Get the fuck out of my country.
Wow. That wasn't racist or anything...

But, what was the point in posting the same identical message here and on DP?
Technically, we did take Texas from Mexico, if you think about it technically and logically. If you think that the comment is “un-American” or racist, so be it. I’m merely stating a fact.
Technically, we did take Texas from Mexico, if you think about it technically and logically. If you think that the comment is “un-American” or racist, so be it. I’m merely stating a fact.

Actually, Texas won it's independence from Mexico, much the way the U.S. broke from England. Texas later joined the U.S. after a brief period as a country. Now, there has been some discussion about the validity of the Texican break from Mexico. These settlers had been invited into Texas by Mexico from the U.S., but if the citizens grow dissatisfied, you never know what can transpire.

The acquisition of the New Mexico and Arizona region, it could be argued, was a land grab that was questionable in it's legality.
Actually, Texas won it's independence from Mexico, much the way the U.S. broke from England. Texas later joined the U.S. after a brief period as a country. Now, there has been some discussion about the validity of the Texican break from Mexico. These settlers had been invited into Texas by Mexico from the U.S., but if the citizens grow dissatisfied, you never know what can transpire.

The acquisition of the New Mexico and Arizona region, it could be argued, was a land grab that was questionable in it's legality.

Yep. If you think about it, you may see that when American settlers from Europe didn’t like the rules that they were required to live under, after a while they invented their own rules and rationale.
You never owned any part of america.

You stole if from the locals living here, and then allowed europeans settlers to settle, and when you became assholes. We (europeans) kicked youre ass, so quit whining like little bitches, speak english, and if youre not legal.

Get the fuck out of my country.

What an absolutely juvenile view of history and the settlement of the Americas.

Now let's say that a man crosses the border illegally from Mexico. His name is Gort. His family has been in Mexico since the time of European Spain's rule in the Sonoran plains and mountains extending into la California, eastern Atzlan, including Texas, and the rest of the Gulf Coast States including la Florida and Cuba. His ancestors are Irishmen, Spaniards and native Americans. What do we do with him. He is a tall, fine featured, light skinned individual with blue eyes. What do we make of him. Would we accept him for who his ancestors were? We all live in the Americas in this hemisphere. The notion that the Pilgrims came to an empty land that was free for the taking is nationalistic hubris. We are all now Americans from the Arctic circle to Tierra del Fuego. The Americas are a collection of provinces and sub provinces occupied by people with both similar and diverse ancestry.

The future of this country, the US, will be one determined by populations who are breeding. They are having babies at this moment. There is an inevitability in the future of the US that is not particularly North European and not particularly Caucasian. Get used to it or take issue with it intelligently! Petulance and arrogance are not going to fix it. I have given you a hint above regarding the way out of the situation. Get about it.

And do please grow up!
What an absolutely juvenile view of history and the settlement of the Americas.

Now let's say that a man crosses the border illegally from Mexico. His name is Gort. His family has been in Mexico since the time of European Spain's rule in the Sonoran plains and mountains extending into la California, eastern Atzlan, including Texas, and the rest of the Gulf Coast States including la Florida and Cuba. His ancestors are Irishmen, Spaniards and native Americans. What do we do with him. He is a tall, fine featured, light skinned individual with blue eyes. What do we make of him. Would we accept him for who his ancestors were? We all live in the Americas in this hemisphere. The notion that the Pilgrims came to an empty land that was free for the taking is nationalistic hubris. We are all now Americans from the Arctic circle to Tierra del Fuego. The Americas are a collection of provinces and sub provinces occupied by people with both similar and diverse ancestry.

The future of this country, the US, will be one determined by populations who are breeding. They are having babies at this moment. There is an inevitability in the future of the US that is not particularly North European and not particularly Caucasian. Get used to it or take issue with it intelligently! Petulance and arrogance are not going to fix it. I have given you a hint above regarding the way out of the situation. Get about it.

And do please grow up!

Mexican's breed like rabbits...............
Mexican's breed like rabbits...............

to follow up with?

I have already said that the breeding populations are the successful populations. Is there anything that inevitability that moves you in any direction?

How will you contribute?

Speak, stone, speak!

Technically, we did take Texas from Mexico, if you think about it technically and logically. If you think that the comment is “un-American” or racist, so be it. I’m merely stating a fact.

That is incorrect. Texans won their independence from Mexico WITHOUT the US. If you want to use the argument that Anglo Americans are the ones that took it, they were STILL Mexican citizens living in Texas, a Mexican state, and under Mexican rule.

Texas was an independent nation for 10 years, and the US war with Mexico was over a border dispute, not whether or not Texas was independent.
Yep. If you think about it, you may see that when American settlers from Europe didn’t like the rules that they were required to live under, after a while they invented their own rules and rationale.

Point is, at the time, they were Mexican citizens who were not allowed redress of grievances and Santa Ana tried to bend them to his will at gunpoint.
That is incorrect. Texans won their independence from Mexico WITHOUT the US. If you want to use the argument that Anglo Americans are the ones that took it, they were STILL Mexican citizens living in Texas, a Mexican state, and under Mexican rule.

Texas was an independent nation for 10 years, and the US war with Mexico was over a border dispute, not whether or not Texas was independent.

I’ll have to refresh my memory of Texas history. As I understand it. People from the north east parts of what is now the USA wanted to settle in land that is now southern Texas. This land was part of Mexico. The leaders of Mexico agreed to allow these foreigners to live in what is now southern Texas as long as they did certain things. Settlements grew and Mexico started to make more and more demands until finally these settlers in what is now southern Texas revolted against Mexican rule.
I’ll have to refresh my memory of Texas history. As I understand it. People from the north east parts of what is now the USA wanted to settle in land that is now southern Texas. This land was part of Mexico. The leaders of Mexico agreed to allow these foreigners to live in what is now southern Texas as long as they did certain things. Settlements grew and Mexico started to make more and more demands until finally these settlers in what is now southern Texas revolted against Mexican rule.

Close enough. My point is, regardless their origin, as far as Mexico was concerned, they were Mexican citizens who revolted against Mexico, not Us citizens invading Mexico.

As far as the Texans were concerned, they were people with certain God -given rights they were being denied and revolted against what they considered a tyrannical government.

Part of the problem was the government in power that invited Austin made certain demands, but did not enforce them. As part of the deal, those anglos that moved to Texas became Mexican citizens. When Santa Ana came into power he immediately set out attempting to enforce laws that had been ignored for 10 years because he didn't like the anglos.

Regardless the reason, it was a matter of Mexican citizens vs the Mexican government, not the US stealing Texas from Mexico.

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