Radical Acceptance: Antifa member charged with violent attack on Marines tied to key Democrats


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Oops....Dems get caught with their hands in the violent intolerant 'cookie jar'....connected to Racist, Violent Radicals Who Took Money From Russia To Willingly Promote Racial Division & violence!

Antifa member charged with violent attack on Marines tied to key Democrats

DC 'antifa leader' is third charged in Marine attack in Philadelphia: report

(Are the Liberal Extremist Group proven to have taken cash from the Russians to spread racial division and violence taking more cash / doing it again?)


What a difference a year made for Joseph Alcoff.

On Monday, the 37-year-old has a court date in connection with charges he’s facing in Philadelphia that include aggravated assault and ethnic intimidation for allegedly being part of an Antifa mob in November that attacked two Marines, Alejandro Godinez and Luis Torres, both Hispanic. Alcoff and two others charged in the attack have pleaded not guilty.


"His endorsement apparently mattered when several congressional Democrats in February 2018 issued press releases with his quote backing their bill on regulating payday lenders.

As the payday campaign manager for the liberal group Americans for Financial Reform, Alcoff participated in congressional Democratic press conferences, was a guest on a House Democratic podcast and met with senior officials at the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau from 2016 through 2018."

'Mad Max' and D-Sen Sherrod Brown was working 'FOR' Antifa's Alcoff...pushing financial regulatory policies Alcoff very much advocated.

Joseph Alcoff - Antifa - was pictured with now-House Financial Services Committee Chairwoman Maxine Waters, D-Calif., and ranking Democrat on the Senate Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs Committee Sen. Sherrod Brown of Ohio. Both committees oversee financial regulatory policies Alcoff was advocating.

Alcoff met with then CFPB Director Richard Cordray and other senior CFPB officials on April 2016, again in March 2017 and a third time in May 2017

Radical 'Militant Organizer' for Dem's campaign of 'Harassment, Lack of Civility, and Violent Intolerance'

"Alcoff was reportedly also an organizer for Smash Racism DC, the group responsible for gathering and shouting threats outside the home of Fox News host Tucker Carlson in November and for heckling Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, and his wife Heidi at a Washington restaurant in September."

Antifa activist facing assault charges was tied to Democratic policymakers

Oops....Dems get caught with their hands in the violent intolerant 'cookie jar'....connected to Racist, Violent Radicals Who Took Money From Russia To Willingly Promote Racial Division & violence!

Antifa member charged with violent attack on Marines tied to key Democrats

DC 'antifa leader' is third charged in Marine attack in Philadelphia: report

(Are the Liberal Extremist Group proven to have taken cash from the Russians to spread racial division and violence taking more cash / doing it again?)


What a difference a year made for Joseph Alcoff.

On Monday, the 37-year-old has a court date in connection with charges he’s facing in Philadelphia that include aggravated assault and ethnic intimidation for allegedly being part of an Antifa mob in November that attacked two Marines, Alejandro Godinez and Luis Torres, both Hispanic. Alcoff and two others charged in the attack have pleaded not guilty.


"His endorsement apparently mattered when several congressional Democrats in February 2018 issued press releases with his quote backing their bill on regulating payday lenders.

As the payday campaign manager for the liberal group Americans for Financial Reform, Alcoff participated in congressional Democratic press conferences, was a guest on a House Democratic podcast and met with senior officials at the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau from 2016 through 2018."

'Mad Max' and D-Sen Sherrod Brown was working 'FOR' Antifa's Alcoff...pushing financial regulatory policies Alcoff very much advocated.

Joseph Alcoff - Antifa - was pictured with now-House Financial Services Committee Chairwoman Maxine Waters, D-Calif., and ranking Democrat on the Senate Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs Committee Sen. Sherrod Brown of Ohio. Both committees oversee financial regulatory policies Alcoff was advocating.

Alcoff met with then CFPB Director Richard Cordray and other senior CFPB officials on April 2016, again in March 2017 and a third time in May 2017

Radical 'Militant Organizer' for Dem's campaign of 'Harassment, Lack of Civility, and Violent Intolerance'

"Alcoff was reportedly also an organizer for Smash Racism DC, the group responsible for gathering and shouting threats outside the home of Fox News host Tucker Carlson in November and for heckling Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, and his wife Heidi at a Washington restaurant in September."

Antifa activist facing assault charges was tied to Democratic policymakers

Most likely innocent.
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"B...b...b...but Trummmmmmmmp!"

What a bloody hypocrite. When caught RED HANDED, always......



Oh what’s the matter? Is it only conservatives who can cherry pick stories off the web and pretend they are commonplace ?
WTF are you talking about? I am talking about how YOU always accuse others of saying,
'B....B....B...But..... Conservatives / Trump'. It's too early in the day to be drinking - put down the bottle, snowflake.
Hillary's campaign hired thugs to beat and bloody Trump supporters at Trump rallies during the campaign, many Democrats spoke out in defense of BLM and Antifa - both who were proven to have willingly taken money from the Russians to spread racial division and violence. It should be no shock now to anyone to find out Mad Max and other Dems are connected to Antifa!
Hillary hires thugs, Mad Max tied to Russian paid thugs...evidence still shows the Dems are the criminals...
There is literally more evidence that Mad Max is associated with Antifa then there is Trump ever colluded with Russia.


"B...b...b...but Trummmmmmmmp!"

What a bloody hypocrite. When caught RED HANDED, always......



Oh what’s the matter? Is it only conservatives who can cherry pick stories off the web and pretend they are commonplace ?
WTF are you talking about? I am talking about how YOU always accuse others of saying,
'B....B....B...But..... Conservatives / Trump'. It's too early in the day to be drinking - put down the bottle, snowflake.

I’m talking about the conservative MO of posting stories from hack sights in an attempt to slander democrats .

As soon as I did the same you jump all over it .

You can dish it out but you can’t take it .
I’m talking about the conservative MO of posting stories from hack sights in an attempt to slander democrats .

It's sad how routinely snowflakes, unable to disprove what it being reported, attempt to distract from the story by attempting to convince everyone that the source is unreliable...because THEY say so.


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