Name Something More Important Than Diversity

I put out a Humming-bird feeder a few days ago and I woke up early this morning and one of them was using it.

I wonder how they find them so fast?
That doesn't happen for everybody.

I've seen them things work, and I've seen them not.
Diversity of food, ideas, movies, music, video games, and so on are great.

Too much diversity of people, religions, morals, languages, and so on is not good. There is a reason why America started out as nothing but became a world super power in record time and one of those most prosperous countries in the world for a hundred years when the majority of Americans were not very diverse, then our decline started when we started forcing diversity.

So what's more important than diversity? I can name a few. American pride, morals, values and standards.

But really, a maggot is more important than diversity in today's America because at least the maggot serves a purpose.
How absolutely boring would our lives be with diversity of all the things around us.

I have lived in my current location for more than a decade, the longest I have ever lived anywhere my entire life....the lack of diversity of my living location is driving me bonkers.

Think how shitty life would be without diversity of food that we eat.
Let’s cut the bullshit…We all know nobody is talking about food.
Point us to all those communities, cities, states and nations where diversity is working well?
hahaha…cool spin.
How do you suppose the Netherlands rank so high for quality of life when there’s no diversity offered?

Clearly never been there, there is amazing diversity there.

You do know that diversity refers to more than just skin color? wait, of course you do not...nothing else matters in your world but skin color
There is a reason why America started out as nothing but became a world super power in record time and one of those most prosperous countries in the world for a hundred years

Yep, it is called geography. We had a massively diverse land with untold natural resources and no real enemy nations around us.
Clearly never been there, there is amazing diversity there.

You do know that diversity refers to more than just skin color? wait, of course you do not...nothing else matters in your world but skin color
OH now I get it…when you think diversity, you think of men and women coexisting and food varieties?
You’re not thinking of combinations of people of various religions, ethnicities and those speaking different languages coexisting?

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