Zone1 Do you ever feel that God needs to go Old Testament again... LOL

No, the person proficed to be a Catholic. Catholic Social Teaching calls for The Seamless Garment.

IF you believe killing is wrong, then you believe that Capital Punishment Wrong because the taking human life is wrong. Torture is wrong. The indcriminate taking of human life is wrong. That is what the seamless cloth is. As a Catholic the OP does not get pick and choose what part of Catholic Social Teaching they accept and what part they woud deny. It's all or nothing.

I wasn't commenting about that. I don't have the same views as the person you are referring to.

I agree with you that the trigger-happy taking of human life is wrong.
No, just fed the fuck up with people like you who cherry pick what parts of their holy mith book they believe in and ignore the rest.
Not familiar with any "mith books". But it's truly impossible for you to know what I believe, or ignore.
Do you ever feel that God needs to go Old Testament again.?

I mean, in the Old days, God just obliterated people who didn't act right...

View attachment 950093

Why did God get wimpy on us? LOL

Sorry, God.. I don't mean anything here... I do acknowledge that You have your reasons... I guess one is that You are waiting for people to repent..

ha ha...

Good luck with that one!

(Since the people portrayed on Carlson's book cover are "still with us"... yeh, looks like we'll have to wait a LONG time for God to go Old Testament again... :()

I do pray for those folks... seriously... have to force myself but I do..
I will say as a Christian I do love the Old Testament, I actually prefer reading the Old Testament over the New Testament. At least the Old Testament the Jews, Christians, and Muslims can all to some degree agree on. I have heard Jews and Muslims point out that the Old Testament and New Testament seem to contradict each other as far as God's punishments, some Muslims and Jews say these would be reasons to follow more what the old testament teaches rather than the new Testament.
IF you believe killing is wrong, then you believe that Capital Punishment Wrong because the taking human life is wrong
The COMMANDMENT reads: "you shall do no MURDER"

"Killing" isn't the same as MURDER.

The definition of murder is....
The INTENTIONAL taking of an INNOCENT human life

Those who shield kidnappers, rapist and murderers , are not innocent. Our system of justice should decide how to deal with them. Personally, I believe capital crimes deserve DEATH
I will say as a Christian I do love the Old Testament, I actually prefer reading the Old Testament over the New Testament. At least the Old Testament the Jews, Christians, and Muslims can all to some degree agree on. I have heard Jews and Muslims point out that the Old Testament and New Testament seem to contradict each other as far as God's punishments, some Muslims and Jews say these would be reasons to follow more what the old testament teaches rather than the new Testament.
They do not contradict

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