Zone1 Trump's Relationship With God

You aren't painting a very flattering picture of atheists.
Be honest. You guys Don’t care if members believe. Believe what? A lot of you understand all the dumb stories in the Bible are just stories. Not to be taken literally.

But when asked if Jesus was the literal son of god who did miracles and rose from the dead, h yea that happened. Really? Cognitive dissonance must be at play with all of you.

Many flat out admit none of that is real, but then you cherry pick from it. My dad is a perfect example. Like when he tries to use Adam and Eve as evidence. L9l. So stupid.

He keeps praying one day him and my mom will see each other again. This is when I stop questioning god and heaven. I don’t want to burst his bubble of hope. Wishful thinking. Highly unlikely
If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, YOU WILL BE SAVED--Romans 10:9
Thank you! Can anyone dispute this? Does Ding deny this?

Sounds pretty simple to me. You don’t have to be a good person to get into heaven. Just believe that.

So, I was right. No Jews, Muslims or atheists in heaven. Tell ding bat.
You can't be serious about this

This is a joke....right?
You interpret it how you want I’ll interpret it my way.

tThe point is, two women can be doing something but one goes to heaven and one won’t. If one fgay believes in Jesus and one gay doesn’t, yes, I do believe m nterpreting it right.
You're in this very thread touting the so-called "Christian virtues" while you lie and mock people's sincere prayers.

Okay, wow.
Just like ya boy Donald trump. You need to Google trump mocks Christian’s or trump mocks Mike pence and don’t click on Fox News types site.
Following recent discoveries and the new find of more books written by Enoch , it seems that The Donald may be the earthly presence of God.

May Universe be praised at last for the Second Coming .
Don't forget to follow me on Rubstick and take advantage of my T shirts praising the Second Coming .
Christian’s have believed the end times were upon us since the day Christ rose from the grave. Still waiting. Imagine how many people were born, told the story, then spent their lives in fear that the end days are near. All to die of old age
Thank you! Can anyone dispute this? Does Ding deny this?

Sounds pretty simple to me. You don’t have to be a good person to get into heaven. Just believe that.

So, I was right. No Jews, Muslims or atheists in heaven. Tell ding bat.

You are judging "good person" by human standards. That is not the "ticket" into heaven. The ticket is being cleansed by the blood of Jesus Christ.

Anyone--Jews, Muslims atheists--who does not believe does not go to heaven. This is a very basic Christian belief.
Believe what? A lot of you understand all the dumb stories in the Bible are just stories. Not to be taken literally.
Why would you care what others believe or don't believe? Are you under the impression that everyone must believe the same thing? Personally I think that would be a recipe for disaster. Uniformity can be dangerous.
But when asked if Jesus was the literal son of god who did miracles and rose from the dead, h yea that happened. Really? Cognitive dissonance must be at play with all of you.
I don't know how you worked through it but from my perspective there's only two choices; either Jesus is who the 24,000 written manuscripts say he is or it's the mother of all conspiracies. The latter seems to be impossible for me to believe.
You interpret it how you want I’ll interpret it my way.

tThe point is, two women can be doing something but one goes to heaven and one won’t. If one fgay believes in Jesus and one gay doesn’t, yes, I do believe m nterpreting it right.

They are working. They are grinding wheat or flour. Doing traditional women's work.

Clearly, one is a Believer and one is not.

Here is a sentence:

Grass is green.

There is one interpretation of that sentence, see. I don't get to say, "that sentence means I'm hungry". No, it doesn't. Generally words mean what they mean.
Many flat out admit none of that is real, but then you cherry pick from it. My dad is a perfect example. Like when he tries to use Adam and Eve as evidence. L9l. So stupid.

He keeps praying one day him and my mom will see each other again. This is when I stop questioning god and heaven. I don’t want to burst his bubble of hope. Wishful thinking. Highly unlikely
How do you know this isn't the alternate reality? That the real reality is something else.
If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, YOU WILL BE SAVED--Romans 10:9
Ah yes, the free pass. I've always thought it was fascinating that Christianity contained such a loophole that basically allows anything at all.
The only God Trump can believe in is the one he can control, so MAGA's is that your God also.
Ah yes, the free pass. I've always thought it was fascinating that Christianity contained such a loophole that basically allows anything at all.

Listen, we know. We know--and understand--that many many many of you are universes less merciful than God.
Listen, we know. We know--and understand--that many many many of you are universes less merciful than God.
Well that was a predictable, irrelevant outburst. Got it all out of your system?

Let's talk about the magical loophole.

Child killer accepts Jesus on his deathbed = saved

Fine human with better morals understandably does not accept the laughable iron age myth = not saved

It's just so juvenile, immoral, and absurd, it boggles the mind that any functional adult buys into it.

To call that "Mercy" is itself immoral and nauseating, and you should be ashamed of yourself.
Well that was a predictable, irrelevant outburst. Got it all out of your system?

Let's talk about the magical loophole.

Child killer accepts Jesus on his deathbed = saved

Fine human with better morals understandably does not accept the laughable iron age myth = not saved

It's just so juvenile, immoral, and absurd, it boggles the mind that any functional adult buys into it.

To call that "Mercy" is itself immoral and nauseating, and you should be ashamed of yourself.
Person who acted horribly: Lord, I wish I could go back and undo all that I did. With all my heart, I want to go back and make different choices. I want the chance to truly know you, to trust you, and therefore obey you. Please, give me that chance.

Truly good person: All my life my behavior has been impeccable, and I've been charitable beyond measure. But God, I have never believed in you, and all I've ever heard and read about you, I have no wish to know you, let alone serve you. You are the being I trust the least, and that will never change.

God honors and respects the choice one makes.
The bible is full of contradictions. It's ramblings are all over the place. Here the bible says being a lesbian doesn't mean you won't go to heaven.
Every story or event in the Bible is that contradicts reality, like rising from the dead, etc., or offends the sensibilities of a child was deliberately put there to inspire thinking and like a giant X on a treasure map marks the exact place where something of great value was buried and hidden.

If you look and look and keep on looking you will find it. If you don't look, you will never find it.

One of the favorite pastimes when these stories were written was solving riddles. So RUMINATE.

The Bible verse "Two women shall be grinding together; the one shall be taken, and the other left" appears in both Luke 17:35 and Matthew 24:41.
Two women grinding together has nothing to do with sex, degenerate. The meaning is simple. One will be taken, the other left behind means that one person will understand, the other will not.

Even if being gay is a sin in your religion yesterday you guys told me we are all sinners. So why is the sin or act of being gay worse than you and Trump lying?

Excellent question.

There really is no excuse or justification except for them trying to deflect their own guilt onto a vulnerable population that they have spent decades demonizing, and the law isn't even about sex

If "believers" don't mind throwing the very Jesus that they profess to love so much, :crying:, under the bus to save their own skin from the consequences of their own sins, death, a curse, is it any wonder why they have no shame openly doing that to the people that they hate? Filthy animals!

Reprehensible! And these sanctimonious hypocrites what to rule the world (for Jesus of course).

When Jesus "appears" they're going to be caught red handed and have a lot of 'splaining to do.

And I heard somewhere that he is about to appear ANY MINUTE!.... But thats just what I heard...
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“What’s your relationship with God like, and how do you pray?”

“OK, so I think it is good,” “I do very well with the evangelicals. I love the evangelicals. And I have more people saying they pray for me ― I can’t even believe it. They are so committed, and they are so believing. They say, ‘Sir, you’re going to be OK. I pray for you every night.’ I mean, everybody, almost ― I can’t say everybody, but almost everybody that sees me, they say it.”

You have a really weird fantasy life, dude. Disturbing, actually.

Are you ok?

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