Zone1 Trump's Relationship With God

As a former journalist, my reaction to that then and now, "Any man who is that transparent will bring the transparency we need to the White House and to the federal government. And, I was right about that. Further, no one is able to use God for one's own purpose...God uses us for his purposes. When Donald Trump was running in 2016, my middle school students were curious about whether I would vote him. I responded, "He reminds me of you middle school students. Now I have to decide whether I want a middle school student in the White House." They laughed and eagerly assured me a middle school student would be great in the White House. I think they were right.

That fits to an idea I had a long time ago. I saw the problem that many people are much better to do jobs in politics than this are doing professional politicians who have a feeling for the world in which they live but often not a good feeling fot the life of others - specially for the life of the people who nearly never lament but carry heavy burdens. I thought it could be the best to make a political lottery instead of elections.

Example: Now we are giving away the job "president of the USA" for the next 4 years - grand grand prize - and the winner is - fanfare - ¿an unknown comedian from the Ukraine? ... ¿What? ... Wait a moment ... Something went wrong ... We use the wrong database ... damn ...

The more funny thing: Afterwards I found out that exactly this Perikles had done before had started the great unforgotten period of the democracy in Athens with the most important philosophers the world ever had seen. What somehow also means Athens had to have a kind of school system because they expected everyone to be able to make every job in an adminstration.

Here by the way the difference between an English fanfare for the Royals and German fanfares at a Court Jester Casting.


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You have turned cruel to me;
with the might of your hand you persecute me.

As many as I love, I rebuke and discipline. Be zealous therefore, and repent. (Revelation 3:19)

Am I imagining that what you do at mass is an open and brazen violation of the command to not worship anything made by human hands, a mortal sin under penalty of death? I don't think so....

Get your shit together dude. How is it that you don't know the right course to take? THINK!

You can do it!
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As many as I love, I rebuke and discipline. Be zealous therefore, and repent. (Revelation 3:19)

Am I imagining that what you do at mass is an open and brazen violation of the command to not worship anything made by human hands, a mortal sin under penalty of death? I don't think so....

Get your shit together dude. How is it that you don't know the right course to take? THINK!

You can do it!
John 6:53
John 6:53
You really need to read the rest of the story. When many left Jesus because they couldn't stomach his saying "unless you eat my flesh and drink my blood you can have no life in you." he explained to his bewildered disciples in John 6:63, " The Spirit alone gives life; the flesh is of no avail (worthless). The words that I have spoken to you are both Spirit and life."

Then Jesus asked if they would leave him too and Simon Peter replied in John 6:68, "Lord, to whom shall we go? Your words are words of eternal life. We have faith and know that you are the Holy One of God" Confirming their belief that the words that Jesus spoke, the body of his teaching, is what gives life. Words that came from God and became "the flesh of Jesus", a new metaphor for manna from heaven, Divine instruction, The Word of God, the food of angels.

Now go to church and ask a priest to ask God to forgive you for sinning and then to show God just how sorry you are, set aside Divine Law, get down on your knees, open your mouth wide and let a priest put the abomination that causes desolation right into that gaping hole in your head.

Damn Shiela.....Is it really any wonder why Jesus ended up saying, "Eat this"? Stunad.

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You really need to read the rest of the story. When many left Jesus because they couldn't stomach his saying "unless you eat my flesh and drink my blood you can have no life in you." he explained to his remaining disciples in John 6:63, " The Spirit alone gives life; the flesh is of no avail (worthless). The words I have spoken to you are both Spirit and life."

And after he said this he asked if they would leave him too and so Simon Peter replied, "Lord, to whom shall we go? Your words are words of eternal life. We have faith and know that you are the Holy One of God" Confirming their belief that the words Jesus spoke, the body of his teaching is what gives life.

Now go to church and ask a priest to ask God to forgive you for sinning and then to show God just how sorry you are, set aside Divine Law, get down on your knees, open your mouth wide and let a priest put the abomination that causes desolation right into that gaping hole in your head.

I've read the whole story. He was given a chance to soften his statement; to make it symbolic. And instead he used words like chomp and gnaw.

Your interpretations are garbage. You can't even bring yourself to admit that Leviticus 18:22 was a clear command against homosexual relations.

Go peddle your fake theology on someone who doesn't know you like I do. As far as I am concerned you are a subversive on a mission to subordinate Christianity.
As far as I am concerned you are a subversive on a mission to subordinate Christianity.

Don't be silly.

In full view of believers and unbelievers alike, I am creating a new heaven and a new earth, new firmament, where people of all beliefs or unbelief can find common ground to live together in a lasting peace on earth, vindicating the faith that people have had in Jesus, by proving him right.

You should be happy! Sissy boy.
Don't be silly.

In full view of believers and unbelievers alike, I am creating a new heaven and a new earth, new firmament, where people of all beliefs or unbelief can find common ground to live together in a lasting peace on earth, vindicating the faith that people have had in Jesus, by proving him right.

You should be happy! Sissy boy.
Says the guy who won't admit Leviticus 18:22 is a command against men having sex with men even though that command is in the middle of a bunch of other commands against engaging in other sexual perversions.
Says the guy who won't admit Leviticus 18:22 is a command against men having sex with men even though that command is in the middle of a bunch of other commands against engaging in other sexual perversions.
The bible is full of contradictions. It's ramblings are all over the place. Here the bible says being a lesbian doesn't mean you won't go to heaven.

The Bible verse "Two women shall be grinding together; the one shall be taken, and the other left" appears in both Luke 17:35 and Matthew 24:41.

Even if being gay is a sin in your religion yesterday you guys told me we are all sinners. So why is the sin or act of being gay worse than you and Trump lying?
Says the guy who won't admit Leviticus 18:22 is a command against men having sex with men even though that command is in the middle of a bunch of other commands against engaging in other sexual perversions.
Try to think dude.

Cavemen didn't need a law from God to know it wasn't right to have sex with your mother, sister, a prepubescent child, etc. The Romans didn't need a law from God to know that pork needed to be cooked thoroughly before eating so there is no rational reason to forbid eating the flesh of swine. There is no rational reason to wear a box on your head or to forbid mixing different threads, separate meat from dairy, or slaughter farm animals in a fancy temple, etc., And do you really think that anyone needs a law from God to not eat dead rotting human road kill? Seriously?

But if anyone can ruminate rationally, which I know you are incapable of doing in your defiled and contaminated state of mind, about each of these irrational commands there are deeper implications that actually reflect the wisdom of a loving and benevolent God unknown to you.

And so if you are so happy when you defy the law of God at mass and your "soul is bursting at the seams", as you say, why are you so obsessed with other peoples sex lives? Pssst! What is actually happening is that you are immediately experiencing the consequences for your sin, dying The Death, a curse, and descending into hell. Whee! Whee! You are so clueless that you think that losing your mind is a profound religious experience and I agree. Its just not a good one.

So go on with your homophobic rants as if you are in a position to judge anyone and stay dead.

The only people guilty of forsaking natural relations with women and lying down with another man are the priests who marry the Pope for life which has nothing to do with sex and your unnatural relations with a priest who you call father, which nothing to do with sex, who brazenly stands between you and he who truly is God misleading you into defying the law of God and turning to a lifeless matzo, which can neither see, hear, speak, or walk, for spiritual life. Derp.

The more you incite the condemnation of homosexuals, the more you condemn yourself. Sucker.
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The bible is full of contradictions. It's ramblings are all over the place. Here the bible says being a lesbian doesn't mean you won't go to heaven.

The Bible verse "Two women shall be grinding together; the one shall be taken, and the other left" appears in both Luke 17:35 and Matthew 24:41.

Even if being gay is a sin in your religion yesterday you guys told me we are all sinners. So why is the sin or act of being gay worse than you and Trump lying?
Couldn't be happier for you to believe that. That has nothing to do with what I was arguing with Hobelim.
Try to think dude.

Cavemen didn't need a law from God to know it wasn't right to have sex with your mother, sister, a prepubescent child, etc. The Romans didn't need a law from God to know that pork needed to be cooked thoroughly before eating so there is no rational reason to forbid eating the flesh of swine. There is no rational reason to wear a box on your head or to forbid mixing different threads, separate meat from dairy, or slaughter farm animals in a fancy temple, etc., And do you really think that anyone needs a law from God to not eat dead rotting human road kill? Seriously?

But if anyone can ruminate rationally, which I know you are incapable of doing in your defiled and contaminated state of mind, about each of these irrational commands there are deeper implications that actually reflect the wisdom of a loving and benevolent God unknown to you.

And so if you are so happy when you defy the law of God at mass and your "soul is bursting at the seams", as you say, why are you so obsessed with other peoples sex lives? Pssst! What is actually happening is that you are immediately experiencing the consequences for your sin, dying The Death, a curse, and descending into hell. Whee! Whee! You are so clueless that you think that losing your mind is a profound religious experience and I agree. Its just not a good one.

So go on with your homophobic rants as if you are in a position to judge anyone and stay dead.

The only people guilty of forsaking natural relations with women and lying down with another man are the priests who marry the Pope for life which has nothing to do with sex and your unnatural relations with a priest who you call father, which nothing to do with sex, who brazenly stands between you and he who truly is God misleading you into defying the law of God and turning to a lifeless matzo, which can neither see, hear, speak, or walk, for spiritual life. Derp.

The more you incite the condemnation of homosexuals, the more you condemn yourself. Sucker.
I think it's funny the way you try to argue commands against having improper sexual relations aren't commands against having improper sexual relations. It shows what a joke your view is of interpreting the Bible.
Yeah, I'm not going to take a retard Atheist's musings on God with anything more than disdain and mockery.

I think it's funny the way you try to argue commands against having improper sexual relations aren't commands against having improper sexual relations. It shows what a joke your view is of interpreting the Bible.
The rules about sex in The Bible, if followed correctly, will ensure you never end up on the The Maury Povich or Jerry Springer Show.

It it Leviticus 18-20? It is, I remembered that one.

Trump does not claim to be a religious person, a saint, or even a non-involved "Christian." He says that he gets a lot of support from religious people.

He does.

He should.

His opponent(s) are evil. They mock marriage, they support sodomites, they support infanticide, they support the abomination of trans-genderism. Trump is a sinner. We all are. So what?

How could any religious person not support Trump against Biden? It is inconceivable.
What a pile of shit , he doesn't claim to be a Christian. You are so full of shit. The man is the closest person ever in this country to Hitler , in fact he is America's Hitler. and his followers are all hate Nazi's. Bottom feeding scum.

“What’s your relationship with God like, and how do you pray?”

“OK, so I think it is good,” “I do very well with the evangelicals. I love the evangelicals. And I have more people saying they pray for me ― I can’t even believe it. They are so committed, and they are so believing. They say, ‘Sir, you’re going to be OK. I pray for you every night.’ I mean, everybody, almost ― I can’t say everybody, but almost everybody that sees me, they say it.”

Trump won't except any God he can't control. That's not my God.
I think it's funny the way you try to argue commands against having improper sexual relations aren't commands against having improper sexual relations. It shows what a joke your view is of interpreting the Bible.

Trump: "Yeah that's her with the gold. I better use some Tic Tacs just in case I start kissing her. You know I'm automatically attracted to beautiful... I just start kissing them. It's like a magnet. Just kiss. I don't even wait. And when you're a star they let you do it. You can do anything."

Bush: "Whatever you want."

Trump: "Grab them by the pussy. You can do anything."

Typical Christian

And he never apologized. So he's going to hell.

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