Zone1 Trump's Relationship With God

Nobody was cool with that, but the circumstances were very different. Monica had a crush on Bill Clinton and he didn't brag about his sexual escapades on Howard Stern. In fact, Bill Clinton was contrite and made a public apology.

Trump is a pig of the first order. I'm surprised that you don't know the difference.

I wonder if you even realize how very Church Lady this is of you.
Trump does not claim to be a religious person, a saint, or even a non-involved "Christian." He says that he gets a lot of support from religious people.

He does.

He should.

His opponent(s) are evil. They mock marriage, they support sodomites, they support infanticide, they support the abomination of trans-genderism. Trump is a sinner. We all are. So what?

How could any religious person not support Trump against Biden? It is inconceivable.

Up is down.. this is like the Mad Hatter's tea party.
You don't see any difference? Are you a spinster?

Honey I've been very happily married near to 30 years.

That you people are all of the sudden the Tipper Gores of the 21st century will never not be funny to me, first.

Second, for the ten billionth time: I do not approve of DJT personal life and never have. But I'm not voting for a Savior, husband or father. I'm voting for him to DO A JOB. He doesn't need to be a hero. I wish we had one on the ballot, but we don't.

Again it's the hypocrisy of liberals crying about the "privacy of the bedroom" that does it for me every time.

“What’s your relationship with God like, and how do you pray?”

“OK, so I think it is good,” “I do very well with the evangelicals. I love the evangelicals. And I have more people saying they pray for me ― I can’t even believe it. They are so committed, and they are so believing. They say, ‘Sir, you’re going to be OK. I pray for you every night.’ I mean, everybody, almost ― I can’t say everybody, but almost everybody that sees me, they say it.”

So his relationship with God is.... religious people will vote for him even though he's not religious and does things their religious books says "stone him to death"... nice.
Honey I've been very happily married near to 30 years.

That you people are all of the sudden the Tipper Gores of the 21st century will never not be funny to me, first.

Second, for the ten billionth time: I do not approve of DJT personal life and never have. But I'm not voting for a Savior, husband or father. I'm voting for him to DO A JOB. He doesn't need to be a hero. I wish we had one on the ballot, but we don't.

Again it's the hypocrisy of liberals crying about the "privacy of the bedroom" that does it for me every time.

I never voted for Bill Clinton. I was a Republican until we invaded Iraq. Trump never kept his sexual escapades in the privacy of the bedroom. There's 15 hours of his bragging on Howard Stern.

Trump's Relationship With God​

Donald Trump's what? ... But what likes god to tell us with him? ... Perhaps that everything is able to become more worse? ...
I never voted for Bill Clinton. I was a Republican until we invaded Iraq. Trump never kept his sexual escapades in the privacy of the bedroom. There's 15 hours of his bragging on Howard Stern.

Do you not know the difference between going on the Howard Stern show and having sex with a White House intern in the Oval Office??????
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Trump does not claim to be a religious person, a saint, or even a non-involved "Christian." He says that he gets a lot of support from religious people.

He does.

He should.

His opponent(s) are evil. They mock marriage, they support sodomites, they support infanticide, they support the abomination of trans-genderism. Trump is a sinner. We all are. So what?

So his opponents are evil and Trump is a sinner. Are you able to offer something else what could lead the nuclear power USA in the currently damn dangerous moment of world history?

How could any religious peous rson not support Trump against Biden?

Perhaps because this religious person is a Catholic like Joe Biden or any other Christian ... or a Nudist ... ah sorry: Buddhist .. or a Sufi ... or a supporter of a natural religion or ... or .. or ...

It is inconceivable.

¿Like the essence of god on the own? Then you should slowly start to do something for your fantasy. My opinion: The professional liar Donald Trump is an unqualified idiot for the job "president of the USA and leader of the free world".

This opinion has no spiritual reasons because I never ask god about other people. I'm convinced god never will give an answer in such a case. And I do not like to ruin my own relation with god.

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Well, if you can get people to believe that God became a man only to abolish his own laws and become a perfect human sacrifice to himself (because he loved the Roman world so much) so that "believers" can sin with impunity and remain assholes for life, as long as they memorialize and celebrate his torture and death every Sunday and high holiday, they will believe anything.

It is truly touching to see how much those believers love Jesus, putting all their sins on him, an innocent man, so they won't have to suffer the consequences for their own words and deeds.:crying:

I'm sure that Jesus is very impressed by their deep and abiding love for him....

I am.

Ever thought about that sometimes something could be in a way you never thought about? ¿Not? ... Hmm ... Do you love steaks? ... How do you eat a steak without to be a kind of murderer? ... Everyone of us has to take energy from living creatures - even if this creature is only a head of lettuce. ... Imagine you are a little child and you have such thoughts and you drive a little mad about such thoughts. (What will happen with your cat if a criminal likes to eat her?) So what do you like to do to avoid to be a sinner so this will not happen? Then your Daddy says to you: Do not care - I gave you this food. You are free from this sin - this all is in my responsibility. Would this help you if you had a problem with this situation? I say "yes".

I know this example is stupid. But as stupid are the "sins" which the modern world wakes in us. "Why do you not drive a Tesla?" for example. "That's the right future! What do you make wrong not to do so? ... Why do you not eat vegan? ... Why no tatoos?" ... and so on and so on.

I fear if you think you are able to avoid the concept "sin" then you are perhaps wrong. But if you like to know what are real sins and what are only nightmares then it could not be bad to think about alternatives. A fake-allknowing cynism could be the wrong answer. The USA without Christians? Would it work?
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Do you not know the difference between going on the Howard Stern show and having sex with a White House intern in the Oval Office??????

In terms of public vulgarity? Yes. I know the difference. Trump is also the first president to talk about his dick on the campaign trail.

Your kind of man?
In terms of public vulgarity? Yes. I know the difference. Trump is also the first president to talk about his dick on the campaign trail.

Your kind of man?
As a former journalist, my reaction to that then and now, "Any man who is that transparent will bring the transparency we need to the White House and to the federal government. And, I was right about that. Further, no one is able to use God for one's own purpose...God uses us for his purposes. When Donald Trump was running in 2016, my middle school students were curious about whether I would vote him. I responded, "He reminds me of you middle school students. Now I have to decide whether I want a middle school student in the White House." They laughed and eagerly assured me a middle school student would be great in the White House. I think they were right.
So his relationship with God is.... religious people will vote for him even though he's not religious and does things their religious books says "stone him to death"... nice.

Mr President what's your relationship with Jesus?

"It's nice, yea, it's nice. It's good. I pray to him all the time, Jesus save us from these liberals I say, Jesus Christ. Oh boy, yes some people compare me to Jesus. It's true" A lot of people do. Even right now Saudi Arabia and Russia ARUPIDO.


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