Zone1 Trump's Relationship With God

“What’s your relationship with God like, and how do you pray?”

“OK, so I think it is good,” “I do very well with the evangelicals. I love the evangelicals. And I have more people saying they pray for me ― I can’t even believe it. They are so committed, and they are so believing. They say, ‘Sir, you’re going to be OK. I pray for you every night.’ I mean, everybody, almost ― I can’t say everybody, but almost everybody that sees me, they say it.”

I'm glad you are claiming him as an atheist.

“What’s your relationship with God like, and how do you pray?”

“OK, so I think it is good,” “I do very well with the evangelicals. I love the evangelicals. And I have more people saying they pray for me ― I can’t even believe it. They are so committed, and they are so believing. They say, ‘Sir, you’re going to be OK. I pray for you every night.’ I mean, everybody, almost ― I can’t say everybody, but almost everybody that sees me, they say it.”

I remember when liberals weren't the Church Ladies of everywhere--when "in the privacy of the bedroom" and individual liberties is what they PRETENDED to care about.

Then Trump happened and all the sudden they must know every machination of his heart, mind, soul, and sex life.

You funny freaks
I remember when liberals weren't the Church Ladies of everywhere--when "in the privacy of the bedroom" and individual liberties is what they PRETENDED to care about.

Then Trump happened and all the sudden they must know every machination of his heart, mind, soul, and sex life.

You funny freaks
You hypocrite. You went after Bill Clinton and now want to cry when it's Trump? Remember Trump brought Clinton accusers to his debate with Hillary to throw her off her game? Paybacks a bitch.

Trump said Bill Clinton was great and you guys were just jealous.

And don't cry about trump being found guilty. He wanted Hillary to be charged. Was he kidding? Well he could have fooled us. Now he's been found guilty by 12 jurors, in court. Can't get any more guilty than that.

And don't cry for us impeaching Trump. He said Pelosi should have impeached Bush for lying us into iraq. That proves either Bush lied us into Iraq or Trump is not above a witch hunt as long as he's not the witch. LOL
You hypocrite. You went after Bill Clinton and now want to cry when it's Trump? Remember Trump brought Clinton accusers to his debate with Hillary to throw her off her game? Paybacks a bitch.

Trump said Bill Clinton was great and you guys were just jealous.

And don't cry about trump being found guilty. He wanted Hillary to be charged. Was he kidding? Well he could have fooled us. Now he's been found guilty by 12 jurors, in court. Can't get any more guilty than that.

And don't cry for us impeaching Trump. He said Pelosi should have impeached Bush for lying us into iraq. That proves either Bush lied us into Iraq or Trump is not above a witch hunt as long as he's not the witch. LOL

In case you forgot: Bill Clinton literally was guilty of sexual harassment in the workplace. I don't care what he did before he was president. He took advantage of a young intern in the Oval Office.

You guys were cool with that until Trump.
In case you forgot: Bill Clinton literally was guilty of sexual harassment in the workplace. I don't care what he did before he was president. He took advantage of a young intern in the Oval Office.

You guys were cool with that until Trump.

And you guys hated Bill Clinton for it until you started worshiping Trump

Donald Trump has been accused of rape, sexual assault, and sexual harassment, including non-consensual kissing or groping, by at least 25 women since the 1970s.

So what happened? Since Clinton was so great you had to go out and find your own candidate with similar qualities?

Remember you called us the Godless party? You are the God party that's for sure. Bunch of morons. Being conned by an atheist. But you don't even care because he's serving you. Be careful making a deal with the devil. I warned you.
In case you forgot: Bill Clinton literally was guilty of sexual harassment in the workplace. I don't care what he did before he was president. He took advantage of a young intern in the Oval Office.

You guys were cool with that until Trump.

I guess MTG compared Trump to Jesus recently?

Donald Trump has been accused of rape, sexual assault, and sexual harassment, including non-consensual kissing or groping, by at least 25 women since the 1970s.

Their “Christianity” is as fake as George Santos's resume.

Marjorie Taylor Greene comparing trump to Jesus should have gotten her booed and thrown out.Instead, the cult just cheered.But she couldn't be more wrong, unless you think Jesus committed sexual assault, fraud, and dozens of other crimes.

Comparing trump to Jesus is about as satanic as it gets.

Marjorie Taylor Greene just compared Donald Trump to Jesus Christ. If you needed any more evidence that MAGA is a cult, here it is. Insanity.
I'm happy for you to own him as an atheist. I don't think you have thought this through.
Takes one to know one.

And you religious folks get duped all the time. So you are certainly not a good judge of character. How many Tim Swaggarts, Bakers, 700 club evaleglicals have duped you idiots out of money.

So we know all a person has to say is god bless you and you immediately think they are one of you. News flash. I say it too. LOL. When you sneeze. Doesn't mean I believe. It mean like you I've been brainwashed too. Only I know it now. I woke up.

Of course Trump is using religion to con people. And of course you guys either don't see it or don't care. You remind me of Jews who don't mind the crazy reasons why Christians defend Israel. Whatever they say. As long as the Gentiles side with us, we don't care if their reasoning for doing so it wackadoodle.

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