Zone1 Trump's Relationship With God

You are judging "good person" by human standards. That is not the "ticket" into heaven. The ticket is being cleansed by the blood of Jesus Christ.

Anyone--Jews, Muslims atheists--who does not believe does not go to heaven. This is a very basic Christian belief.
Most Christians don't believe that. Ask them.

Hey other Christians. Is this your understanding? Only Christians go to heaven?
Why would you care what others believe or don't believe? Are you under the impression that everyone must believe the same thing? Personally I think that would be a recipe for disaster. Uniformity can be dangerous.
Well the bible is clearly not the word of god. They don't all believe that.

Sweetsue92 just said only christians go to heaven. You don't agree.

Funny how up for interpretation the "word of god" is. I depends on how much you take literally. I like pointing out how many of you aren't even real Christians. Sweetsue92 is the real Christian. You're a cherry picker.
Funny how up for interpretation the "word of god" is. I depends on how much you take literally.
You must include in your speculations that when Jesus was teaching, during a brutal Roman occupation, there was no such thing as freedom of expression or speech and people were openly beaten, imprisoned, enslaved, maimed, and killed for trivial reasons every single day.

With that in mind when Jesus said "Till now I have been using figures of speech" he said that after all that crazy talk about coming down from heaven, raising the dead, curing the blind, bread from heaven, eat my flesh and drink my blood and all that jazz, showing that nothing was literal.

In the same way that any "criminalized" group good or bad speaks in coded language to this day.

So don't be misled or distracted by what Christians profess to believe. Thy don't know WTF they are talking about. This shit was understood by first century peasants. Surely you can figure it out

Just put on your thinking cap and RUMINATE.
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You must include in your speculations that when Jesus was teaching, during a brutal Roman occupation, there was no such thing as freedom of expression or speech and people were openly beaten, imprisoned, enslaved, maimed, and killed for trivial reasons every single day.

With that in mind when Jesus said "Till now I have been using figures of speech" he said that after all that crazy talk about coming down from heaven, raising the dead, curing the blind, bread from heaven, eat my flesh and drink my blood and all that jazz, showing that nothing was literal.

In the same way that any "criminalized" group good or bad speaks in coded language to this day.

So don't be misled or distracted by what Christians profess to believe. Thy don't know WTF they are talking about. This shit was understood by first century peasants. Surely you can figure it out

Just put on your thinking cap and RUMINATE.
That's as ridiculous as your interpretation that Leviticus 18:22 isn't a command against men screwing men like women.
Most Christians don't believe that. Ask them.

Hey other Christians. Is this your understanding? Only Christians go to heaven?

If they don't they're not Christian. If you don't believe what Jesus said about Himself, that's rather the standard.
Thank you! Can anyone dispute this? Does Ding deny this?

Sounds pretty simple to me. You don’t have to be a good person to get into heaven. Just believe that.

So, I was right. No Jews, Muslims or atheists in heaven. Tell ding bat.

Well you're attaching really easy labels to people and saying "Nope, not you". Ironically that's the kind of judgment you project onto Christians.

The thief on the cross confessed Jesus and my Lord today him "today you will be with me in paradise". Was he a Jew just before that, or an atheist? Maybe. It doesn't matter. Once he professed Jesus he was a Believer.
Person who acted horribly: Lord, I wish I could go back and undo all that I did. With all my heart, I want to go back and make different choices. I want the chance to truly know you, to trust you, and therefore obey you. Please, give me that chance.

Truly good person: All my life my behavior has been impeccable, and I've been charitable beyond measure. But God, I have never believed in you, and all I've ever heard and read about you, I have no wish to know you, let alone serve you. You are the being I trust the least, and that will never change.

God honors and respects the choice one makes.

Fort Fun Indiana this is mostly not for you because sadly I feel you are lost. I hope I am wrong.

But for anyone reading:

The "child killer" saved "on the cross" goes to Heaven with no rewards. I would assume, based on what is written about Heaven in the Bible, he sees what rewards others have earned. A life of worship, praise, good deeds.

The "good person" who rejects Jesus goes to Hell. If there are rewards in Heaven it is not outrageous to think there are just punishments in Hell. Perhaps the only punishment the person in Hell earns is that he/she missed it--missed God.

I do not know, but I DO know that God is both merciful and just, and can be nothing less.

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