Zone1 Do you ever feel that God needs to go Old Testament again... LOL

Nah, not a "sky man". The Spirit of God is within me and manifests itself in the world around me.

I do not believe in "Spirits". There is no god. No bastard son. No Heaven. No Hell. Just weak mined fools who believe such complete and utter bullshit.
Get a life, or even better stop believing in a non-existent god
God will show you just as he showed the blind world in Noah's day. You could get on board the ark while there is still time.
God will show you just as he showed the blind world in Noah's day. You could get on board the ark while there is still time.z

As the magical/mystical/mythical does NOT exist...he cannot do a damn thing. I do need to rely a non-existent deity to provide a single solitary goddamned for me. I know there people so weak minded and insecure to need such things, but I am not one of them.

You need believe, I do not. I am happy as I am. Do NOT tell me what I need and/do not need. I will decide that for myself. Keep your superstitions about your non-existent deity to yourself.
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As the magical/mystical/mythical does NOT exist...he cannot do a damn thing. I do need to rely a non-existent deity to provide a single solitary goddamned for me. I know there people so weak minded and insecure to need such things, but I am not one of them.

You need believe, I do not. I am happy as I am. Do NOT tell me what I need and/do not need. I will decide that for myself. Keep your superstitions about your non-existent deity to yourself.
There are things in the OT no mortal could have known as fact back then. Written prior to Jesus' arrival and not proven as facts until the 18th or 19th centuries.
Isaiah foretold Cyrus would take down Babylon and how he would do it 200 years before Cyrus did it.
There are things in the OT no mortal could have known as fact back then. Written prior to Jesus' arrival and not proven as facts until the 18th or 19th centuries.
Isaiah foretold Cyrus would take down Babylon and how he would do it 200 years before Cyrus did it.

Find a better source than a myth book that has been written and rewritten hundreds of times. I don't truth your myth book and why should I. The Skyman is NOT real and neither is bastard son.
There are things in the OT no mortal could have known as fact back then. Written prior to Jesus' arrival and not proven as facts until the 18th or 19th centuries.
Isaiah foretold Cyrus would take down Babylon and how he would do it 200 years before Cyrus did it.

The Bible was redacted and amended several times. Most notably during the reign of King Omri circa 500 BC.
only the error filled trinity bibles.

The original no longer exists. The bible has been written and rewritten hundreds of times. The bible is lie. You just dumb enough to fall for it.
There is no god. Your myth book is sad frace of nothing but lies. No heaven. No hell. No god and no bastard son.
Christians believe that God created the world--and mankind--good. We believe that in the beginning Adam and Eve walked with God and had complete trust in him. The serpent convinced Eve that she could see on her own that the fruit was good, to be desired, and that God was misleading them into believing they would die should they eat that fruit. She and the man ate, and this distrust in God became part of human existence--a distrust that is exhibited to this day. (In the above post, for example.)
only the error filled trinity bibles.

Judah and Israel had different foundation stories . Omri had them cobbled together when he was trying to reunite them.

Genesis and Exodus are myths for Bronze Age people to explain to them where we come from. They are didactic literature.. They aren't history or science. For JWs to write their own Bible doesn't change that.
Christians believe that God created the world--and mankind--good. We believe that in the beginning Adam and Eve walked with God and had complete trust in him. The serpent convinced Eve that she could see on her own that the fruit was good, to be desired, and that God was misleading them into believing they would die should they eat that fruit. She and the man ate, and this distrust in God became part of human existence--a distrust that is exhibited to this day. (In the above post, for example.)

I do NOT give a damn what so-called "Christian" believe. Becasue what they choose to believe is a lie. I do not beleive that. I believe in science, not mumbo jumbo vodoo bullshit.

As for so-called "Christians", the so-call "Christians" that inhabit this forum push Antisemitism, Bigotry, Homophobia, Islamophobia, Misogny and Racism. They wrap themselves in their holy myth book to justify their hate. Fuck that. I do not need to believe in a non-existent Sky Man or his Bastard Son. Only the weak minded need that kind of crap.
Do you ever feel that God needs to go Old Testament again.?

I mean, in the Old days, God just obliterated people who didn't act right...

View attachment 950093

Why did God get wimpy on us? LOL

Sorry, God.. I don't mean anything here... I do acknowledge that You have your reasons... I guess one is that You are waiting for people to repent..

ha ha...

Good luck with that one!

(Since the people portrayed on Carlson's book cover are "still with us"... yeh, looks like we'll have to wait a LONG time for God to go Old Testament again... :()

I do pray for those folks... seriously... have to force myself but I do..
A thread like this reminds me of the Biblical story of Christ on the cross with a thief to the right and left of him. All 3 men were suffering and going to die, nothing could change that. Two deserved death according to the law and one did not. One cursed and mocked Christ telling him that if he is actually the Son of God to get them the F@c@ off the cross, while the other asked Christ to remember him when he entered his kingdom.

Those three men represent all of humanity.

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