Zone1 Do you ever feel that God needs to go Old Testament again... LOL

I do NOT give a damn what so-called "Christian" believe. Becasue what they choose to believe is a lie. I do not beleive that. I believe in science, not mumbo jumbo vodoo bullshit.
Many Christians--Catholic and Orthodox are two examples--also believe in science. And you do as well, because like us, you believe in truth.

As for so-called "Christians", the so-call "Christians" that inhabit this forum push Antisemitism, Bigotry, Homophobia, Islamophobia, Misogny and Racism. They wrap themselves in their holy myth book to justify their hate. Fuck that. I do not need to believe in a non-existent Sky Man or his Bastard Son. Only the weak minded need that kind of crap.
_______________________ (Fill in the blank with any group) and then add your line that inhabit this forum push Antisemitism, Bigotry, Homophobia, Islamophobia, Misogny and Racism. (Even scientist or those who follow science, and the good example of this is Germany prior to World War II.)

Have you ever tried or been close to Christianity (as opposed to Christians who in your view failed)? Christianity is better compared to philosophy than science. The Bible is one of the greatest (if not the greatest) book of literature of all time. Lessons and truths are presented in story form. Yes, in the form of myths, fables, metaphors, legends, and folktales. If you wish unvarnished truths not in story form, there are lots of good examples of that not in story form.
Many Christians--Catholic and Orthodox are two examples--also believe in science. And you do as well, because like us, you believe in truth.

_______________________ (Fill in the blank with any group) and then add your line that inhabit this forum push Antisemitism, Bigotry, Homophobia, Islamophobia, Misogny and Racism. (Even scientist or those who follow science, and the good example of this is Germany prior to World War II.)

Have you ever tried or been close to Christianity (as opposed to Christians who in your view failed)? Christianity is better compared to philosophy than science. The Bible is one of the greatest (if not the greatest) book of literature of all time. Lessons and truths are presented in story form. Yes, in the form of myths, fables, metaphors, legends, and folktales. If you wish unvarnished truths not in story form, there are lots of good examples of that not in story form.
Science says nothing about morality.

Science is merely the study of the material universe

Science does not make judgements of good vs. evil.

As such, it is woefully inadequate to live your life by.
Kinda hard to compare murderers of millions with a mugger.

Hitler? I'd have put a bullet between his eyes.
So, we agree it is good to kill at times, not that this is what we wanted to have to do.
Science says nothing about morality.

Science is merely the study of the material universe

Science does not make judgements of good vs. evil.

As such, it is woefully inadequate to live your life by.
But even more inadequate to live your life without the knowledge it grants us.

Which informs good ethics and morality.
But even more inadequate to live your life without the knowledge it grants us.

Which informs good ethics and morality.
How is having knowledge about the material universe beneficial to assigning value and morality to it?

Give an example.
Judah and Israel had different foundation stories . Omri had them cobbled together when he was trying to reunite them.

Genesis and Exodus are myths for Bronze Age people to explain to them where we come from. They are didactic literature.. They aren't history or science. For JWs to write their own Bible doesn't change that.
The Noah account is in Genesis. Jesus was an eye witness,( Luke 17:26) are you calling him a liar?
How is having knowledge about the material universe beneficial to assigning value and morality to it?

Give an example.

For example, we.know different color humans are basically no different from one another, thanks to science.

So that informs our ethics and morality regarding racism.

Objective knowledge informs our morality and ethics. That's why we.dont sacrifice virgins to the Sun god anymore for a good harvest.
For example, we.know different color humans are basically no different from one another, thanks to science.

So that informs our ethics and morality regarding racism.

Objective knowledge informs our morality and ethics. That's why we.dont sacrifice virgins to the Sun god anymore for a good harvest.
Don't you believe that morals are human constructs? That morals can be anything man says it is as long as the majority say it?

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