Zone1 Do you ever feel that God needs to go Old Testament again... LOL

Yeah, those "Christian Holidays" are so sinful!

What a cheerful prophesy. You must be a lot of fun at parties.

Tell us again how all of that shows how much God loves us?

And if half the country keeps His Feast of Tabernacles, will he give them a little rain? Or rain on those who kept the Feast of Tabernacles?

Let's celebate a young woman (no more than 14-years old), on the back on a donkey 9-Months pregnant with a baby that was forced upon her. She and her husband had to travel at least 90-miles in the dead of winter. Which would never have happened.

They arrive at their desination only to find no rooms, instead they are offered a stall in a fucking barn. Then she had to give birth to a baby that was forced upon her, by a non-existent god. Not a good story dude, live with it.
Let's celebate a young woman (no more than 14-years old), on the back on a donkey 9-Months pregnant with a baby that was forced upon her. She and her husband had to travel at least 90-miles in the dead of winter. Which would never have happened.

They arrive at their desination only to find no rooms, instead they are offered a stall in a fucking barn. Then she had to give birth to a baby that was forced upon her, by a non-existent god. Not a good story dude, live with it.

It all works except the "...90 miles in the dead of winter". The weather in Bethlehem fluctuates, like most places weather does. But the lows are not very low, even in winter.
No, I have Fascism, which I hate MAGA. But your personal proves you have no valid argument left. Your god is not real. His bastard son is not real. But keeping lying to yourself. You need that crap, you are to weak minded to think for yourself.
Enjoy your life.
For example, we.know different color humans are basically no different from one another, thanks to science.

So that informs our ethics and morality regarding racism.

Objective knowledge informs our morality and ethics. That's why we.dont sacrifice virgins to the Sun god anymore for a good harvest.
Really? So, if science sees that blacks have lower IQ numbers then say, light skinned folk, that won't give scientists the wrong idea about them then, right?

Or how about science showing that blacks suffer more from certain disorders like sickle cell disease, does that mean they are genetically inferior as well?
It all works except the "...90 miles in the dead of winter". The weather in Bethlehem fluctuates, like most places weather does. But the lows are not very low, even in winter.

She was NINE FUCKING MONTHS PREGNANT you fucking so-called "Christian" idiot. NO did not happen. A 9-Months Pregnant Woman riding on the back donkey, it did not happen. You people really are afraid to think for yourself.
You claimed you could make a valid logical argument that the moon was made of cheese. I'm saying you can't. Logic that leads to blatantly false conclusions isn't logic
And that is 100% wrong and demonstrates very clearly that you have no idea what you are talking about.

I'm not here to provide remedial education. You're going to have to go read up.
Really? So, if science sees that blacks have lower IQ numbers then say, light skinned folk, that won't give scientists the wrong idea about them then, right?
It could, if they were shallow and stupid and decided that was all they needed to know.

Which brings us right back to gaining more knowledge to inform our morality.

Thanks for the assist in making my point.
Or how about science showing that blacks suffer more from certain disorders like sickle cell disease, does that mean they are genetically inferior as well?
Yes, that is precisely what They might conclude if they decided that was all they needed to know.

Of course, scientists are generally not that shallow and ignorant and stupid so they will go out and gain more information before drawing such a conclusion.

Again, thanks for the assist in making my points.
She was NINE FUCKING MONTHS PREGNANT you fucking so-called "Christian" idiot. NO did not happen. A 9-Months Pregnant Woman riding on the back donkey, it did not happen. You people really are afraid to think for yourself.

Oh I agree that it did not happen. I was just being a nit-picky asshole about the winter thing.
And that is 100% wrong and demonstrates very clearly that you have no idea what you are talking about.

I'm not here to provide remedial education. You're going to have to go read up.
Says the guy whose logic tells him the moon is made of cheese.
Says the guy whose logic tells him the moon is made of cheese.
That's right. I can also use a valid argument to conclude all dogs are cats.

Instead of sitting there like a lump, why don't you go read up on this? Look up valid vs. Sound. For starters.
I am beyond a doubt sure you are a lying sack of liquid shit.
He doesn't understand the basics of logic.

Yes I can use a valid argument to conclude that the Moon is made of cheese.

One can use a valid argument to conclude anything at all.
He doesn't understand the basics of logic.

Yes I can use a valid argument to conclude that the Moon is made of cheese.

One can use a valid argument to conclude anything at all.
I don't understand your basis of logic. If you think you can make a valid LOGICAL argument that the moon is made of cheese, you are wrong.
I don't understand your basis of logic. If you think you can make a valid LOGICAL argument that the moon is made of cheese, you are wrong.
Yes, because you don't understand this basic concept of logic.

One can easily use a valid argument to reach a false conclusion. That one would only have to use dubious premises.

I've even done this for you before.
Yes, because you don't understand this basic concept of logic.

One can easily use a valid argument to reach a false conclusion. That one would only have to use dubious premises.

I've even done this for you before.
If the conclusion is false then it is not a logical argument. But feel free to make your "logical" argument that the moon is made of cheese.

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