I'd ask this question, but no one would want to answert: Have you ever been unjustly convicted?

They attended a lot of meetings, and I certainly wouldn't be caught dead in such a place.

If my toenails were deadly weapons, you might have a point.

We make the mistake of thinking that Nazi Germany was a hive mind, when in fact there were multiple factions all competing for control. The NSDAP, the SS, SA, Wehrmacht, Abwehr, and so on. The industrialists still ran their industries and profited off the war, until the Allies started bombing the shit out of them.

Hitler wasn't a socialist because he didn't collectivize anything.

No, I don't believe I am a socialist. I am a capitalist. I own TWO businesses. (one of them is actually my wife's, but my name is on all the paperwork).

What Germany didn't do during the war is what the US DID do. They didn't ration consumer goods until late in the war, like the US did. They didn't put women in the factories, they didn't coopt whole industries like FDR did. in fact, Germany industry was very disorganized until Albert Speer took over as Armorment's Minister.
All i see from your words is you love socialists. Sure you own business. But you are still a Democrat. A contradiction of interests.

Hitler had iron control over all of Germany. I am not alone in saying he was a socialist. If that has got you so upset, I can lie to you and claim he was not a socialist.

Were you ever in Germany in the 1960s? I doubt it. Do you believe FA Hayek? He lived there and is an expert on this topic. Was that is.

We make the mistake of thinking that Nazi Germany was a hive mind, when in fact there were multiple factions all competing for control.
I don't make that mistake since I spent 16 months in Germany not too long after the war stopped. I saw damage that was there. Germans typically come as either Catholics or Lutherans. While other religions are there now, it was still small when I was in Germany. I also learned this by asking Germans. Germany had kids executed for going against the Nazis. Hitler himself was attacked a number of times. So if somebody tells you Germans are like a hive, not when l lived there.
All i see from your words is you love socialists. Sure you own business. But you are still a Democrat. A contradiction of interests.

Hitler had iron control over all of Germany. I am not alone in saying he was a socialist. If that has got you so upset, I can lie to you and claim he was not a socialist.

Were you ever in Germany in the 1960s? I doubt it. Do you believe FA Hayek? He lived there and is an expert on this topic. Was that is.

Hitler was dead by the 1960's.

My grandfather came over from Germany during the 1920's, my Dad was in Germany with the US Army as a translator during WWII.

The Nazis were not socialists. Capitalists got to live high on the hog during the Nazi years, if they had the good luck to not be Jews.
I don't make that mistake since I spent 16 months in Germany not too long after the war stopped. I saw damage that was there. Germans typically come as either Catholics or Lutherans. While other religions are there now, it was still small when I was in Germany. I also learned this by asking Germans. Germany had kids executed for going against the Nazis. Hitler himself was attacked a number of times. So if somebody tells you Germans are like a hive, not when l lived there.

Guy, you aren't 100 fucking years old.

The fact that Hitler's own generals tried to whack him multiple times should tell you he didn't have nearly the control you claim he had.

Not sure why you think religion had much to do with it... Both churches were behind the war as well. (ALthough I had a cousin who said something the Nazis didn't like from a pulpit and ended up getting arrested.)
Guy, you aren't 100 fucking years old.

The fact that Hitler's own generals tried to whack him multiple times should tell you he didn't have nearly the control you claim he had.

Not sure why you think religion had much to do with it... Both churches were behind the war as well. (ALthough I had a cousin who said something the Nazis didn't like from a pulpit and ended up getting arrested.)
I am close to being 86. They tried to get rid of him. Did they get rid of him? No they did not. I was saying what religions were dominant when I was in Germany. Religion was a concern to the citizens.
A famous author wrote a book that claims Democrat's have mental illness. Sure they can drive to work and put diapers on. But they are pretty ignorant about the Government they love so much.

Amazon product ASIN 1595550437
Michael Savage, one of my favorite authors said Liberalism is Mental disorder

yeh... as if we couldn't figure that out.. But I think he wrote a book with that title? or maybe it had some other title
Michael Savage, one of my favorite authors said Liberalism is Mental disorder

yeh... as if we couldn't figure that out.. But I think he wrote a book with that title? or maybe it had some other title
When I lived in the SF Bay Area, I always listened to him when I could manage that time. The link I posted takes you to the book we are discussing.
I am close to being 86. They tried to get rid of him. Did they get rid of him? No they did not. I was saying what religions were dominant when I was in Germany. Religion was a concern to the citizens.

I guess. My grandparents came from a town where the northern half was Catholic and the Southern half was Lutheran, and it didn't really unite until after the war.

Really has very little to do with why Hitler came to power, though. That had to do more with the really shitty deal Germany got after WWI and the economic chaos that followed.

Watching Trump supporters today, can totally understand how Hitler happened.. All it takes is a bunch of fanatical crazies, unhinged from reality, given people to irrationally hate.
Really has very little to do with why Hitler came to power, though. That had to do more with the really shitty deal Germany got after WWI and the economic chaos that followed.
A great way to derail this topic. I know you are right about the deal Germany got that was connected to why Hitler came to power. And he was loved. We know it by the enormous crowds who showed up to hear him talk to them.
I guess. My grandparents came from a town where the northern half was Catholic and the Southern half was Lutheran, and it didn't really unite until after the war.
I would expect by this time more churches are in German towns than when I lived there. I would have to research it to learn the truth.
So please, everyone, let us know about times in your life when you or a loved one or even an acquaintance-only was convicted of something he or she did not do..
A great way to derail this topic. I know you are right about the deal Germany got that was connected to why Hitler came to power. And he was loved. We know it by the enormous crowds who showed up to hear him talk to them.
So you admit it was about Hitler's personality and grievances and not any desire for Socialism that wasn't applied.

I would expect by this time more churches are in German towns than when I lived there. I would have to research it to learn the truth.
Today, Germany is about 30% non-religious, which shows great progress. Hope we get there as well.

So please, everyone, let us know about times in your life when you or a loved one or even an acquaintance-only was convicted of something he or she did not do..

Um, well, here's the thing. I don't know of anyone in my life who didn't do what they were accused of. I had couple of cousins who went to prison, but they did what they were accused of. And a lot more they were never caught doing.

But since you are trying to make excuses for Convicted Felon Donald Trump, he did what he was accused of. He did a lot more that he should have faced criminal charges for, but only faced civil issues.
Except he's the one who put his wife and child in danger.

He was pointing guns at Federal Marshalls and FBI agents.

What did he think was going to happen?
You don't understand this topic. For example, he did not invite agents to his property.
He was to go to court on a weapons charge; eg. cutting a bit too much off a shotgun barrel. He was notified the court date was a month later. Believing this he did not go to court on the true date. This prompted all this shit bag stuff called Ruby Ridge.

His 14 year old son who was innocent was first to be executed.
Randy had a pal of his at the home. He shot an agent who died.
A sniper shot Weavers Wife in her face and she later died.
As a result of this mess, the Feds paid 3.1 million dollars to the Weaver family. The court found the agents guilty.
You don't understand this topic. For example, he did not invite agents to his property.
They had a warrant for his arrest. They didn't need an invite.
He was to go to court on a weapons charge; eg. cutting a bit too much off a shotgun barrel. He was notified the court date was a month later. Believing this he did not go to court on the true date. This prompted all this shit bag stuff called Ruby Ridge.

You see a LEO on your property, YOU COOPERATE WITH HIM.

His 14 year old son who was innocent was first to be executed.
You mean after the little Nazi shit decided to shoot it out with a Federal Marshall?

Randy had a pal of his at the home. He shot an agent who died.
A sniper shot Weavers Wife in her face and she later died.

You mean when she was holding the door open while her Husband and his Nazi Buddy were shooting it out with the FBI?

Oh, the Sniper involved was Asian-American. I'm sure that burned his Nazi butt.

As a result of this mess, the Feds paid 3.1 million dollars to the Weaver family. The court found the agents guilty.

Wrong again. No convictions were entered. The only indictment of the Asian-American FBI sniper was dismissed without cause.

Also, the Settlement wasn't to Weaver, it was to his three daughters. Probably because that would be cheaper than litigating it.

So the important lesson here, Children, when dealing with Zombies or Nazis, is always remember to Double Tap.

Why did you lie about what I said?
WHy are you too stupid to understand what you said. Oh, wait. Mormon!!!

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