Our American Justice system allows Defense to bring up Corruption charges. Trump was Denied this

This is a very interesting article (have not seen video yet)

This attorney is saying what I and others have been saying for some time, that ANYONE can be prosecuted unjustly for "crimes" if a prosecutor really wants to do that. And if your politics "aint right"

And you have an unethical prosecutor

Too bad for you! :oops:


In my 25-plus year career as an attorney in the criminal justice system, I’ve witnessed our broken criminal justice system get it wrong. Indeed, even when all parties check their biases and fulfill their roles in good faith as prosecutor, judge and jury, a verdict of guilty does not always mean the convicted is a criminal.

Post-conviction exonerations tell us greater than 4-10% of convictions were wrongful


Site (emphasis mine)

[It is] standard practice of almost all judges [to] afford defendants wide latitude to attack the prosecution, expose abuse and corruption, and fully present exonerating evidence.

Yay, America

(we miss you) :(
Dumb and dumber.

Was the convict not allowed to defend himself? No, but he was not allowed to make it a circus.

You want a circus.
Dumb and dumber.

Was the convict not allowed to defend himself? No, but he was not allowed to make it a circus.

You want a circus.

The pussy wants

I don't know what the exact rules are, but it seems like the dead-end donkeys have Trump painted in a corner every way he turns. That's not the shining city on the hill that we all were promised. Back to MAGA
but the dims don't care about any shining city

they just want control of it

in perpetuity

or what's left of it

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