Our American Justice system allows Defense to bring up Corruption charges. Trump was Denied this

So nothing

And you’re proud of that?
so you're saying that watching all those stations so as to become informed on issues you currently have no clue about

is nothing

Are you proud of that?


you're just a


This is a very interesting article (have not seen video yet)

This attorney is saying what I and others have been saying for some time, that ANYONE can be prosecuted unjustly for "crimes" if a prosecutor really wants to do that. And if your politics "aint right"

And you have an unethical prosecutor

Too bad for you! :oops:


In my 25-plus year career as an attorney in the criminal justice system, I’ve witnessed our broken criminal justice system get it wrong. Indeed, even when all parties check their biases and fulfill their roles in good faith as prosecutor, judge and jury, a verdict of guilty does not always mean the convicted is a criminal.

Post-conviction exonerations tell us greater than 4-10% of convictions were wrongful


Site (emphasis mine)

[It is] standard practice of almost all judges [to] afford defendants wide latitude to attack the prosecution, expose abuse and corruption, and fully present exonerating evidence.

Yay, America

(we miss you) :(
No one can prosecute me for any crimes. Mostly because I am not a crook.
so you're taking the word of a pro prosecution, deny- Constitutional - Rights "judge"

to decide someone is guilty?

Wow... I guess you won't care when they come for you, will you?

Nah, taking the word of the 12 jurors both the prosecution and the defense agreed on.

Here is the part where you make some ridiculous claim that the jurors were crooked too.
I don't know what the exact rules are, but it seems like the dead-end donkeys have Trump painted in a corner every way he turns. That's not the shining city on the hill that we all were promised. Back to MAGA
Gee, why do you think that is?

The man is surrounded by felons because he hires felons. If this was a drug dealer over on 10th street, you’d make the very logical conclusion that the guy who is surrounded by and continuously hires felons...is also a felon.

Unjust prosecution is the cornerstone of Stalinism. No Real American should support the Democrat Regime.
Countless Democrats break Federal laws and not even a slap on the wrist while Dems burn their opponents at the stake for lesser offenses. That's the very definition of a corrupt regime.
No one can prosecute me for any crimes. Mostly because I am not a crook.
Only God knows. But normally when we see a person who is sanctimonious and accusatory toward someone just bc of politics, we have to accept the fact we're probably dealing w/ someone who has a lot of sins extant in his life..
Only God knows. But normally when we see a person who is sanctimonious and accusatory toward someone just bc of politics, we have to accept the fact we're probably dealing w/ someone who has a lot of sins extant in his life..
Sins and crimes are two different things no matter how much you nutters want to make this country a theocracy. Regardless, I am not a criminal and it is easy to not be a criminal. You guys act like a normal person cant go through life without being a felon.
Sins and crimes are two different things no matter how much you nutters want to make this country a theocracy. Regardless, I am not a criminal and it is easy to not be a criminal. You guys act like a normal person cant go through life without being a felon.
many Americans have gone through life w/o being a felon

but were convicted of it anyway

You think Trump is the first?

ha ha... :auiqs.jpg:

oh, that's right. He's guilty. CNN said so..

But actually (forgot about this momentarily) an attorney on CNN (Hoenig? or some such name)

DOES not necessarily think T is guilty. So even on lib stations.. the trial is called (I believe by that attorney) a 'mess'
many Americans have gone through life w/o being a felon

but were convicted of it anyway

You think Trump is the first?

ha ha... :auiqs.jpg:

oh, that's right. He's guilty. CNN said so..

But actually (forgot about this momentarily) an attorney on CNN (Hoenig? or some such name)

DOES not necessarily think T is guilty. So even on lib stations.. the trial is called (I believe by that attorney) a 'mess'
What I think doesnt matter, nor does what CNN says. What mattered was the actual case the prosecution brought up in front of a jury and what that jury thought. I can safely say, yes he is guilty and yes he is a felon.
What I think doesnt matter, nor does what CNN says. What mattered was the actual case the prosecution brought up in front of a jury and what that jury thought. I can safely say, yes he is guilty and yes he is a felon.
That's just bc you choose to believe that

I have actually examined the case, myself.

Guess that's the difference btwn conservatives and dimrats
That's just bc you choose to believe that

I have actually examined the case, myself.

Guess that's the difference btwn conservatives and dimrats
The fact is that the orange fuckup was convicted on 34 counts by a jury.

Prove me wrong.
That's just bc you choose to believe that

I have actually examined the case, myself.

Guess that's the difference btwn conservatives and dimrats
Ah. The old “I did my own research” line. I guess Trump should have hired you as a lawyer instead of the ones that were too incompetent to handle what you discovered by simply examining the case.
Ah. The old “I did my own research” line. I guess Trump should have hired you as a lawyer instead of the ones that were too incompetent to handle what you discovered by simply examining the case.
poor lib... just can't admit what we know that you know

namely, that courts can be weaponized for political reasons. And that that has happened.

Go lie to someone else..

The pussy says

Ignore looks tempting

poor lib... just can't admit what we know that you know

namely, that courts can be weaponized for political reasons. And that that has happened.

Go lie to someone else..

The pussy says

Ignore looks tempting

View attachment 958978
Standard of guilt in the US is very high. The benefit of doubt goes to the defendant. The defense gets to vet all the jurors. The evidence rules are stringent. Trump was guilty. Sorry if that hurts your feelings and you have to put me on ignore.
Standard of guilt in the US is very high. The benefit of doubt goes to the defendant. The defense gets to vet all the jurors. The evidence rules are stringent. Trump was guilty. Sorry if that hurts your feelings and you have to put me on ignore.

You are free to believe what you choose. All libs choose to believe Ds perfect-Rs BAD

no great shock
You are free to believe what you choose. All libs choose to believe Ds perfect-Rs BAD

no great shock
As are you. However the amount of conspiracies you have to believe for Trump to be innocent is astounding. I don’t have to believe any conspiracies to be right.

For you to be right:
The DAs have to be corrupt and in on it
All 12 Jurors have to be corrupt and in on it
The judge has to be corrupt and in on it
All the witnesses have to be corrupt and in on it.

For me to be right:
No conspiracies.

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