I'd ask this question, but no one would want to answert: Have you ever been unjustly convicted?

It sounds a lot like your system cheated you,, but I wouldn't say for certain without the 'other' story and the complete story.

Canadians are largely protected against that sort of criminal business activities.
I gave both sides of the story. I chalked it up to picking the bad dealer.

This was not the Factory Dealer. Had I went to the Factory Dealer, my ownership papers would say it was a new car. But using a broker, and they did not tell me this, it was classified as an used car. It was actually new.
I had heard that when a cop's radar is aimed at two lanes with one care in each lane, the charge won't go to court.

I told the cop that it was the other car that was speeding and not me. The cop said that he even saw the front end of my car dip down when I hit the brakes. I told the cop that I would be going to court over this false charge.

The cop just gave me a warning and no ticket for speeding. And to this day I've never been caught speeding. That was over 30 year ago!

I learned the cheap way!
I need to use my calculator to add up my speeding tickets. I had made a CA patrolman my friend and he told me to give him my tickets. He knew the judges. It was fantastic for maybe half a dozen tickets that he fixed for me. The judge put an end to it. But never fined me for the past either.
Anything is possible when the mainstream media becomes the propaganda arm of the federal government. During the George H. Bush administration an innocent citizen named Randy Weaver was coerced by federal authorities to become a federal informant. When he resisted he was entrapped and arrested and ultimately his wife was murdered by an FBI sniper. Weaver's teenage son was out hunting with a .22 and was shot in the back and killed by federal assault troops. The media justified the federal effort by characterizing the Weavers as a religious cult even though Randy was a Green Beret Veteran. That's how bad it can get in the early 90's. Imagine how skilled in entrapment the feds and their minions in the media have become in the last 30 years.
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Anything is possible when the mainstream media becomes the propaganda arm of the federal government. During the George H. Bush administration an innocent citizen named Randy Weaver was coerced by federal authorities to become a federal informant. When he resisted he was entrapped and arrested and ultimately his wife was murdered by an FBI sniper. That's how bad it can get in the early 90's. Imagine how skilled in entrapment the feds and their minions in the media have become in the last 30 years.
WACO wasn't right either

The gummit has always been corrupt but nowadays, way worse than ever
It often pays to put up a good believable defense in court.
well, maybe. I was in a court room years ago where the judge, for God knows what reason, sided with the other person who was clearly, clearly, in the wrong. Some people just don't use power wisely. In fact, wisdom seems foreign to them.. and of course there are plenty of liberal judges like that in our messed up country
My cell phone was flooded with requests. After I was told that the Republican party no longer had me as a member. I deleted mails and numbers. Still I get flooded by requests for funds. I am happy for Trump others send him money. I have not.
you're not a R anymore?
Have you ever been accused / convicted of something you did not do?
Absolutely, I'm married after all.

I am guessing something like at least 30 million Americans could answer Yes to this question.

And I say 100% of us can say that we have been accused outside a court of law of many things we did not do. I say this because I know what a-holes people in general can be...

So yeh... Trump has a lot of empathy from us.
Of course, like most people, I'm guilty of 90% of the things I'm accused of. Not to mention the many times I actually get away with some bad behavior (nothing illegal of course).
Absolutely, I'm married after all.

Of course, like most people, I'm guilty of 90% of the things I'm accused of. Not to mention the many times I actually get away with some bad behavior (nothing illegal of course).
well, I have often been unjustly accused but then I have a family ... uh... never mind. "If you can't say anything nice.."

but it wasn't just them.

All I can think of is that Jesus said his followers will be hated by all and that has been shown to be true in SPADES for yours truly
WACO wasn't right either

The gummit has always been corrupt but nowadays, way worse than ever
The key is the media's justification of federal atrocities. The state indictment of the FBI sniper who shot Randy Weaver's wife in the face while she was holding a 18 month child in her arms was quietly dismissed and Randy Weaver was quietly awarded a million dollars that was supposed to justify the federal abuse that resulted in the deaths of his wife and son. Ruby Ridge feds were on a roll and went on to even more atrocities at Waco during the Clinton administration which were sanctioned by the media. .
you're not a R anymore?
Of course I am still a Republican. But to read what the Rs say to me, they claim they dropped me. This of course is up to me and not up to them. It is a fundraising gimmick is all.
well, I have often been unjustly accused but then I have a family ... uh... never mind. "If you can't say anything nice.."

but it wasn't just them.

All I can think of is that Jesus said his followers will be hated by all and that has been shown to be true in SPADES for yours truly
Well just listen. I and many here truly appreciate you being a member here.
well, maybe. I was in a court room years ago where the judge, for God knows what reason, sided with the other person who was clearly, clearly, in the wrong. Some people just don't use power wisely. In fact, wisdom seems foreign to them.. and of course there are plenty of liberal judges like that in our messed up country
I have written a lot over the past 20 years as to what has happened to the United States. I was born when FDR was president some years before he died. I can recall him on radio still. If a video has just his voice, I immediately know it is him. We have a party that may claim it does not want the USA to fall yet watching it for some 75 plus years, I see what is happening. We have Judges who judge on politics and little more. This Judge ruling against Trump is a Democrat. He could wear t shirts broadcasting he is and the Ds would love him more.

We won't ever stop Democrats from being Judges. In fact 3 on the SC are as bad as this Judge Juan Merchan is.
You had a biased judge on your case.

Where the democrats starting in 1933 were so clever was they decided to rule the courts, the teachers, the unions and media. More to be frank, but those are the big deal of politics. Republicans are more trusting. And it hurts them and me. I used to be a loyal democrat but I broke free of their garbage years ago. After Reagan had I add.

So the media makes the most noise. It is the heavy weight for the Democrats. Democrats whine about FOX. But it is heavy for sure. But not as heavy as ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC and many more are. They are the true heavy weights. It allows Democrats to do just what they do against the United States.

Victor Davis Hanson discusses how they are working to conquer the United states and turn it into a completely loyal to democrats system here. And it will look like hell has arrived.

Again.......when Trump was president people complained about an unjust justice system.

Trump called them SOB's.

I answered.
Liar. He is one of the few Presidents to make any effort to correct injustice (alleged or genuine) in our system.
I’m not at all interested in any part of your propaganda lies.

Assholes like you conveniently pretend to forget the First Step Act.

Trump now argues that drug dealers should get the death penalty.

He signed off on the bill which was great but Republicans wouldn't pass it under Obama when it was up for a vote.
Trump now argues that drug dealers should get the death penalty.
He signed off on the bill which was great but Republicans wouldn't pass it under Obama when it was up for a vote.
Nonsense. It was supported by Trump and got a great deal of Republican support.

Either way, I exposed your little typically dishonest canard.

Nonsense. It was supported by Trump and got a great deal of Republican support.

Either way, I exposed your little typically dishonest canard.

You didn't. When people complained about a unjust justice system, Trump called them SOBs. He had Pence walk out on them.

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