Zone1 Do you ever feel that God needs to go Old Testament again... LOL

He wanted a bunch of mindless drones.
Gnostics believe the serpent was the hero and the demiurge was the evil one.
i say it wasn't really a serpent at all. It's just that when Satan was there, a snake appeared also and so there ws that association kind of thing.. But in any case, Moses was the one who wrote the first 5 books of the Bible or most of them.. and Moses loved God and knew Him and talked to God mano a mano
So what happened in your life that made you ditch Jesus?

My reasons are my own, suffice to say Viet Nam taught me there is no god. I do not need a god. His bastard son never existed.

No virgin birth, nor would such birth have happended in the dead of winter if Romen was imposing a tax, nothing to tax. Yosef and Myriam are a fiction. Their son Yeshua is fiction.

No way a pregnant woman would on the back on donkey, especially if the trip was 90-mile journey when she was nine months pregnant, try thinking for yourself.
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He created a perfect world without death for us, yet humans still disobeyed him. So why should he take us back to that world?
People like you need to grow up.

Life can seem cruel, but it's not. It just is.

I apologize if it seems disrespectful to the forum.
well, that explains your posts/threads

So let me get this straight: leftists are leftists because they don't have God so they have to have a god anyway because what is life without a higher power so they choose Politics as their god and so they have to be a Dim and voila'

I do NOT have to explain myself to you or anyone else. I do NOT have to justify myself you or anyone else. Fuck you for even asking.
No, we don't need any Old Testament style crap.

Murdering people and devastating the world is not a positive attribute. Kill people because they don't "act right"? Nope.
I don't Q that stuff anymore..

He is GodIf

What the fuck is godf?

I'm sure you don't, eaiser to believe the propaganda. No god, no bastard son. Just lies.

You should question "that stuff". Blind obediance is dangerous. Think, you are a pregnant woman, 9-Months along riding on the back of donkey for 90-Miles. It never fucking happened. Think for yourself.

There was nothing for Rome to tax in winter. The fields would have fallow. No calfs or ewes to count. Caesar would NOT that stupid. People like you are easily led. Your own lack of self-awareness is they count on. You are the ultimate lemming.
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Back on topic...
forked, what you said was prophetic. If you think the OT God got pissed, wait until the 4 horsemen show up! The only good thing in Revelation is the ending. A thousand years of peace on earth with Christ. Maranatha, Lord, Maranatha...
People like you need to grow up.

Life can seem cruel, but it's not. It just is.

I apologize if it seems disrespectful to the forum.
I have grown up. I accept God as the creator.

You on the other hand, choose to believe life spung out of nothing. You refuse to accept the truth, like a petulant child.

All you Satanic types have the same thing in common: you refuse to accept reality, and through your arrogance and pride you manufacture a false reality.
I have grown up. I accept God as the creator.

You on the other hand, choose to believe life spung out of nothing. You refuse to accept the truth, like a petulant child.

All you Satanic types have the same thing in common: you refuse to accept reality, and through your arrogance and pride you manufacture a false reality.

So anyone who is not a Christian is a Satanist?
No, we don't need any Old Testament style crap.

Murdering people and devastating the world is not a positive attribute. Kill people because they don't "act right"? Nope.
wait until someone doesn't act right

toward YOU

When you are mugged at gun point or something... then we will see how you react.

I say you will want that person DEAD

or at least in jail for 20 years
I have grown up. I accept God as the creator.

You on the other hand, choose to believe life spung out of nothing. You refuse to accept the truth, like a petulant child.

All you Satanic types have the same thing in common: you refuse to accept reality, and through your arrogance and pride you manufacture a false reality.

yeh, well said

So anyone who is not a Christian is a Satanist?
pretty much
First off FASCIST, stop with the labels. I am an American. I have foguht for and I bled for and I nearly been killed serving my country. I do NOT have to justify a single, solitary fucking thing to you or your Goose Stepping MAGA MAGGOT so-called "Christians".

If it fucking bothers you so goddamn much that I am person, who freely and willingly and by my own choice do not want, need, desire or require myself to believe in something that is NOT exist/that is NOT real, something that nothing but a myth, that is on you. NOT ME.

That YOU have a need to in a non-existenet diety says a lot. You are afraid to think for yourself and use your own fear as an excuse to believe.

I do not fucking have justify, I do not fucking explain a fucking thing to you. Go back beating your holy myth book.
I'm not reading a bunch of juvenile sounding, F word every sentence, hateful stuff

You just prove all over again how needy the Christ-less people are of

that which they inveigh against
pretty much

I'm not reading a bunch of juvenile sounding, F word every sentence, hateful stuff

You just prove all over again how needy the Christ-less people are of

that which they inveigh against

Like I fucking care.
Back on topic...
forked, what you said was prophetic. If you think the OT God got pissed, wait until the 4 horsemen show up! The only good thing in Revelation is the ending. A thousand years of peace on earth with Christ. Maranatha, Lord, Maranatha...
well, I don't claim to be an expert on end times stuff other than having read Revelation several times.

Still, it looks to me like Jesus is coming soon. things are just too weird
wait until someone doesn't act right

toward YOU

When you are mugged at gun point or something... then we will see how you react.

I say you will want that person DEAD

or at least in jail for 20 years

I have had people not act right to me.

I have been mugged at gunpoint.

But I have never wanted that person dead.

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