Radical Right Wing Republican

It's pathetic, one corrupt politician turning on an even bigger corrupt politician.
the lefts leaders are starting to distance themselves from all of the shit hitting the fan !! they are trying to jump on the life boats while their is still room left !!
It's pathetic, one corrupt politician turning on an even bigger corrupt politician.

yeah when a scumbag like Rangel recognizes the storm is getting bad you know Obama is in trouble !! I have never heard of so many political disasters hitting at one time !! how many more to come ?? how many layers to this onion ??
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It's funny how people like Lakhota still blame republicans, how clueless can you be?
Denial -
a psychological defense mechanism postulated by Sigmund Freud, in which a person is faced with a fact that is too uncomfortable to accept and rejects it instead, insisting that it is not true despite what may be overwhelming evidence.
Which is what Lakhota and many others are doing.
Denial - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Projection - admit both the fact and seriousness but deny responsibility by blaming somebody or something else.
Which is what President Obama is doing
So who will be next to tell Obama to "come clean"?

Eliot Spitzer?

Gary Condit?

Alcee Hastings?

William Jefferson?

John Edwards?

Barney Frank?

Jesse Jackson, Jr.?

Rod Blagojevich?

Kwame Kilpatrick?
So who will be next to tell Obama to "come clean"?

Eliot Spitzer?

Gary Condit?

Alcee Hastings?

William Jefferson?

John Edwards?

Barney Frank?

Jesse Jackson, Jr.?

Rod Blagojevich?

Kwame Kilpatrick?

Micheal Moore?

Rosie O'Donnell?

Joy Behar?

Al Sharpton?

Jesse Jackson?
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