Rahm Emanuel’s Learning What Happens When You Ignore Half Of The City


Gold Member
Mar 17, 2015
No, this is what happens when black people don't vote and allow others to do the voting. Which is typical of urban cities.....we sit on our ass'es and allow corruption, chaos and violence to engulf our communities and then whine when the shit hits the fan. The only true voice we have in this country is through the VOTE and when minorities, especially blacks get this through their heads, they're gonna be alright. You can not sit on the sidelines forever and let the white man rule your lives...VOTE and become active in your cities, your states and in general elections. Ron is typical of all politicians that pander to black voters during election times and then put them on ignore until a new election emerges.....typical democratic mayor...next?

Chicago mayor Rahm Emanuel is facing mounting criticism from activists and allies of the black community who say he should be held accountable for delaying justice in the case of Laquan McDonald, a teenager who died 13 months ago after being shot 16 times by a Chicago police officer.
If African Americans what to fix their lot, the place to start in in the mirror.

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