Raise the Minimum Wage

Raising the minimum wage historically has done absolutely nothing to help the poor or raise people out of poverty.

Actually raising the minimum wage helps the working Middle Class by raising the floor of wages.

No, it doesn't. It hurts the middle class. The only people who get a wage bump when the minimum wage is raised are the people who were making less than the new minimum wage. The rest of us don't get the same increase, but we do pay the higher costs of goods and services as a result of the increase.
So the minimum wage hasnt been increased and yet things are still inflating anyways. this argument doesnt hold water at all.
Welfare programs effectively raise the minimum wage... so the argument does hold water.
It's simple Econ 101: raise the price, you sell less of it. WHy do people think that somehow laws of economics dont apply to their issue?

I've said that for DECADES, and still can't get anyone to answer that.

In any other situation, people grasp that if the price of milk, was $15 a gallon.... dur.... people buy less of it.

If the price of gasoline, was $15 a gallon.... dur.... people would buy less of it.

If a porno film was $1,000 a film... people would buy less of it.

If cell phones, and data packages were $1,000 a phone, and $500 a month...... dur... people would buy fewer phones and data packages.

Labor... has to be bought. If you triple the cost of labor itself.... HEY! People buy less labor.

This isn't that complicated. Why can't the people on the left grasp basic economics?
NO. Let's just work honestly and harder, is that something that should be mentioned? NO? The new world order, globalism, multiculturalism, has something to do with this. Instead, we laze, slack off ,flounder and then instead, we demand the minimum wage rate be raised...weak, really, what are they doing in China now? Think that guy in Tiananmen square that stood against that tank got minimum wage now?
You are talking two different things then. i can pay my bills,spoil my kids and wife a little. save up for some other things now, where before i was drowning. What people fail to grasp is the fact that if you raise wages, people will pay their bills, Crime will go down, more money will be pushed back into the economy. Mortgages will be paid which means better communities and property values. You won't have boarded up houses dragging areas down.

But hey a ceo giving himself a 250k bonus off the sweat of his workers is totally cool...Makes total sense

First, what the CEO does, is irrelevant to the conversation. The only reason to bring up the CEO, is greed and envy on your part.

Focus on the topic.

You said that you being paid more was good. No kidding.

The problem is, when you FORCE up wages, just because your job can pay *YOU* more, doesn't mean it can pay everyone more.

When you increase the minimum wage, people lose their jobs. It happens EVERY SINGLE TIME. There is virtually no except to this rule. There is no research, no statistics, no evidence from anywhere around the world, that shows something other than... the minimum wage ruins jobs.

Post any research you want, I'll prove it to you.

Further, we've done this before. We've seen this dozens of times. Greece increased their minimum wage, and lost jobs, and increased it again, and lost more jobs. In 2011, they CUT their minimum wage, and jobs started coming back.

In our country... what was the very last economic policy to take effect before the crash? What was it? The very last policy implemented by government before the crash?

The minimum wage hike.

Between 2003 and 2007, the unemployment rate fell every single year.

In 2007, the minimum wage went from $5.25 to $5.85. Unemployment ticked up to 5% from 4.5%

In 2008, the minimum wage went from $5.85 to $6.55. Unemployment ticked up to 7.8% from 5%.

In 2009, the minimum wage went from $6.55 to $7.25. Unemployment ticked up to 9.8%.

No correlation there, right? Even though it mirrored Greece.

Oh but there was a sub-prime melt down. Yes, cause or effect? The minimum wage killed jobs, the very jobs that sub-prime borrowers were using to pay their mortgages.

No way right? Can't possibly be the case.
Hold on

Didn't these folks already get a raise?

I guess free health insurance isn't considered a raise?

What am I missing?
You are talking two different things then. i can pay my bills,spoil my kids and wife a little. save up for some other things now, where before i was drowning. What people fail to grasp is the fact that if you raise wages, people will pay their bills, Crime will go down, more money will be pushed back into the economy. Mortgages will be paid which means better communities and property values. You won't have boarded up houses dragging areas down.

But hey a ceo giving himself a 250k bonus off the sweat of his workers is totally cool...Makes total sense

First, what the CEO does, is irrelevant to the conversation. The only reason to bring up the CEO, is greed and envy on your part.

Focus on the topic.

You said that you being paid more was good. No kidding.

The problem is, when you FORCE up wages, just because your job can pay *YOU* more, doesn't mean it can pay everyone more.

When you increase the minimum wage, people lose their jobs. It happens EVERY SINGLE TIME. There is virtually no except to this rule. There is no research, no statistics, no evidence from anywhere around the world, that shows something other than... the minimum wage ruins jobs.

Post any research you want, I'll prove it to you.

Further, we've done this before. We've seen this dozens of times. Greece increased their minimum wage, and lost jobs, and increased it again, and lost more jobs. In 2011, they CUT their minimum wage, and jobs started coming back.

In our country... what was the very last economic policy to take effect before the crash? What was it? The very last policy implemented by government before the crash?

The minimum wage hike.

Between 2003 and 2007, the unemployment rate fell every single year.

In 2007, the minimum wage went from $5.25 to $5.85. Unemployment ticked up to 5% from 4.5%

In 2008, the minimum wage went from $5.85 to $6.55. Unemployment ticked up to 7.8% from 5%.

In 2009, the minimum wage went from $6.55 to $7.25. Unemployment ticked up to 9.8%.

No correlation there, right? Even though it mirrored Greece.

Oh but there was a sub-prime melt down. Yes, cause or effect? The minimum wage killed jobs, the very jobs that sub-prime borrowers were using to pay their mortgages.

No way right? Can't possibly be the case.

There are really far too many possible causes for fluxuations in the unemployment rates to cite such statistics with any confidence. Historically, minimum wage laws have done very little damage because they've had very little impact. Minimum wage is kept ridiculously low, and trivial to evade, for a reason.
Hold on

Didn't these folks already get a raise?

I guess free health insurance isn't considered a raise?

What am I missing?

Its never enough for some people.
just amazing and almost sickening
Cut taxes, reduce currency, introduce deflation. Then you wont have to raise wages...they will have more buying power.
Raising minimum wage raises the cost of living for everyone and just causes a cost of living spiral, period. Its like putting the cart before the horse, and it just a superficial cure. I say no to this silliness, it doesn't do anything.
When you increase the minimum wage, people lose their jobs. It happens EVERY SINGLE TIME. There is virtually no except to this rule. There is no research, no statistics, no evidence from anywhere around the world, that shows something other than... the minimum wage ruins jobs.
Research has been inconclusive, but generally speaking, no it has not been shown that increasing minimum wage causes a drop in employment or rise in unemployment.​

Post any research you want, I'll prove it to you.
We'll start with the classic:
Minimum Wages and Employment: A Case Study of the Fast-Food Industry in New Jersey and Pennsylvania

In 2007, the minimum wage went from $5.25 to $5.85. Unemployment ticked up to 5% from 4.5%

In 2008, the minimum wage went from $5.85 to $6.55. Unemployment ticked up to 7.8% from 5%.

In 2009, the minimum wage went from $6.55 to $7.25. Unemployment ticked up to 9.8%.

No correlation there, right?
The problem is that the number of people working for the minimum wage went from 400,000 in 2006 to 1.8 million in 2010. Adding in those reporting making less than the minimum wage (which includes a lot of misreporting, and those legitimately earning less), makes it go from 1.7 million at or below the min wage in 2006 to 4.4 million in 2010.
So, no, it doesn't look like the increase in the min wage cause min wage workers to lose their jobs.
We all have seen your ignorance in regards to graphs. It wasn't that long ago you posted a graph as evidence to back up some post of yours and the graph had nothing on but lines. No data going horizontally, no data going vertically. In other words it was meaningless. :disbelief:
Keep up the good work.:laugh:
Hey, have you found a job yet or is this how you make your living?:rolleyes-41:
Wow, the tu quoque fallacy. Plus you dont recognize irony when you see it. Perfect.

I am certain you'l have no problem explaining exactly what your graph shows then. Go ahead, make my day.[/QUOTE]

Well there you go again!
Within the post that had the attached graph that you need an explanation, is the explanation. Any high school student could figure out what it says, it's that simple. Now, if you can't figure it out, go back and get your GED.
You do this all time with even a simplistic graph, either you are really stupid or you're pulling my chain. I certainly hope it's the latter but I have my doubts.
Raising minimum wage raises the cost of living for everyone and just causes a cost of living spiral, period. Its like putting the cart before the horse, and it just a superficial cure. I say no to this silliness, it doesn't do anything.

Oh, the cost of living hasn't gone up even with no increases in the minimum wage or real increases in wages? Funny that.
Actually. Here's a link to a table that tracks historic inflation. I also included a link to all dates of when the Minimum Wage was increased. Please note there that the inflation rates which translate into the cost of living increases, didn't jump at all or as you put it, "a cost of living spiral, period" when the Minimum Wage increased.
U.S. Department of Labor - Wage and Hour Division WHD - Minimum Wage
Historical Inflation Rates 1914-2014 US Inflation Calculator
Raising the minimum wage historically has done absolutely nothing to help the poor or raise people out of poverty.
i went from 10 to 20 bucks and hour and it sure helped me be less poor

Did the rest of the employment increase with you?
i am the center of the earth...

Nope but logically it works out that way anyways if people get raises.

No, it logically doesn't if that whole block of employees jumped $10 with you.
Hold on

Didn't these folks already get a raise?

I guess free health insurance isn't considered a raise?

What am I missing?

What you are missing is that no matter what they get, it's never enough.

If we raise the minimum wage today, to $10/hr, they would be screaming that it needs to be $15. If you raised it to $15, they'd scream it needs to be $30.

We've seen this before. Back in 90s, they were screaming that the "livable wage" was magically $7/hr. Almost double $4.25 that it was. Every time the Minimum wage goes up, the magical "livable wage" is suddenly moved as well.

This is because people on the left are too stupid to grasp that if you drive up the price of labor......... which every single product and service in society depends on labor...... DUR!!! The cost of living goes up with it.

That's what you are missing. Leftist live in a magical world where economics doesn't apply, and CEOs will alturistically work for $40,000 a year, so they can pay their employees $100,000 a year. Crazy people.
Cut taxes, reduce currency, introduce deflation. Then you wont have to raise wages...they will have more buying power.

Agreed! That will actually do it. Stop printing money. Pay back the Federal Debt. Cut taxes.

You know I would have an extra $6,000 in my pocket, if not for the taxes on me. That would certainly help me out a ton.
NO. Let's just work honestly and harder, is that something that should be mentioned? NO? The new world order, globalism, multiculturalism, has something to do with this. Instead, we laze, slack off ,flounder and then instead, we demand the minimum wage rate be raised...weak, really, what are they doing in China now? Think that guy in Tiananmen square that stood against that tank got minimum wage now?

Speak for yourself.

And can you explain what "multiculturalism" has to do with this?

Thank you.
Raising the minimum wage historically has done absolutely nothing to help the poor or raise people out of poverty.

Actually raising the minimum wage helps the working Middle Class by raising the floor of wages.

No, it doesn't. It hurts the middle class. The only people who get a wage bump when the minimum wage is raised are the people who were making less than the new minimum wage. The rest of us don't get the same increase, but we do pay the higher costs of goods and services as a result of the increase.
So the minimum wage hasnt been increased and yet things are still inflating anyways. this argument doesnt hold water at all.
Welfare programs effectively raise the minimum wage... so the argument does hold water.

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