Raising Idiots

Quotes About Civil Disobedience

“An unjust law is itself a species of violence. Arrest for its breach is more so. Now the law of nonviolence says that violence should be resisted not by counter-violence but by nonviolence. This I do by breaking the law and by peacefully submitting to arrest and imprisonment.”
Mahatma Gandhi, Non-violence in Peace and War 1942-49

“One has a moral responsibility to disobey unjust laws.”
Martin Luther King Jr.
tags: activism, civil-disobedience, dissent, protest

“Protest beyond the law is not a departure from democracy; it is absolutely essential to it.”
Howard Zinn
tags: activism, civil-disobedience, democracy, dissent, law, protest, truth-telling

“It is not always the same thing to be a good man and a good citizen.”
Aristotle, Selected Writings From The Nicomachean Ethics And Politics
tags: activism, civil-disobedience, good, patriotism, value, virtue

“An individual who breaks a law that conscience tells him is unjust, and who willingly accepts the penalty of imprisonment in order to arouse the conscience of the community over its injustice, is in reality expressing the highest respect for the law”
Martin Luther King Jr.
tags: activism, civil-disobedience, dissent, protest

“If the injustice is part of the necessary friction of the machine of government, let it go, let it go: perchance it will wear smooth--certainly the machine will wear out… but if it is of such a nature that it requires you to be the agent of injustice to another, then I say, break the law. Let your life be a counter-friction to stop the machine. What I have to do is to see, at any rate, that I do not lend myself to the wrong which I condemn.”
Henry David Thoreau, Civil Disobedience and Other Essays
tags: civil-disobedience, dissent

“I became convinced that noncooperation with evil is as much a moral obligation as is cooperation with good.”
Martin Luther King Jr., The Autobiography of Martin Luther King, Jr.
tags: civil-disobedience, education, evil, good, humane, morality, rights, vegan
You mistakenly believe the OP concerns civil disobedience. How predictable.

Howard Zinn is half the problem.
You mistakenly believe the OP concerns civil disobedience. How predictable.

Howard Zinn is half the problem.

The name of that video is "Sanctuary campus supporters willing to ignore other laws"

This is what it's about:

- Students at George Washington University, site of a recent walkout to demand a "sanctuary campus" to protect illegal immigrant students, say they favor defiance of other federal laws, too.

- Several students said they would like to make the campus a "sanctuary" from student loan debt, while others favored exemptions from underage drinking laws.

- Some students even felt they should be given a pass on final exams due to the stress of the election, explaining that "it’s really hard to focus on your studies when there’s so much else going on.”

In other words, they favor an illegal foreign invasion, seek to dump their debt on the American taxpayer, and want to skip finals because Trump kicked Clinton into the gutter, and they are sad.

That is not civil disobedience. That is a severe personality disorder coupled with historical ignorance and the fantasy life in their narcissistic universe..
You mistakenly believe the OP concerns civil disobedience. How predictable.

Howard Zinn is half the problem.

The name of that video is "Sanctuary campus supporters willing to ignore other laws"

This is what it's about:

- Students at George Washington University, site of a recent walkout to demand a "sanctuary campus" to protect illegal immigrant students, say they favor defiance of other federal laws, too.

- Several students said they would like to make the campus a "sanctuary" from student loan debt, while others favored exemptions from underage drinking laws.

- Some students even felt they should be given a pass on final exams due to the stress of the election, explaining that "it’s really hard to focus on your studies when there’s so much else going on.”

In other words, they favor an illegal foreign invasion, seek to dump their debt on the American taxpayer, and want to skip finals because Trump kicked Clinton into the gutter, and they are sad.

That is not civil disobedience. That is a severe personality disorder coupled with historical ignorance and the fantasy life in their narcissistic universe..

Our president elect used lots of illegal foreign workers on his jobs, and dumped his debt on the American taxpayer lots of times. OK for him but no one else?
You mistakenly believe the OP concerns civil disobedience. How predictable.

Howard Zinn is half the problem.

The name of that video is "Sanctuary campus supporters willing to ignore other laws"

This is what it's about:

- Students at George Washington University, site of a recent walkout to demand a "sanctuary campus" to protect illegal immigrant students, say they favor defiance of other federal laws, too.

- Several students said they would like to make the campus a "sanctuary" from student loan debt, while others favored exemptions from underage drinking laws.

- Some students even felt they should be given a pass on final exams due to the stress of the election, explaining that "it’s really hard to focus on your studies when there’s so much else going on.”

In other words, they favor an illegal foreign invasion, seek to dump their debt on the American taxpayer, and want to skip finals because Trump kicked Clinton into the gutter, and they are sad.

That is not civil disobedience. That is a severe personality disorder coupled with historical ignorance and the fantasy life in their narcissistic universe..

Our president elect used lots of illegal foreign workers on his jobs, and dumped his debt on the American taxpayer lots of times. OK for him but no one else?

WTF are you talking about????? What does any of that have to do with the OP????
You mistakenly believe the OP concerns civil disobedience. How predictable.

Howard Zinn is half the problem.

The name of that video is "Sanctuary campus supporters willing to ignore other laws"

This is what it's about:

- Students at George Washington University, site of a recent walkout to demand a "sanctuary campus" to protect illegal immigrant students, say they favor defiance of other federal laws, too.

- Several students said they would like to make the campus a "sanctuary" from student loan debt, while others favored exemptions from underage drinking laws.

- Some students even felt they should be given a pass on final exams due to the stress of the election, explaining that "it’s really hard to focus on your studies when there’s so much else going on.”

In other words, they favor an illegal foreign invasion, seek to dump their debt on the American taxpayer, and want to skip finals because Trump kicked Clinton into the gutter, and they are sad.

That is not civil disobedience. That is a severe personality disorder coupled with historical ignorance and the fantasy life in their narcissistic universe..

We don't call them special snowflakes for no reason. They are mentally disturbed, it took years to achieve this quality of brainwashing and confusion.
The western world is a phenomenon. A bunch of arrogant idiots at each others throat, with no self-awareness that their differences are cosmetic.
The American citizens killed and raped by illegals the left are harboring...well it says volumes about the left.
You mistakenly believe the OP concerns civil disobedience. How predictable.

Howard Zinn is half the problem.

The name of that video is "Sanctuary campus supporters willing to ignore other laws"

This is what it's about:

- Students at George Washington University, site of a recent walkout to demand a "sanctuary campus" to protect illegal immigrant students, say they favor defiance of other federal laws, too.

- Several students said they would like to make the campus a "sanctuary" from student loan debt, while others favored exemptions from underage drinking laws.

- Some students even felt they should be given a pass on final exams due to the stress of the election, explaining that "it’s really hard to focus on your studies when there’s so much else going on.”

In other words, they favor an illegal foreign invasion, seek to dump their debt on the American taxpayer, and want to skip finals because Trump kicked Clinton into the gutter, and they are sad.

That is not civil disobedience. That is a severe personality disorder coupled with historical ignorance and the fantasy life in their narcissistic universe..
Students can avoid debt, exams, classes and campus rules against underage drinking by not going to college at all.

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