Use the National Guard to restore order

Protests are protected speech but it crosses the line when they become violent.
It's never occurred to you that they love Israel?
Those who do (love Israel but weaken Israel's war effort) are misguided - stupidly and intentionally undermining Israel.

Israel's adversary is an evil terrorist organization that would happily slit every Jewish throat from the River to to the Sea.

The only way to deal with such scum is to destroy them.

Anything that gets in the way of that necessary action betrays their coreligionists and their spiritual homeland.
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You don't need the military to deal with college protesters unless local jurisdictions don't want to deal with the responsibility. Local police are completely able to handle the situation.
You don't need the military to deal with college protesters unless local jurisdictions don't want to deal with the responsibility. Local police are completely able to handle the situation.
Not when locals prove themselves unable or unwilling to deal with it... as we see in these cases...
It worked during the Vietnam War. So why on earth would are politicians not want the use the guard units to quell these disturbances that are popping up at colleges across America? Of course Democrats like Kaine think it's a bad Idea.

---Senators Wary of Sending National Guard to Quell Campus Protests---

Two words: Kent State.
So you think the way they handled the Vietnam War protests were a success...

Wow, what a fucking idiot......

Seriously, this is a serious suggestion...
The sixties were when freedom of speech got out of control. If they crack down on the protestors now it's better late than never.
Not when locals prove themselves unable or unwilling to deal with it... as we see in these cases...
My point. Politicians might be unwilling but local police unaren't unable. The N.G and the State Guard is the last thing you want to deal with a college campus unrest.
My point. Politicians might be unwilling but local police unaren't unable. The N.G and the State Guard is the last thing you want to deal with a college campus unrest.
I agree that they are a Last Resort... the question is more one of "When is the Last Resort necessary?"
I think the protestors are a bunch of spoiled rich kids with too much free time, but they have the right to protest, even if they’re wrong
Please cite the Constitutional Authority. this should be interesting.

...Article I, Section 8, Clause 15: [The Congress shall have Power . . . ] To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions; ...

The result of a 15-second Google-ing effort... :laughing0301: authority cited time-and-again throughout American history... :cool:

I win.

You lose.

As usual.

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