Raising retirement to 70 yrs..


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Today, more Americans live 20 or even 30 years past age 65.
When SS was established life expectancy WAS age 65 and the planners never anticipated several factors:
A) Americans living longer and B) More Americans living longer!

So why is there a big hangup on raising the age to 70 when people can start collecting?
No one under age 55 would be affected.
BUT the financial savings would be tremendous.

YET the politicians are claiming those that want to correct this are totally wrong when they say they want to destroy grandma's social security.

Why not just be honest here.
It's not wrong to correct an issue that wasn't considered 70 years ago that people would live longer so why not allow a correction with out all the name calling and accusations.
It might have something to do with people in their 60s and even 50s being all but unemployable. Since it is so difficult for older people to get and keep jobs how is raising the eligibility age not cheating them out of something they worked for?
Yeah, I've only paid into this for the last 30 fucking years. Fuck me right? The rich need their fucking taxes cut IN FUCKING HALF in that SAME TIME FRAME.

I mean the SUPER RICH can't be expected to pull their own weight like WORKING PEOPLE can, huh?
They need HELP, the poor wilting darlings.
Wait till you have worked for 20-25 years and think to yourself...oh crap...20-25 years still left to go.
F*ck that. That is one step away from servitude.
People get jobs as teenagers, basically the first point in their lives when they are employable. Then they work through college...then they start working real jobs...and then work for for 48 years...hope you are still alive and quit working when you have almost no ability to enjoy the rest of your life - quit working only at a time when you physically are worn out???

No thanks.
It might have something to do with people in their 60s and even 50s being all but unemployable. Since it is so difficult for older people to get and keep jobs how is raising the eligibility age not cheating them out of something they worked for?

That doesn't make any sense!
If someone isn't working then they are eligible for many safety net programs.
PLUS the "out of work" excuse is totally STUPID!

Every day I get emails from Snagajob, careerbuilder any number of jobs!
Local convenience stores, retail dollar stores... all looking for help!

It's just some people that could be working think those jobs are beneath them!
Their egos are in the way of reality!

I'm talking about the future of social security which without upping the age there will be no social security! So what you said makes NO sense if there is NO social security!
Moving it over to private investments is how you risk their social security.

All you need for proof is this past stock market crash.

If it went into private investments

There would be money in the accounts, You cant say that about the current system.

In fact we had to threaten to withhold checks if we couldnt borrow more.

Yes the crash would have lowered values, but looking further the damn government is who started that ball rolling.

Are you afraid to invest ten percent? To have an actual account where you have some say so.
It might have something to do with people in their 60s and even 50s being all but unemployable. Since it is so difficult for older people to get and keep jobs how is raising the eligibility age not cheating them out of something they worked for?

That doesn't make any sense!
If someone isn't working then they are eligible for many safety net programs.
PLUS the "out of work" excuse is totally STUPID!

Every day I get emails from Snagajob, careerbuilder any number of jobs!
Local convenience stores, retail dollar stores... all looking for help!

It's just some people that could be working think those jobs are beneath them!
Their egos are in the way of reality!

I'm talking about the future of social security which without upping the age there will be no social security! So what you said makes NO sense if there is NO social security!

They don't want those jobs because they get more in unemployment.
Older workers at least today are taking jobs away from younger workers. Especially with the difference in work ethic between older workers and those ready to enter the workforce.
Moving it over to private investments is how you risk their social security.

All you need for proof is this past stock market crash.

If it went into private investments

There would be money in the accounts, You cant say that about the current system.

In fact we had to threaten to withhold checks if we couldnt borrow more.

Yes the crash would have lowered values, but looking further the damn government is who started that ball rolling.

Are you afraid to invest ten percent? To have an actual account where you have some say so.

I would never bet my life on the scam assed stock market
I'm thirty and have paid FICA taxes since I was 16, no way in hell I will see SS when I retire. If I do it will be extra and have nothing to do with my choice of when to retire.
It might have something to do with people in their 60s and even 50s being all but unemployable. Since it is so difficult for older people to get and keep jobs how is raising the eligibility age not cheating them out of something they worked for?

That doesn't make any sense!
If someone isn't working then they are eligible for many safety net programs.
PLUS the "out of work" excuse is totally STUPID!

Every day I get emails from Snagajob, careerbuilder any number of jobs!
Local convenience stores, retail dollar stores... all looking for help!

It's just some people that could be working think those jobs are beneath them!
Their egos are in the way of reality!

I'm talking about the future of social security which without upping the age there will be no social security! So what you said makes NO sense if there is NO social security!

There is not going to be SS anyway no matter what we do, eventually Wall Street will get their greedy paws on it and it will be gone, in the meantime the only solution is to privately save and invest in Wall Street so that too can be stolen. Wall Street is going to make all of us desperately poor in our old age but maybe by then the soylent green factories will be up and running.
Actually the one group of people seeing their life expectancy increase has been the rich. So if you really wanted to increase life expectancy you would do it primary and only on rich people if not then you are just transferring income/wealth from poor seniors to rich seniors

Trends in Mortality Differentials and Life Expectancy for Male Social Security–Covered Workers, by Average Relative Earnings
^Life expectancy for people in the poorest half of earners has risen by 1 year in the past 30 years, while life expectancy for people in the richest half has increased by 7 years.
^It is illogical to raise the poor’s retirement age just because the rich are experiencing an increase in their life expectancy.
Actually the one group of people seeing their life expectancy increase has been the rich. So if you really wanted to increase life expectancy you would do it primary and only on rich people if not then you are just transferring income/wealth from poor seniors to rich seniors

Trends in Mortality Differentials and Life Expectancy for Male Social Security–Covered Workers, by Average Relative Earnings
^Life expectancy for people in the poorest half of earners has risen by 1 year in the past 30 years, while life expectancy for people in the richest half has increased by 7 years.
^It is illogical to raise the poor’s retirement age just because the rich are experiencing an increase in their life expectancy.

That data could be missleading.
I have found that the poorer a person is - the greater the chance that they smoke. The also eat poorly...incredibly poorly.
There are many factors besides money that deter long life.
Actually the one group of people seeing their life expectancy increase has been the rich. So if you really wanted to increase life expectancy you would do it primary and only on rich people if not then you are just transferring income/wealth from poor seniors to rich seniors

Trends in Mortality Differentials and Life Expectancy for Male Social Security–Covered Workers, by Average Relative Earnings
^Life expectancy for people in the poorest half of earners has risen by 1 year in the past 30 years, while life expectancy for people in the richest half has increased by 7 years.
^It is illogical to raise the poor’s retirement age just because the rich are experiencing an increase in their life expectancy.

That data could be missleading.
I have found that the poorer a person is - the greater the chance that they smoke. The also eat poorly...incredibly poorly.
There are many factors besides money that deter long life.

Those added facts don't skew the data, they exascerbate it.

The poor don't have the money or free time to have a professional chef have the healthiest meals for them ready on a whim, and they are usually more depressed which leads to addictions such as smoking.

This is why a monetary world economy is so retarded for the 2012 human being. It's time to evolve. It's time to go back to living for smiles, not for being just another number contributing to the gigantic corporatocracy spider web. Pawns, 99% of human beings are pawns to those who sip daqueries 5 days a week.
It might have something to do with people in their 60s and even 50s being all but unemployable. Since it is so difficult for older people to get and keep jobs how is raising the eligibility age not cheating them out of something they worked for?

What???!! I'm 62 and work 2 jobs and intend to probably until I'm 70. Husband too. My God, the congressmen work into their 90s. My sister is a "grandma" to 6 kids and is 60 and still works. You're talking about the "old old" --- not the "young old" - when we went to brunch on Easter I had to show my ID to PROVE I was 62! People are NOT "unemployable" in their 50s and 60s. My friend is 72 and she's still working full time. Lots of us are. Mainly because we want to keep busy and productive. I have no desire to knit or play shuffleboard.
Whats the point of raising it to 70,shit most who lose there job in there fifties are screwed ever finding another decent paying job,so now we will not only have a lower tax base , we will also be on the hook for there food stamps and welfare and free medical.:clap2::clap2:
Actually the one group of people seeing their life expectancy increase has been the rich. So if you really wanted to increase life expectancy you would do it primary and only on rich people if not then you are just transferring income/wealth from poor seniors to rich seniors

Trends in Mortality Differentials and Life Expectancy for Male Social Security–Covered Workers, by Average Relative Earnings
^Life expectancy for people in the poorest half of earners has risen by 1 year in the past 30 years, while life expectancy for people in the richest half has increased by 7 years.
^It is illogical to raise the poor’s retirement age just because the rich are experiencing an increase in their life expectancy.

That data could be missleading.
I have found that the poorer a person is - the greater the chance that they smoke. The also eat poorly...incredibly poorly.
There are many factors besides money that deter long life.

Poor people work harder and have incredible stress, even if they do not smoke or eat unhealthy, stress will kill them quicker than anything.

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