Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear raises big money. Who gets it?

Well obviously donors choose is a socialist organization because it supports kids getting a public education. That's socialism hell bent on destroy our country. Take our country back!!!! From the black Kenyan!!!
Well obviously donors choose is a socialist organization because it supports kids getting a public education. That's socialism hell bent on destroy our country. Take our country back!!!! From the black Kenyan!!!

jackass wingnuttery. :cuckoo:
Glad to see something good coming out of this rally. It's 2/3rds over and has been a near-total entertainment fail.
Who knew it would be mostly a retro music festival for aging baby-boomers?

How badly do you want this rally to fail? This rally has been very entertaining.
Woodstock on the Mall..
A bunch of overindugled aging hippies who feel guilty for joining the "establishment"..
Rally....Changes nothing. The Dems are going to lose out on Tuesday and the libs are aghast at the prospect of the pendulum swinging back to where it belongs. The right.
Dems had their chance. They screwed the pooch by allowing their party to be co-opted by the far left socialist agenda lead by one Barack Hussein Obama.
We need to have a USMB benefit concert. All proceeds go to RadiokidsATL college tuition fund.

Or how about those of us in college at the moment. :lol:

Too late for you. We're educating the next generation here. Think of the children.

The rally was awesome, and a nice counterpoint to the Weak Tea Party insanity.

What a bunch of paranoid losers!
Now some of you are bitching about money going to charity?


PS-Donors Choose is a GREAT Org.-many teachers in our building use this to get things for their classrooms that we would have to pay for out of our own pocket.

instead of responding to the OP where I would have said and say now, cool, they didn't have the money before, they have it now, so anything is welcome as long as it actually gets spent on the classroom.

as to your comment EZ, I only wish it didn't disappoint me, that the donor-ship to a school system, well, it just allows the morons who drive the machine at the district level to just keep ding the same old shit, they rob and lose and mismanages funds due for use at the tip of the spear- that is the teacher, who DOES go out of pocket, while their admin district gets money from everyone and everywhere, and the fact that they cannot account for it and it never reaches the tip of the spear pisses me off to no end.
How about the money goes to research a cure for the extreme hate rightwingloons experience on a daily basis?
How about the money goes to research a cure for the extreme hate rightwingloons experience on a daily basis?

thats easy, give the leftys a narcoleptic....lets aim higher though. Its for a good cause.
An estimated 215,000 people attended a rally organized by Comedy Central talk show hosts Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert Saturday in Washington, according to a crowd estimate commissioned by CBS News.

The company AirPhotosLive.com based the attendance at the "Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear" on aerial pictures it took over the rally, which took place on the Mall in Washington. It has a margin of error of plus or minus 10 percent.

CBS News also commissioned AirPhotosLive.com to do a crowd estimate of Glenn Beck's "Restoring Honor" rally in August. That rally was estimated to have attracted 87,000 people. Amid criticism from conservatives that the estimate was low, CBS News detailed the methodology behind it here.

Jon Stewart Rally Attracts Estimated 215,000 - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

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