Ralph Nader predicts a second term for Barack Obama

If the economy doesnt improve drastically by mid 2012 he is gone.

The economy is tanking, it's collapsing as we speak. Fuel prices have destroyed the fragile recovery and are driving a pretty substantial inflation rate. There never were any jobs. Wallstreet ain't Main street.

There is a core of Obama worshipers who will support him regardless of all else. 12% of the nation will vote race, Obama is black - they vote for him, end of story. Another 15% are fascist/socialist die hards, they view Obama as the means of transforming the nation into a centrally managed economy. There are 10% who are obsessed partisans (Jillian, et al) and vote party.

Obama has a 37% lock, but the other 63% aren't real pleased with him, and support is waning.
In an opinion piece for Bloomberg, the consumer advocate calls the potential GOP presidential hopefuls a "field of Republican weaklings" and warns that conservative governors are turning off swing voters with their hardline stands against unions.

Ralph Nader predicts a second term for Barack Obama | Top of the Ticket | Los Angeles Times

I am no fan of Ralph Nader, but in one week, both Haley Barbour and now Nader say Obama cannot be beaten by the GOP or any third party candidate.

Gimme a break. If the election were held today, Obama would lose in a landslide.

What a colossally stupid thing to say. But, it is Ralph Nader.
Dear Lord I hope not.
I am sick of his vilification of what is good about this country, his divide and concur attitude and his government must do it all because we the people are too stupid.
If he gets reelected we will definitely become a 3rd world banana republic.
In an opinion piece for Bloomberg, the consumer advocate calls the potential GOP presidential hopefuls a "field of Republican weaklings" and warns that conservative governors are turning off swing voters with their hardline stands against unions.

Ralph Nader predicts a second term for Barack Obama | Top of the Ticket | Los Angeles Times

I am no fan of Ralph Nader, but in one week, both Haley Barbour and now Nader say Obama cannot be beaten by the GOP or any third party candidate.

Gimme a break. If the election were held today, Obama would lose in a landslide.
To who? Specifically.
It's May 2011....

A lot can and will happen between now and November 2012....

Stupid people predict a winner now...
In an opinion piece for Bloomberg, the consumer advocate calls the potential GOP presidential hopefuls a "field of Republican weaklings" and warns that conservative governors are turning off swing voters with their hardline stands against unions.

Ralph Nader predicts a second term for Barack Obama | Top of the Ticket | Los Angeles Times

I am no fan of Ralph Nader, but in one week, both Haley Barbour and now Nader say Obama cannot be beaten by the GOP or any third party candidate.

Gimme a break. If the election were held today, Obama would lose in a landslide.

What a colossally stupid thing to say. But, it is Ralph Nader.

But the election isn't today. The colossally stupid thing to say is that today's numbers tell us anything about 2012. Without a known Rep candidate that the middle can latch onto, people will go for the devil they know.
Dear Lord I hope not.
I am sick of his vilification of what is good about this country, his divide and concur attitude and his government must do it all because we the people are too stupid.
If he gets reelected we will definitely become a 3rd world banana republic.

I hope not, also. If he does, may as well move to one of those countries, because, well..what difference would it make? USA as we've known it, buh bye! :(

Gimme a break. If the election were held today, Obama would lose in a landslide.

What a colossally stupid thing to say. But, it is Ralph Nader.

There are some here who think they are "independents" because they voted for Nader rather than Kerry, who view his uttering as if they were from the lips of god (Obama?) himself....
Gimme a break. If the election were held today, Obama would lose in a landslide.

What a colossally stupid thing to say. But, it is Ralph Nader.

There are some here who think they are "independents" because they voted for Nader rather than Kerry, who view his uttering as if they were from the lips of god (Obama?) himself....

Nader never had any appeal to Indys. He's like 7-Up - Never had it, never will.
Problem is, you need your eyes checked. I'm no Obamaphile, far from it. WAY far from it.

In every thread I've encountered you in, you have been a defender of the left. Perhaps in threads I wasn't in you were not as much so. From what I've seen, you are a staunch lefty.
Problem is, you need your eyes checked. I'm no Obamaphile, far from it. WAY far from it.

In every thread I've encountered you in, you have been a defender of the left. Perhaps in threads I wasn't in you were not as much so. From what I've seen, you are a staunch lefty.
Are you out....

Of your fucking....


Since you're obviously a right hyper-partisan, we Indy folks I suppose will always be considered lefties by you. The same way hyper partisan lefties here consider me a far-rightie.

Sounds like I'm right where I need to be!:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Your problem is complete lack of attention to detail, and failure to research therefore coming up with a idiotic assumption.

I care not at all what initial a candidate has by his/her name. That's always confusing to the hyper-partisan, no matter the stripe.
Americans loves to hate incumbent presidential candidates but they win most of the time. A president is blamed for absolutely every thing that occurs during his term of office, deficits, gas prices, food prices, lack of regulation, too much regulation, illegal immigration, too much taxes, not enough taxes, hate crimes, oil spills, and just about anything bad that happens to the country. When election time rolls around, voters have to decide if the opponent is better. It then turns into a popularity contest which favors Obama. Even though people do not like Obama's policies, he remains popular and that will be why he will.
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In an opinion piece for Bloomberg, the consumer advocate calls the potential GOP presidential hopefuls a "field of Republican weaklings" and warns that conservative governors are turning off swing voters with their hardline stands against unions.

Ralph Nader predicts a second term for Barack Obama | Top of the Ticket | Los Angeles Times

Whistling past the graveyard, huh?

Obama is not popular and we are plunging into sever recession. He flippantly tells those concerned with rising fuel costs that they should consider a trade in - which is what they will do.
If Indys aren't presented with a VERY attractive choice vs. Obama, they WILL vote again for Obama. Me included.

I would think Independent voters would vote for a potato over Obama at this point.

I know this Indy definately would!! Course this Indy wasn't stupid enough to vote for him the first time. :)
Are you out....

Of your fucking....


The answer to that depends on who you would ask.

Since you're obviously a right hyper-partisan,

I am fiercely capitalist and dedicated to civil liberties. If I am partisan, can you let me know what party it is I promote?

we Indy folks I suppose will always be considered lefties by you.

What is it that is "independent" about you?

The same way hyper partisan lefties here consider me a far-rightie.

Can you point to someone who views you as a "far-righty?" Can you point to a post by you that is center to right of center?

Your problem is complete lack of attention to detail, and failure to research therefore coming up with a idiotic assumption.

Well of course, otherwise I would have already accepted that you are the fount of all wisdom, never to be questioned nor criticized....

I care not at all what initial a candidate has by his/her name.

What do you care about?
If Indys aren't presented with a VERY attractive choice vs. Obama, they WILL vote again for Obama. Me included.

I would think Independent voters would vote for a potato over Obama at this point.

Just goes to show how little you know about Independent voters, and politics in general...

As an Independent voter, I could be wrong but I don't believe Republicans or Democrats have the requisites to grasp the concept of independent political thinking, much less do any. But then that could just be me and my bias toward our failing two-party system..

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