Ralph Nader predicts a second term for Barack Obama

As an Independent voter, I could be wrong but I don't believe Republicans or Democrats have the requisites to grasp the concept of independent political thinking, much less do any. But then that could just be me and my bias toward our failing two-party system..

What is your concept of "independent" political thinking? Populism?

Serious question.
Whistling past the graveyard, huh?

Obama is not popular and we are plunging into sever recession. He flippantly tells those concerned with rising fuel costs that they should consider a trade in - which is what they will do.
If Indys aren't presented with a VERY attractive choice vs. Obama, they WILL vote again for Obama. Me included.

I would think Independent voters would vote for a potato over Obama at this point.

This indy would vote for a potato over Obama.

And a brussel sprout over whatever status quo bureacrat the repubs throw at him.

I agree with Nader, I think Obama wins pretty easily, not as easily as he did last time but fairly easily.

Like 2008, 2012 will be an election I won't give a damn about. There's no options for a fiscal conservative.
I've been saying this for months. The ONLY possible threat to Obama is Hillary Clinton.... And good soldier that she is, she will wait until 2016 to go after the Big Chair. And very likely, win it then.

Nothing in the GOP field or any others have any traction with independents, is the problem.

So, do you think some of the more "center right" Republicans are sitting out on purpose and waiting for 2016? I have heard good things out of John Thune, while not hearing any of the birther/Muslim/Socialist BS. Yet, he chose not to run? Has the GOP thrown in the towel already?

Center anything republicans know they don't stand a chance in a GOP primary because the GOP base has lost it's mind.
Speaking as an independent who voted for Obama last time, I'm honestly up for grabs. Obama has fooled me once...and didn't do a lot of the stuff he promised to do. If the Republicans or a Libertarian candidate (viable one) really show me that they can be fiscal conservatives while being socially moderate...I might vote that way.
Typical. Another politician trying to second-guess the people.
In an opinion piece for Bloomberg, the consumer advocate calls the potential GOP presidential hopefuls a "field of Republican weaklings" and warns that conservative governors are turning off swing voters with their hardline stands against unions.

Ralph Nader predicts a second term for Barack Obama | Top of the Ticket | Los Angeles Times

I am no fan of Ralph Nader, but in one week, both Haley Barbour and now Nader say Obama cannot be beaten by the GOP or any third party candidate.

The best news for conservatives/Republicans since the day before Obama was nominated. We all KNOW what happens with Nader's predictions.:lol:
I would think Independent voters would vote for a potato over Obama at this point.

I know this Indy definately would!! Course this Indy wasn't stupid enough to vote for him the first time. :)

And smart was a vote for McCain and Palin? :cuckoo:

Well...I was 100% behind Hillary until you lefty dimwits fucked that up by backing Oblah blah...and I sure as shit wasn't going to vote for him. :lol:

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