Rand Paul CPAC: Eliminate Straight Marriage, Decriminalize Drugs


May 22, 2011
Sin City
Rand Paul lays out his vision and declares that he will eliminate straight marriage rather than legalize gay marriage. He also says he doesn't want to throw kids in jail for marijuana.

Rand Paul: "I’m an old-fashioned traditionalist. I believe in the historic and religious definition of marriage. That being said, I’m not for eliminating contracts between adults. I think there are ways to make the tax code more neutral, so it doesn’t mention marriage. Then we don’t have to redefine what marriage is; we just don’t have marriage in the tax code.”

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d3sSgGU2LSQ]CPAC 2013 - US Senator Rand Paul - YouTube[/ame]

Clarification: He's going to eliminate government sanctioned marriage and make straight and gay marriage a private contract.

Is it me....or does Rand Paul look like the guy you see at a really cool downtown nightclub on a Saturday night....who cant get a girl to talk to him, and instead is trying to convince an uninterested group of people how the government is spending too much and we are all headed for a collapse? You all know what I mean, we've all been out before trying to enjoy a nice night on the town when "that guy" starts his drunken rants about the government, effectively scaring off any attractive women around haha!
Is it me....or does Rand Paul look like the guy you see at a really cool downtown nightclub on a Saturday night....who cant get a girl to talk to him, and instead is trying to convince an uninterested group of people how the government is spending too much and we are all headed for a collapse? You all know what I mean, we've all been out before trying to enjoy a nice night on the town when "that guy" starts his drunken rants about the government, effectively scaring off any attractive women around haha!

Unnecessary ad hom, no valuable insight.

"I was told I got ten measly minutes, but just in case, I brought 13 hours of information!"

-- Rand Paul (CPAC 2013)

Much better than his Heritage Foundation speech, and it would seem the CPAC faithful have taken to him after the filibuster. Should be interesting to see if he can maintain this enthusiasm going forward.
A contract instead of Marriage...Where are the cries of "destroying the sanctity of marriage"?

A contract instead of Marriage...Where are the cries of "destroying the sanctity of marriage"?


Getting the government out of marriage IS preserving the sanctity of marriage. Marriage has always been a contract. He wants it to be a private and religious matter, not a government IRS matter.

Is it me....or does Rand Paul look like the guy you see at a really cool downtown nightclub on a Saturday night....who cant get a girl to talk to him, and instead is trying to convince an uninterested group of people how the government is spending too much and we are all headed for a collapse? You all know what I mean, we've all been out before trying to enjoy a nice night on the town when "that guy" starts his drunken rants about the government, effectively scaring off any attractive women around haha!

Have you heard that the National debt is 17 TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTrillion?!?!?!?!?!?!?

Rand Paul lays out his vision and declares that he will eliminate straight marriage rather than legalize gay marriage. He also says he doesn't want to throw kids in jail for marijuana.

I keep saying if the GOP can champion the legalization of marijuana they can turn this ship around and own the next few elections. The Democrats would not be able to recover from such a change in heart from the GOP. The taxation of weed could quite literally get us back on track, Federal spending issues and all. Lets see if the teabagger's are smart enough to even go there. I doubt it.
Rand Paul lays out his vision and declares that he will eliminate straight marriage rather than legalize gay marriage. He also says he doesn't want to throw kids in jail for marijuana.

Rand Paul: "I’m an old-fashioned traditionalist. I believe in the historic and religious definition of marriage. That being said, I’m not for eliminating contracts between adults. I think there are ways to make the tax code more neutral, so it doesn’t mention marriage. Then we don’t have to redefine what marriage is; we just don’t have marriage in the tax code.”

CPAC 2013 - US Senator Rand Paul - YouTube


He says none of that in that speech.
Rand Paul's statement about marriage was made during an interview he did for National Review.

There is nothing about his views on marijuana in that interview or in his CPAC speech.

I agree with both points, however. Not only should marriage not be in the tax code, no tax expenditures of any kind should be in it. And pot, being no more addictive or incapacitating than alcohol, should not be illegal.

But if we are going to give cash and prizes to married people, then gay marriages should receive the identical cash and prizes which other marriages do.

The US government uses cash and prizes to interfere in social behaviors. They are an attempt by government to manipulate a free people. The less of that going on, the better.
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civil unions for all and let the church have the word marriage.

That I have been saying for over a decade
Rand Paul's statement about marriage was made during an interview he did for National Review.

There is nothing about his views on marijuana in that interview or in his CPAC speech.

MSNBC said Rand Paul said it at CPAC. I know it wasn't in the speech, I think he said it pre-speech.

First Word: First day of CPAC 2013 ? MSNBC

And yes, he said in his speech that "we shouldn't throw people in jail for drug use."

Rand Paul Speaks About 'Facebook Generation' At CPAC | TPM LiveWire

Rand Paul's statement about marriage was made during an interview he did for National Review.

There is nothing about his views on marijuana in that interview or in his CPAC speech.

MSNBC said Rand Paul said it at CPAC. I know it wasn't in the speech, I think he said it pre-speech.

First Word: First day of CPAC 2013 ? MSNBC

And yes, he said in his speech that "we shouldn't throw people in jail for drug use."

Rand Paul Speaks About 'Facebook Generation' At CPAC | TPM LiveWire


This link has the full text of his CPAC speech: Rand Paul at CPAC 2013 | Caffeinated Thoughts

"Drug use" is an entirely different animal from marijuana use. Marijuana use is a subset of drug use.

Just as I pointed out in that topic with the stupid lie-by-omission Libertarian test which was going around last week, the real Libertarian agenda is the legalization of ALL drugs. A position I disagree with.
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Rand Paul's statement about marriage was made during an interview he did for National Review.

There is nothing about his views on marijuana in that interview or in his CPAC speech.

I agree with both points, however. Not only should marriage not be in the tax code, no tax expenditures of any kind should be in it. And pot, being no more addictive or incapacitating than alcohol, should not be illegal.

But if we are going to give cash and prizes to married people, then gay marriages should receive the identical cash and prizes which other marriages do.

The US government uses cash and prizes to interfere in social behaviors. They are an attempt by government to manipulate a free people. The less of that going on, the better.

He does mention marijuana in the speech.

Edit: Guess it was drugs in general.
Rand Paul's statement about marriage was made during an interview he did for National Review.

There is nothing about his views on marijuana in that interview or in his CPAC speech.

MSNBC said Rand Paul said it at CPAC. I know it wasn't in the speech, I think he said it pre-speech.

First Word: First day of CPAC 2013 ? MSNBC

And yes, he said in his speech that "we shouldn't throw people in jail for drug use."

Rand Paul Speaks About 'Facebook Generation' At CPAC | TPM LiveWire


This link has the full text of his CPAC speech: Rand Paul at CPAC 2013 | Caffeinated Thoughts

"Drug use" is an entirely different animal from marijuana use. Marijuana use is a subset of drug use.

Just as I pointed out in that topic with the stupid lie-by-omission Libertarian test which was going around last week, the real Libertarian agenda is the legalization of ALL drugs. A position I disagree with.

Are people really not aware that libertarians want to legalize drugs? I didn't know we could lie by omission on the topic.

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