Rand Paul promises to keep the despotic “income tax” alive!


Gold Member
May 24, 2009
SEE: GOP presidential candidate Rand Paul offers 'fair and flat tax' plan to 'blow up' tax code
June 18, 2015

”WASHINGTON (AP) — Republican presidential candidate Rand Paul called Thursday for a "fair and flat tax" that would "blow up" the nation's tax code, offering a proposal his campaign said would cut taxes by $2 trillion over the next decade.”

The problem with Rand Paul’s tax reform proposal is, Congress gets to keep the power to lay and collect taxes calculated from profits, gains and other incomes. As long as this power is not withdrawn from Congress’ hands, the countless miseries we now suffer under this socialist experiment [laying and collecting taxes calculated from incomes] will continue.

A flat tax does absolutely nothing to remove the iron fist of our federal government from the necks of America’s hard working productive citizens and business owners. It is a discriminatory tax in that it is laid directly upon the individual and measures the amount of tax the individual is to pay based upon their annual earnings which in effect commands our nation’s most productive citizens and businesses owners to finance the functions of government while the least productive citizen is not required to pay an equal share to support government, or even contribute any share at all! And yet, those who do not contribute to financing the functions of government are allowed to exercise a vote equal to those who do finance the functions of government. Under our Constitution’s original tax plan, and with regard to direct taxes, the rule of apportionment provided a protection against such abuses in that each state was required to pay a share of a direct tax proportionally equal to its representation.

A flat tax is also arbitrary and capricious in another way. The definition of what is and what is not taxable “income” cannot be set in stone, and must be left to never ending alterations and manipulations which are decided by a political majority, i.e., two wolves and a sheep voting for dinners’ menu. On the other hand, taxing consumption as our founders intended is far less subject to abuse, and especially so because taxes paid are voluntarily paid by the manner in which one spends their money.

Paul’s tax also leaves the door wide open for government to use it as a political weapon to silence, threaten and punish political foes while rewarding the friends of a tyrannical bloated federal government. Have we not recently seen how this corruptible system of taxation has been used by political hacks in our federal government to attack freedom loving Americans and interfere with free speech?

If Rand Paul was sincere about real tax reform, he would be talking about the Fair Share Balanced Budget Amendment which is designed to bring us back to our Constitution’s original tax plan.


“Honest money and honest taxation, the Key to America’s future Prosperity“ ___ from “Prosperity Restored by the State Rate Tax Plan”, no longer in print.

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