Rand Paul says US cannot keep spending so much money and esp on foreign countries, not the USA

Rand Paul: ‘My Oath of Office Is to the U.S. Constitution, Not to Any Foreign Nation’​

Supporting free democracies and free economies, while also fighting Fascism is central to supporting US interests and always has been a central focus of our country - to be the beacon to others. Folks support the US Constitution BY supporting Ukraine.
You mean like tax reforms?
"Senator Paul has put forward a dynamic and exciting outline for tax reform. His plan would replace all current tax brackets with one flat rate of 14.5 percent. A single low income tax rate would be a great incentive to save, work, and invest for all Americans."

I'm sure you're probably only talking wealth redistribution, aren't you moonie?
As a Libertarian, he correctly realizes it is not the business of govt to confiscate our treasure to redistribute it in any manner.
Rich people would love it.

He's a fake doctor.
Yeah Biden wants to send another 40 billion to Ukraine on top of everything else we spent on them already.

It doesn't stop there. He spends billions on foriegn countries here at home with all the illegals he brings in as well.

He seems to care more about other countries than he does about his own. I guess he can't earn foriegn respect so he will buy it at the expense of our country
he's made a lot of $$ on foreign countries

and he can never make enough

for himself.

the poor and other people in the US can take a long walk off a short pier
I'm scared of flying...

something I am tempted to try to overcome since I currently hate Earth so much
Flying never bothers me in the least, it's kind of like jumping out of planes never bothered me at all.

Take offs and landings do bother me.
Flying never bothers me in the least, it's kind of like jumping out of planes never bothered me at all.

Take offs and landings do bother me.
i don't like any of it

I've watched the Weather Channel on how airplanes crash...

they don't crash as often as they did say 10 years ago... but still...
Rich people would love it.

He's a fake doctor.
Rand Paul is more of a real doctor than 'dr" Fauxi has ever been.
He's more qualified than the Director of the WHO. Tedros is not a Doctor but is a communist
He actually was an eye surgeon. Is that not "mediciny" enough for you?
"He owned his own ophthalmology practice and performed eye surgery for 18 years.
Paul graduated from Duke University Medical School in 1988 and completed a general surgery internship at Georgia Baptist Medical Center in Atlanta, Georgia.
He completed his residency in ophthalmology at Duke University Medical Center.

You mean like tax reforms?
"Senator Paul has put forward a dynamic and exciting outline for tax reform. His plan would replace all current tax brackets with one flat rate of 14.5 percent. A single low income tax rate would be a great incentive to save, work, and invest for all Americans."

I'm sure you're probably only talking wealth redistribution, aren't you moonie?
As a Libertarian, he correctly realizes it is not the business of govt to confiscate our treasure to redistribute it in any manner.
The Constitution begs to differ on the ability of the feds to tax.
Rand Paul is more of a real doctor than 'dr" Fauxi has ever been.
He's more qualified than the Director of the WHO. Tedros is not a Doctor but is a communist
He actually was an eye surgeon. Is that not "mediciny" enough for you?
"He owned his own ophthalmology practice and performed eye surgery for 18 years.
Paul graduated from Duke University Medical School in 1988 and completed a general surgery internship at Georgia Baptist Medical Center in Atlanta, Georgia.
He completed his residency in ophthalmology at Duke University Medical Center.

Is Senator Rand Paul a doctor?
Paul doesn't have the academic credentials of Fauci, Tedros is just a fraud.

What Rand has, is a lot of just good old common sense you'd expect in any country doctor.

I'd love to see someone like him put over the FDA and CDC.
A flat tax as it would hit the rich the hardest. They always have carveouts that protect them written into every other tax scheme we've ever come up with.
sounds like a great idea... flat tax

which is why it won't be implemented by those ass**** in Congress...

I'd be shocked if it went through... Those **&^% want all the $$$$ they can get... for doing what they do best: NADA
The Constitution begs to differ on the ability of the feds to tax.
The 16th Amendment was sold to the public by telling them it was a 1% income tax that would only affect the top 3%.
Yeah, we have it after the bait & switch in 1913.
The original tax code was 400 pages. Now it's over 70,000 pages
The ability to tax is supposed to fund the govt Constitutional duties, not as a wealth redistribution vehicle.
It's mentalities like yours that have led our country to this point
Rand Paul is more of a real doctor than 'dr" Fauxi has ever been.
He's more qualified than the Director of the WHO. Tedros is not a Doctor but is a communist
He actually was an eye surgeon. Is that not "mediciny" enough for you?
"He owned his own ophthalmology practice and performed eye surgery for 18 years.
Paul graduated from Duke University Medical School in 1988 and completed a general surgery internship at Georgia Baptist Medical Center in Atlanta, Georgia.
He completed his residency in ophthalmology at Duke University Medical Center.

Is Senator Rand Paul a doctor?
just another example of what LIARS the left are...

their motto: throw out as many lies as possible and see what sticks.. so we can win elections and rape and pillage the country
The 16th Amendment was sold to the public by telling them it was a 1% income tax that would only affect the top 3%.
Yeah, we have it after the bait & switch in 1913.
The original tax code was 400 pages. Now it's over 70,000 pages
The ability to tax is supposed to fund the govt Constitutional duties, not as a wealth redistribution vehicle.
It's mentalities like yours that have led our country to this point
There were federal income taxes during Lincoln's era. The only wealth distribution is from the bottom to the top, I have yet to run into wealthy poor people.
There were federal income taxes during Lincoln's era. The only wealth distribution is from the bottom to the top, I have yet to run into wealthy poor people.
The poor don't have anything to steal & it's usually their own questionable choices that keep them poor.
The real theft has been from the middle class to the top 1-2%.
Billionaires grew in wealth & numbers thanks to rona while poverty crushed much of the world.
Rona was an excellent tool for that. The mega corps killed off most of their smaller competition with shutdowns while collecting stimulus cash for themselves.
Globalization is a main driver too. The super rich shipped our middle class jobs overseas so the oligarchs could make a killing
The poor don't have anything to steal & it's usually their own questionable choices that keep them poor.
The real theft has been from the middle class to the top 1-2%.
Billionaires grew in wealth & numbers thanks to rona while poverty crushed much of the world.
Rona was an excellent tool for that. The mega corps killed off most of their smaller competition with shutdowns while collecting stimulus cash for themselves.
Globalization is a main driver too. The super rich shipped our middle class jobs overseas so the oligarchs could make a killing
Their labor is of value so the capitalist seeks to use it for as little payment as possible.

yeh, as we already know, Rand is one of thefew in DC with integrity

We send all this $$ to foreign countries and yet we have nothing but PROBLEMS in our own...


no wonder Congress has something like a 12% approval rating
The Reason all of that money goes abroad is because it's mostly boomerang bucks. All of the DC swamp rats both Republican and Democrat steal from the taxpayers and pretend to send foreign aid out that's really nothing more than personal financial ventures for them. I read a statistic once that indicated roughly 2% of the money allocated for foreign aid actually goes where it says it's going. Rest of it goes off into the black hole of unaccountability and much of it comes right back to the bank accounts of our traitorous legislators in DC.
Supporting free democracies and free economies, while also fighting Fascism is central to supporting US interests
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and always has been a central focus of our country
Great, which proves we have been giving out the ass to others for a million years while the rest of the world just TAKES. America is SPENT. Time for some of the other 170 countries to start carrying their own weight and step up to bat for a change and give to us for a change, besides their criminals and dirty unwashed unskilled uneducated poor.
sounds like a great idea... flat tax

which is why it won't be implemented by those ass**** in Congress...

I'd be shocked if it went through... Those **&^% want all the $$$$ they can get... for doing what they do best: NADA
Unfortunately there's just too much money keeping the status quo alive.

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