Rand Paul says US cannot keep spending so much money and esp on foreign countries, not the USA

just another example of what LIARS the left are...

their motto: throw out as many lies as possible and see what sticks.. so we can win elections and rape and pillage the country
Thence to repeat them until the lie becomes the perceived truth.
If we drill more the vast majority of that oil should stay here too.
Idiocy that would kill off our petroleum industry.

Oil is sold at market price to whomever is willing to pay the current asking price.

We've tried that kind of protectionism in the past and it always fails.
The poor don't have anything to steal & it's usually their own questionable choices that keep them poor.
The real theft has been from the middle class to the top 1-2%.
Billionaires grew in wealth & numbers thanks to rona while poverty crushed much of the world.
Rona was an excellent tool for that. The mega corps killed off most of their smaller competition with shutdowns while collecting stimulus cash for themselves.
Globalization is a main driver too. The super rich shipped our middle class jobs overseas so the oligarchs could make a killing
And our tax dollars financed that consolidation.
So then how are we going to get more oil if it's shipped away? Let slumeball big oil tell us.
Biden is throwing money all over the place.... he is putting America at great risk.... But when I see McConnell support Biden's billions to Ukraine.... I know its time to panic....

Just two years ago everything was so much better not only here but abroad....

Who are these leftists?... and why are they trying to harm my country?... And why can't anyone stop them?....
Rand Paul is short sighted

Our investment in ukraine will slow down dictators like putin and Xi and save money and lives in the future
Employment was at it's lowest point under the previous administration since UE figures have been kept.

Real Median Income for the first time in decades was positive meaning growth in wages was outpacing inflation.

If Trump can pull that off just how hard can it be?
Trump is not and has not ever been the economy.
Trump is not and has not ever been the economy.
Wonderful for you. Is that how you think you score points by arguing things that were never claimed.

His economic policies were great for the country as I already showed.

Biden's are proving to be a disaster for us.
Wonderful for you. Is that how you think you score points by arguing things that were never claimed.

His economic policies were great for the country as I already showed.

Biden's are proving to be a disaster for us.
Then why did Trump leave the economy in shambles?
Then why did Trump leave the economy in shambles?
Because Covid shut down the worlds' economy when China primarily and other then shut down production facilities and stopped shipping goods we're dependent upon.

There was nothing he could do to change that. But the economy was already showing a strong recovery by the end of his term.

The economy however quickly recovered.

Because Covid shut down the worlds' economy when China primarily and other then shut down production facilities and stopped shipping goods we're dependent upon.

There was nothing he could do to change that. But the economy was already showing a strong recovery by the end of his term.

The economy however quickly recovered.

I thought Trump was a stable genius? The economy has never recovered from being shut down under Trump all that happened was the feds were buying bad bonds of companies and floating their existence which is now ending and we are seeing the end results of state-sponsored capitalism under the feds.
Their labor is of value so the capitalist seeks to use it for as little payment as possible.
Maybe but capitalism is still responsible for lifting more people out of poverty than all previous economic philosophies combined.
It's the leftist policies & organizations that force capitalists to leave their native lands for cheaper labor overseas to begin with.
Labor unions, environmental orgs, tax rates & govt regulations create onerous conditions that often leave us in a non-competitive environment here at home
Maybe but capitalism is still responsible for lifting more people out of poverty than all previous economic philosophies combined.
It's the leftist policies & organizations that force capitalists to leave their native lands for cheaper labor overseas to begin with.
Labor unions, environmental orgs, tax rates & govt regulations create onerous conditions that often leave us in a non-competitive environment here at home
Yeah, it has also ruined more humans from being spoiled rotten and worthless. I can compete with any human because I am competitive and don't let the small issues stop me from obtaining what I want..One must learn to adapt to the conditions that exist.
Yeah, it has also ruined more humans from being spoiled rotten and worthless. I can compete with any human because I am competitive and don't let the small issues stop me from obtaining what I want..One must learn to adapt to the conditions that exist.
Good for you moonglow but that still doesn't negate the fact that capitalism is the best system of economic activity we have found so far.
Every system has it's excesses, but as far as lifting masses of people to a higher standard of living, the broad proliferation of capitalism & private property has done more in a short time than anything that came before

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