Rand Paul says war illegal

"Taking military action against ISIS is justified. The president acting without Congress is not," he wrote, reiterating a stance he's held since September. This fall Paul has described the airstrikes in Syria as appropriate action but said Obama's method for doing so was "unconstitutional."

What a chicken shit weasel he really is.

Its not unconstitutional and if they had been willing to do their frikken job instead of going on vacation - well, as Jim said, we all know why they didn't.

So, will they do their job now? Or will they do what they said they would do - force the president to do it for them so they could lie about it later.

We all know the answer to that too.

SSDD from the pubs.
"Taking military action against ISIS is justified. The president acting without Congress is not," he wrote, reiterating a stance he's held since September. This fall Paul has described the airstrikes in Syria as appropriate action but said Obama's method for doing so was "unconstitutional."

What a chicken shit weasel he really is.

Its not unconstitutional and if they had been willing to do their frikken job instead of going on vacation - well, as Jim said, we all know why they didn't.

So, will they do their job now? Or will they do what they said they would do - force the president to do it for them so they could lie about it later.

We all know the answer to that too.

SSDD from the pubs.

Yes the far left supports illegal wars when a (D) is charge..
ok so? too bad you didn't vote for him where you concerns would of been heard

and the reason CONGRESS didn't vote for it is because your thug CIC didn't ask them

gawd Jim knock it off you know that. he has been involved in SEVEN different countries in the Middle East and has turned it into a powder keg and hell hole for most of the people

You have to wonder just WHO IS IT that is running this country and his foreign Policy? Valerie Jarrett is his little Iranian shadow. make you wonder eh?
45% of the dems voted against Iraq II

Rand's statement is made for political consumption not that he believes it.
ok so? too bad you didn't vote for him where you concerns would of been heard

and the reason CONGRESS didn't vote for it is because your thug CIC didn't ask them

gawd Jim knock it off you know that. he has been involved in SEVEN different countries in the Middle East and has turned it into a powder keg and hell hole for most of the people

You have to wonder just WHO IS IT that is running this country and his foreign Policy? Valerie Jarrett is his little Iranian shadow. make you wonder eh?

Wait....you mean Steph we have began another "war of choice" like W did....No, we didn't. Neither Obama or Biden are profiting over this war.
If the pres had not put the troops, the far right trash would be yelling

The fact is, imho, he should have let the folks in the ME sort it out
"Taking military action against ISIS is justified. The president acting without Congress is not," he wrote, reiterating a stance he's held since September. This fall Paul has described the airstrikes in Syria as appropriate action but said Obama's method for doing so was "unconstitutional."

What a chicken shit weasel he really is.

Its not unconstitutional and if they had been willing to do their frikken job instead of going on vacation - well, as Jim said, we all know why they didn't.

So, will they do their job now? Or will they do what they said they would do - force the president to do it for them so they could lie about it later.

We all know the answer to that too.

SSDD from the pubs.

...So says a chicken hawk weasel: Aerial bombing is OK because it's so sanitary.
Jim you're so sad anymore. You start a damn thread so you can bitch and whine and troll it.
"Taking military action against ISIS is justified. The president acting without Congress is not," he wrote, reiterating a stance he's held since September. This fall Paul has described the airstrikes in Syria as appropriate action but said Obama's method for doing so was "unconstitutional."

What a chicken shit weasel he really is.

Its not unconstitutional and if they had been willing to do their frikken job instead of going on vacation - well, as Jim said, we all know why they didn't.

So, will they do their job now? Or will they do what they said they would do - force the president to do it for them so they could lie about it later.

We all know the answer to that too.

SSDD from the pubs.

...So says a chicken hawk weasel: Aerial bombing is OK because it's so sanitary.

So get your helmet and join up Chief! Too old? Maybe they can put you behind a desk in Baghdad?
"Taking military action against ISIS is justified. The president acting without Congress is not," he wrote, reiterating a stance he's held since September. This fall Paul has described the airstrikes in Syria as appropriate action but said Obama's method for doing so was "unconstitutional."

What a chicken shit weasel he really is.

Its not unconstitutional and if they had been willing to do their frikken job instead of going on vacation - well, as Jim said, we all know why they didn't.

So, will they do their job now? Or will they do what they said they would do - force the president to do it for them so they could lie about it later.

We all know the answer to that too.

SSDD from the pubs.

...So says a chicken hawk weasel: Aerial bombing is OK because it's so sanitary.

So get your helmet and join up Chief! Too old? Maybe they can put you behind a desk in Baghdad?

So if I'm reading this right the left here feels Obama should have had Congressional support before starting the air strikes against ISIS yet this same left feels he should do immigration on an executive order without Congress. Kind of interesting how the one that could piss his base off he should get Congressional support on but not the one his base would love.
So if I'm reading this right the left here feels Obama should have had Congressional support before starting the air strikes against ISIS yet this same left feels he should do immigration on an executive order without Congress. Kind of interesting how the one that could piss his base off he should get Congressional support on but not the one his base would love.

YEP, I don't know how they can untwist themselves out of the double standard pretzel they twist themselves into or don't make themselves dizzy with the spin they spew

So if I'm reading this right the left here feels Obama should have had Congressional support before starting the air strikes against ISIS yet this same left feels he should do immigration on an executive order without Congress. Kind of interesting how the one that could piss his base off he should get Congressional support on but not the one his base would love.

That's a fair question. Might be because the terrorists don't have a large voting bloc, a lobbyist and a PAC. Yet.
Both far left and the far right are double standarding the President.

Jake, I tend to agree on this. The far left seem to look the other way when he replicates some of the Bush moves. Whether the RWers want to admit it or not, O has followed in many of the steps of W, at least when it comes to foreign policy....and in some cases he has gone beyond W. Especially with the drone uptick.

And the Far Right....well. O can do ANYTHING and it is wrong, a disaster, indefensible. He sends an envoy to NK to free to US citizens and they give Rodman credit. He orders the kill on Bin Laden and a guy walks into my office and shows me a picture of W in his living room with OBL's head on the wall. REALLY?

Obama is far from perfect and I do not agree with all his positions, but the RWers are eternal drooling critics, even when he does something that they once supported. Politics should not ALWAYS outweigh country.

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