Rand Paul should be the new President

Going with the insulting nature of this forum, probably, (Not really.)
Oh lord, what about capitalism do I hate? I could write an essay, but I don't have time and don't want to start a shit storm...
No, I'm not, I'm referring to the support of capitalism.
Look, I just wish you'd stop being cryptic and say what you mean, or at least say it so I can understand what you're saying. What do you mean by "the support of liberalism"? What are you talking about?
I don't think I said support of liberalism, I said capitalism, almost all liberals support capitalism.

Left liberals do not support capitalism.
"Left liberals" are socialists. They're not classical liberals who are actually conservative.

Socialist are not liberal.
Tell that to too many Americans nowadays. I think many Americans if not most are politically confused, that Obama and his ilk know this and count on it because it enables them to rule the people easier.
Rand Paul vs Bernie Sanders would be an interesting election to be sure, as they are at opposite ends of the spectrum. But it is far more likely to be Jeb Bush vs Hillary Clinton, so I am not getting my hopes up for any kind of significant shift in the status quo in 2017.

I think it is very safe that Hillary will be the candidate.
I agree that she'll be the candidate and probably be the next President unless Trump wins the nomination.
Are you saying that you think I'm an idiot or something? Have I insulted you? Why suggest that I should've caught something obvious which you said? And while you answer maybe can defend some of what your saying by being specific. What about capitalism do you hate? Are you saying classical liberalism is the same thing as capitalism? I'm just curious what a communist thinks and why.
Going with the insulting nature of this forum, probably, (Not really.)
Oh lord, what about capitalism do I hate? I could write an essay, but I don't have time and don't want to start a shit storm...
No, I'm not, I'm referring to the support of capitalism.
Look, I just wish you'd stop being cryptic and say what you mean, or at least say it so I can understand what you're saying. What do you mean by "the support of liberalism"? What are you talking about?
I don't think I said support of liberalism, I said capitalism, almost all liberals support capitalism.

Left liberals do not support capitalism.
"Left liberals" are socialists. They're not classical liberals who are actually conservative.

So, you think Liberals have to be conservative?
During Kennedys time the taxes on the top were like 3-4 times as high compared to today...There weren't nearly as many loop holes to hide in either.

What good could possibly come with lowering them more today??? They already don't pay enough for what they take out of the economy.
It's common sense. Less in taxes and regulations on businesses means more money for them, which means they can expand, which means they can create more jobs, which means more taxpayers, which means more tax revenue. Kennedy and Reagan, who went on to do this as President, were both correct about it.
Yeah, not like wages have been stagnant for decades, with a shrinking middle class/growing income gap..

Odd, Government is like, bigger in the US than has ever been at anytime, anywhere in this planets history......... Why does Obama or Bush or Clinton or Bush or or or fix this problem? Oh Oh OH OH! Wait WAIT!!! I know!!!! It's because <breath> IT'S BECAUSE OF SMAAAAAALLL GOVERNMENT!!!


I am pretty sure that deregulations of the 80s-00's lead to the economic collapse...So small government allowing corps to do stupid shit = cluster fuck. the same can be said about the 20's pre-depression.

You mean after Harding got the US out of a depression? Then Hoover spent assloads of money trying to get us out of a depression and failed, then FDR spent even more assloads of money and failed....

What got the us out of the Depression Matt.

FDR's policies not working for 10 years.


The world being blown the fuk up after WWII while America was not touched, creating a never seen before demand of goods on a global scale all pulling from America.

Give it a go Matt, what was it.... Welfare or More demand for US goods than has ever been seen before that helped end the Depression.
Rand Paul vs Bernie Sanders would be an interesting election to be sure, as they are at opposite ends of the spectrum. But it is far more likely to be Jeb Bush vs Hillary Clinton, so I am not getting my hopes up for any kind of significant shift in the status quo in 2017.

I think it is very safe that Hillary will be the candidate.
I agree that she'll be the candidate and probably be the next President unless Trump wins the nomination.

So, I think there will be no the duel "Republican vs Sanders".
Look, I just wish you'd stop being cryptic and say what you mean, or at least say it so I can understand what you're saying. What do you mean by "the support of liberalism"? What are you talking about?
I don't think I said support of liberalism, I said capitalism, almost all liberals support capitalism.

Left liberals do not support capitalism.
"Left liberals" are socialists. They're not classical liberals who are actually conservative.

Socialist are not liberal.
Tell that to too many Americans nowadays. I think many Americans if not most are politically confused, that Obama and his ilk know this and count on it because it enables them to rule the people easier.

You mean that Obama is liberal?
Going with the insulting nature of this forum, probably, (Not really.)
Oh lord, what about capitalism do I hate? I could write an essay, but I don't have time and don't want to start a shit storm...
No, I'm not, I'm referring to the support of capitalism.
Look, I just wish you'd stop being cryptic and say what you mean, or at least say it so I can understand what you're saying. What do you mean by "the support of liberalism"? What are you talking about?
I don't think I said support of liberalism, I said capitalism, almost all liberals support capitalism.

Left liberals do not support capitalism.
"Left liberals" are socialists. They're not classical liberals who are actually conservative.

So, you think Liberals have to be conservative?
I think that classic European liberals hold, or used to hold, what are considered in America conservative views: smaller government, less in taxes, strong defense, encouragement of small businesses.
I don't think I said support of liberalism, I said capitalism, almost all liberals support capitalism.

Left liberals do not support capitalism.
"Left liberals" are socialists. They're not classical liberals who are actually conservative.

Socialist are not liberal.
Tell that to too many Americans nowadays. I think many Americans if not most are politically confused, that Obama and his ilk know this and count on it because it enables them to rule the people easier.

You mean that Obama is liberal?
No, I mean that Obama is more than socialist, he's communist. Marxist.
Look, I just wish you'd stop being cryptic and say what you mean, or at least say it so I can understand what you're saying. What do you mean by "the support of liberalism"? What are you talking about?
I don't think I said support of liberalism, I said capitalism, almost all liberals support capitalism.

Left liberals do not support capitalism.
"Left liberals" are socialists. They're not classical liberals who are actually conservative.

So, you think Liberals have to be conservative?
I think that classic European liberals hold, or used to hold, what are considered in America conservative views: smaller government, less in taxes, strong defense, encouragement of small businesses.

Yes, the classic liberalism is connected with the conservatism. But liberalism is not always conservative as you can see by the legalizing of cannabis.
Left liberals do not support capitalism.
"Left liberals" are socialists. They're not classical liberals who are actually conservative.

Socialist are not liberal.
Tell that to too many Americans nowadays. I think many Americans if not most are politically confused, that Obama and his ilk know this and count on it because it enables them to rule the people easier.

You mean that Obama is liberal?
No, I mean that Obama is more than socialist, he's communist. Marxist.

Really? That is a little bit to extreme.
"Left liberals" are socialists. They're not classical liberals who are actually conservative.

Socialist are not liberal.
Tell that to too many Americans nowadays. I think many Americans if not most are politically confused, that Obama and his ilk know this and count on it because it enables them to rule the people easier.

You mean that Obama is liberal?
No, I mean that Obama is more than socialist, he's communist. Marxist.

Really? That is a little bit to extreme.
I just posted something in a condescending thread about how Trump is a birther. Check that out here...

Yepp Trump is still a birther Page 56 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Tell that to too many Americans nowadays. I think many Americans if not most are politically confused, that Obama and his ilk know this and count on it because it enables them to rule the people easier.

You mean that Obama is liberal?
No, I mean that Obama is more than socialist, he's communist. Marxist.

Really? That is a little bit to extreme.
I just posted something in a condescending thread about how Trump is a birther. Check that out here...

Yepp Trump is still a birther Page 56 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

I think between 1(right) and 10(left) Obama is on 3.
You mean you think Obama is closer to conservative than to liberal?
You mean that Obama is liberal?
No, I mean that Obama is more than socialist, he's communist. Marxist.

Really? That is a little bit to extreme.
I just posted something in a condescending thread about how Trump is a birther. Check that out here...

Yepp Trump is still a birther Page 56 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

I think between 1(right) and 10(left) Obama is on 3.
You mean you think Obama is closer to conservative than to liberal?

Sorry, I mean 7.
Oh, okay. It's curious that modern Democrats claim the term "liberal" when they are anything but.
You're right, liberalism is a disease and liberals need to be sent to siberian camps.
You haven't responded about what I wondering. While you're doing that, if you are going to, do you mind telling me how you define "liberal"?
I'm referring to classical liberalism, not social liberalism as developed in America. Liberals usually support capitalism, so.. fuck em.
You think liberals support capitalism? I guess I'm having a hard time not thinking "modern American liberal" when someone says liberal. Of course modern American liberals don't support capitalism, they hate it. You do too, don't you?
Mostly liberals support capitalism, and that is good. I mean liberals like Rand Paul, Ted Cruz.
I think on that scale that Obama is 20.
You're right, liberalism is a disease and liberals need to be sent to siberian camps.
You haven't responded about what I wondering. While you're doing that, if you are going to, do you mind telling me how you define "liberal"?
I'm referring to classical liberalism, not social liberalism as developed in America. Liberals usually support capitalism, so.. fuck em.
You think liberals support capitalism? I guess I'm having a hard time not thinking "modern American liberal" when someone says liberal. Of course modern American liberals don't support capitalism, they hate it. You do too, don't you?
Mostly liberals support capitalism, and that is good. I mean liberals like Rand Paul, Ted Cruz.
I'm not going to be able to understand your use of the terms liberal and conservative like this. Paul and Cruz describe themselves as conservatives.

They are liberal and conservative. I think that is possible.
You're right, liberalism is a disease and liberals need to be sent to siberian camps.
You haven't responded about what I wondering. While you're doing that, if you are going to, do you mind telling me how you define "liberal"?
I'm referring to classical liberalism, not social liberalism as developed in America. Liberals usually support capitalism, so.. fuck em.
You think liberals support capitalism? I guess I'm having a hard time not thinking "modern American liberal" when someone says liberal. Of course modern American liberals don't support capitalism, they hate it. You do too, don't you?
Mostly liberals support capitalism, and that is good. I mean liberals like Rand Paul, Ted Cruz.
I think on that scale that Obama is 20.

I think Obama is a socialist but he is not a communist. That's what you can see in Greece, that is communism.
You haven't responded about what I wondering. While you're doing that, if you are going to, do you mind telling me how you define "liberal"?
I'm referring to classical liberalism, not social liberalism as developed in America. Liberals usually support capitalism, so.. fuck em.
You think liberals support capitalism? I guess I'm having a hard time not thinking "modern American liberal" when someone says liberal. Of course modern American liberals don't support capitalism, they hate it. You do too, don't you?
Mostly liberals support capitalism, and that is good. I mean liberals like Rand Paul, Ted Cruz.
I think on that scale that Obama is 20.

I think Obama is a socialist but he is not a communist. That's what you can see in Greece, that is communism.
I see any difference between socialism and communism as negligible. But whatever, Obama's anti-capitalist which means he's anti-America. It's more than clear that the influences of his immediate family during his early years formed his worldview, and that it is anti-American, anti-Capitalist, pro-Socialist and pro-Muslim. When he claimed to be a Christian he was doing this...

TheReligionofPeace - Islam Taqiyya and Lying

He's completely deceitful.
Rand Paul vs Bernie Sanders would be an interesting election to be sure, as they are at opposite ends of the spectrum. But it is far more likely to be Jeb Bush vs Hillary Clinton, so I am not getting my hopes up for any kind of significant shift in the status quo in 2017.

I think it is very safe that Hillary will be the candidate.
I agree that she'll be the candidate and probably be the next President unless Trump wins the nomination.

So, I think there will be no the duel "Republican vs Sanders".
It would be interesting if the candidates had to win a fencing duel to be nominated. Would save a lot of time and money too.
I've taken more then a few terms of political science and I can tell you that most first world countries are social democracies. What is a social democracy? It is a country with a public and private sector that has government regulating them.

The second most powerful nation earth is China, Germany, France, Japan, Britain,etc. What do all these successful nations have in common? They have government regulations and a public sector. Dispute it loons.

Small government hasn't done shit for anyone...Somalia has a small government, Haiti has a small government and we see how they're.
"Small" is relative. Of course a government has to be big enough. It just shouldn't be Big.
I'd rather have nationalization then capitalist stooges sucking up the resources.

Understood, as a socialist parasitism and envy are the driving forces. To steal, loot, and plunder is your modus operandi.

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